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Tackling Thursday Together, 5.16.24

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Good morning! 

Ladies' game night is here tonight, so that should be fun! 

  • dh's breakfast and lunch
  • Bible study
  • Coffee
  • tidy all main living areas 
  • work on office organization
  • prep some homework for a student I'm doing extra with
  • meet with the student online
  • shower and get ready to go out
  • hair cut
  • lunch out
  • get two new tires
  • dust main living areas
  • floors in main living areas
  • sweep front step and sidewalk
  • dinner
  • game night
  • figure out stuff I need to do tomorrow
  • watch something and relax
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Posted (edited)

A somewhat different day here:

PT appt. ✔️ 
Make food ✔️ 
Brunch ✔️ 

Do paperwork for literacy assessments and turn it in. ✔️ 

Ds from school to practice?
Dinner is tacos ✔️ 
Help Dd? At least check in. ✔️ 

AHG tonight

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Good morning! Oldest tried to call last night, didn't have good service, so texted instead......from 11:15 to 11:40.  Oof! I'm tired. It was good, though; he's having a great time, very excited, sounds really good...summer is off to a good start for him. 

So, today:

...more stitching details on the quilt
...move the cardboard up to the porch, that I had moved to the yard for spray painting (b/c, RAIN today)
...maybe go tutor this afternoon, maybe not (depends if the youngest kiddo is feeling better or not)
...go to fencing tonight
...come home, go to bed

I'm sure other stuff will pop up, and I'm sure I'll get distracted, but I'd like to at least finish outlining the words on the quilt, and maybe one other character. We'll see. 


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Posted (edited)

Eggs are cooking. Enjoying my coffee now bc the hostess for the brunch makes weak coffee and usually does not have any unsweetened, high fat dairy product to go in it. Love my cream or half n half! 

Not gonna have time for a shower. 

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well, DH moved the cardboard, so I don't have to. 

I did find our hotel for Ohio in July and booked that (we can cancel up to 2 days before we go, so that's good). Need to call and add a note that we want the 2 rooms adjacent or across the hall or something. Also need to check our arrival time and see if I need to notify them we'll be a late check-in or not. 

A few more electronic chores and then will go up and sew. 

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Good Morning

we had rain last night so don’t need to water gardens

install small edging around a couple gardens

time with pup outside- pup adolescent stage is in full force

2 meetings this afternoon 

remind both ds and dh to store winter gear from back closet.

Have dh post on work bulletin looking for painter for rental  house



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Howdie, happy Thursday!  This week has flown!

Yesterday was a tax and reporting deadline day (total over 30 reports/filings).  The past week was so weird, I almost forgot it was 5/15.  Woke up and randomly realized it.  I did get all the "due" items out, except for one entity which didn't have a necessary bank statement yet.  (That came in today.)

My other work generally didn't move yesterday.  But, it's still there today!  It didn't sneak away in the night, nor did the Gremlins come and do it.  Sigh.

Also, a party to one of my upcoming transactions suddenly decided to change the way we calculate all the numbers, creating an emergency for me, yay!  Love when people do that.

I also have a conference call coming up in a bit, yuck!  Blah!

So today, I have lots of client work to do, and need to be more focused than I often am.

Other than that, do yoga etc., walk the dog, maybe a turn of laundry, wash my hair, keep the usual balls in the air.

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Okay, crisis averted -- called the hotel to note the late arrival (our flight lands at 11:30 pm....), and to ask for the 2 rooms to be near each other; it will be far more likely that's possible if we are both in the same type of room (oops), but they couldn't update from their end since I had made the reservation online. 

Only, I couldn't either, so called back, he said to cancel & make a new reservation. No problem. Made the new one, and then it would not let me cancel the first one. Yikes!! Called, took 10+ minutes on hold and a few transfers but eventually someone got it sorted and I'm back to only having *one* reservation, and the the guy will move the notes over to the new one about the late arrival and wanting rooms near each other and such. Whew. 

*NOW* I'm going upstairs to sew... 

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had a nap

texted the tutor mom, I'll go and work with just the older dd, as younger dd is still not feeling well

grabbing a snack and such before I go do that, and finding something to do for just short of an hour...


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All my errands out are done. 

I've tidied, dusted, and swept the floors.

I cleaned the guest bath after realizing ds has been using it for several days and it might need some attention. 

I still need to work on the office because I have several piles of stuff to go through. It is very visible from the living room, so I should do a bit in here before cooking dinner, which will be an easy stir fry and a salad kit. 

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Ds came home from school early saying he feels sick. No fever. He took a shower and some Tylenol and is napping. Definitely no football today. 

Laundry is working.
About to start on the taco meat. 


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love the new photo, @mom31257

Home from tutoring

It's starting to be rainy and windy, going to get worse....still planning to go to fencing, at least right now. We're under watches, but no warnings yet. Oldest off at camp is in a heavier warning area, but mostly for flooding, which won't impact him if he stays put (and, they don't really let them leave, so should be fine), although hopefully no tornadoes or such up there. 

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8 hours ago, TheReader said:

well, DH moved the cardboard, so I don't have to. 

I did find our hotel for Ohio in July and booked that (we can cancel up to 2 days before we go, so that's good). Need to call and add a note that we want the 2 rooms adjacent or across the hall or something. Also need to check our arrival time and see if I need to notify them we'll be a late check-in or not. 

A few more electronic chores and then will go up and sew. 

This reminds me that I need to make hotel reservations for June for camp drop-off and pick-up. Tomorrow!

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@TheReader, I decided to go shorter for the summer. It's a little shorter than I intended but that's my fault for not being specific enough. My hair has thinned a lot in the last few years. Menopause taking its toll I assume because I feel great otherwise. 

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AHG was good. Ran a quick errand on the way home.

Checked on Ds when I got home. Still asleep. Since about 2:30. He’s definitely sick. I pulled the blanket over him, put a glass of water on his nightstand and felt his forehead. I don’t think he has a fever. I plugged in his Chromebook and his phone, just in case he wakes up fine and does go to school tomorrow. 

Did some housekeeping and general tidying. Got a snack. 

Time to read.

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If anyone is still up and on here, the student, who is missing, emailed me. He is asking about the status of his graduation and if he passed. He wants a copy mailed to him. In Georgia, the parent issues the high school diploma, so even though I taught him several subjects and have his transcript, his dad will have to sign it and give him the diploma. He asked me to keep this between us and not include his dad. 

I am going to seriously pray about how I reply. 

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I got a few work things out, walked the dog, washed my hair, paid some bills, washed dishes, and sent some photos to my sister.

Still tons more work to do, but I feel OK with where I am right now.

As for my kid's job stuff ... she has a couple balls in the air and seems to have a better attitude about this.  Hopefully she'll start a job soon.

I'm trying so hard to let my kids be in charge of their own stuff these days.  And they seem to be rising to the challenge more or less.  We seem to be fighting less and having a little bit more positive interactions.  (Hoping I didn't just jinx it.)

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