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7th grade planning 2024-25


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I keep checking to see if there are planning threads yet for my kids’ grades.  I guess I need to just be the one to start.

Ds will turn 12 this summer.  He’s pretty lopsided in different areas.


English-I don’t know.  Possibly level 4 of MCT?  My oldest went straight from MCT Voyage level to CLRC’s Writing and Composition class, which I was very happy with, but he is not ready for that yet.  MCT level 4 doesn’t look as appealing to me as the earlier levels, and it would be nice if we had something that didn’t require as much direct teaching time from me, but I haven’t seen anything that looks better to me, yet.  He will be finishing R&S spelling 6 and starting 7 and he will keep going with the Pictures in Cursive workbooks until he has completed them all.

Math-Probably AOPS Intro to Number Theory with me and then AOPS Intro to Algebra B.  I hope they come out with the self-paced class by then, but we’ll probably have to choose between the normal class or doing it from the book with me.

Science-I’m leaning towards CLRC’s Earth Science and Astronomy class.  He would love to also take AOPS’s Intro to Physics course, but I am worried it would be too much for him with the rest of his online course load.

History-I don’t know, but maybe literature based utilizing OUP’s World in Ancient Times books.

Foreign Language-BYU IS’s Spanish 041 class at a slow pace.  Maybe light Latin, too?  I keep wondering if I should just drop the idea of Latin.  I always planned on having all the kids get some Latin before high school, and it was great for my oldest, but this math and science boy has a different trajectory.

Computer Programming-AOPS Intermediate Programming with Python.

Logic-Fallacy Detective I meant The Thinking Toolbox, we are doing Fallacy Detective right now.


Physical Education-judo

ETA: I’d also like to add in some geography.  If anyone has ideas for an interesting and easy-to-implement geography that doesn’t require much drawing, I’d be interested to hear.

Edited by Condessa
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My middle one will be in 7th next year. 

Math: AOPS Intermediate Algebra - she's already started this, so she should finish it about halfway through next school year. Then probably the Intermediate C&P book.

Science: most likely meteorology. I need to find a decent text. 

Social Studies: I'm really not sure. I should start thinking about that.

Latin: Latin II using Wheelock's.

English: mom-selected literature, writing assignments to go along with that.

Bible: Koine Greek using Mounce's Basics of Biblical Greek.

Coding: if she does this, it will be Codecademy courses on her own.

Spanish: she'll have finished maybe 2/3 of a Spanish 1 book by the end of this year, so if she wants to continue it (it's up to her) she can finish that book and then move on to a Spanish 2 book. What we have now is some old text that had her learning vocab like floppy disk, lol. But it's fine for a lot of the basics. If she wants to continue beyond that I'll look for a tutor or an online course she can take. 

Extracurriculars: Latin Club, flute, taekwondo, plus church stuff.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorta thinking out loud here, these are my ideas based on what we did last year.

Math: Easy Hard Science's Algebra Won and Too program, then start Triad Math's sequence.  Maybe squeeze Learn Math Fast books 5-6 in there somewhere.

Writing:  Not sure, we will be piloting TGTB Level 7 and it depends on how much writing is included in that and the pacing.  For sure we will do a little bit of WWS and Veritas Press Composition 1 and maybe start CAP Writing & Rhetoric 7 near the end of the year.

Grammar: Fix-It Grammar Mowgli and Shere Khan, perhaps Vocabulary from Classical Roots A but honestly we are a little rooted out after two books of CTC Word Roots this year.

Literature: Exploring the World through Story Level H, Christian Light Education Reading 7

History:  Finish Christian Light Education American History (SS8) and a casual read through Notgrass Uncle Sam and Me.

Bible: Christian Light Education Bible 6 (second 1/2)

Science: Science Shepherd Chemistry & Physics, some Thames and Kosmos Physics and Chemistry kits and some living books.

Latin/Languages: Visual Latin 1, maybe, we false started on it last year, I will see how it goes.

Logic: Finish The Fallacy Detective/The Thinking Toolbox, then start CAP The Art of Argument.

Electives: She is playing around learning various languages on an app, likes to code Minecraft stuff and make animated videos and characters, I also plan on teaching her some study skills stuff this year in a more structured way.  I also would like her to do some formal typing because I think this will help with easing the burden of writing. She wants to be an engineer so maybe some basic drafting?  I would love to do something with art or music but her schedule is pretty full, maybe just a gentle appreciation study, more Charlotte Mason style?

Extracurricular: Dance. She is in classes almost every day, is part of their leadership in dance training program and assistant teaches at the studio.  We also attend a mostly recreational Co-Op once a week.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I am finally getting 7th grade sorted out. It looks like it's going to be...

Saxon 8/7

Uncle Sam and You - Notgrass

BJU Life Science 

Fix It Grammar - Mowgli and Shere Khan

Jump In  writing 

Mosdos Press Literature - Jade

Vocabulary Cartoons 

Spelling Power (maybe)

Fallacy Detective 

Something for financial literacy??

*He will continue with piano and run track in the summer.


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I can't believe it's almost April. And I can't believe DS will be in 7th grade. I need to get my act together. 

So far I know he'll continue AOPS intro to algebra for math.

We'll continue a world history survey I pull together using a Smithsonian spine and library resources, with primary sources, a timeline, and some writing. 

I'm torn on writing. He'll do Grammar for the Well Trained Mind, and is finishing up the last AAS now, so no more of that. And he'll read a book list with a mix of modern classics and books from the period in history he's studying. 

So far I've been teaching writing in short assignments from his literature or history. We need to step it up. He might like WWS; he's that sort of kid, but it might be too much. 

He's a "square" kid. I want to liven things up, but he's a get-it-done person, so we'll see. 

No idea on science. I'll be back. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

We are in Y7 this year - calendar year schoolers due to being in Aus. I’m posting because I feel like I have a few holes.  

Maths - AOPS algebra - planned to do pre algebra but he was bored so he jumped. So far so good though a few issues with exponent laws and need to review some fraction concepts.

English - MCT Essay voyage and grammar voyage. Word Roots. Spelling Power. I really think we need something with a bit more writing  - I love the way MCT teaches but I don’t think it has enough practice.

Science - kind of hotchpotch. First term we did an online science class but that has run out. I have him reading Joy Hakim Story of Science series but I think we need something else with some writing output. 

History - SWB History of the Ancient World. We’re just reading the text - probably need some output.

Geography - another hotchpotch - we are using some Jane Goodall produced books that were provided free to homeschoolers and schools - they are beautiful books and a very generous project. Also some national geographic videos. I’d really like something that tackles geography more from a conceptual/skills angle. It feels like a lot of homeschool stuff just focuses on locating places on maps. I want something that talks more about land forms, water cycles, formation etc. 

Language - Duo

Art - this is a major hole: this student doesn’t like art and I really need to get him doing something. 

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On 4/6/2024 at 7:11 AM, Ausmumof3 said:

Geography - another hotchpotch - we are using some Jane Goodall produced books that were provided free to homeschoolers and schools - they are beautiful books and a very generous project.


What is this?? Sounds nice!

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  • 2 months later...

I’m attempting to move him toward more independence. We’ll see how this goes; I’m prepared to adjust once we see what the workload is. Or I’ll probably add in the language arts materials throughout the first quarter.




LLATL green book

One True Sentence by Blackbird & Co

Redefining School Writing Class, maybe add in Blackbird & Co essay later on

Figuratively Speaking 

Various literature chosen by me 


Fallacy Detective

History + Geography

SCM Middle Ages


either general science 101 dvds + additional science readings chosen by me OR Sabbath Mood Form 3 Guides (has anyone used these?). I like the idea of using the SM guides for 7th and 8th to cover different disciplines, but he already has a lot of reading in other areas. 


CLE Bible 7 (Gospels)

In addition, he will do morning time with siblings but I will do all the reading for that (memorization, special studies like elections, and nature study).

This looks like a lot typed out- hmmmm, we’ll see how it goes.

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The current plan is: 

Writing with Skill 2

MCT Voyage 

AOPS finish pre-alg, most of algebra

Various literature

Medieval History: listen in to SOTW, add in extra fiction (Some Canterbury Tales, Robin Hood) and non fiction

RSO Biology 2 (with 5th grade brother for company and Mom's sanity) 

French 1: online public school class

Computer Science: online public school class

We're trying out the online classes and going they are good. They have a lot of advanced and foreign language classes, so it will be helpful if they are good 

We'll also do some co-op PE and such, with music and drama through extra curriculars. I'm still probably leaving something out!

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Math: Saxon 8/7

English: Jump In Writing, Spelling Workout, selected novels, grammar - analytical? fix it? easy grammar plus? well trained mind (what color?)

Science: Apologia Physical Science

History: Notgrass Adam to Us

Logic: Art of Argument

Bible: CLE 7

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