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Tackling Friday, Anyone? 2.23.24


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Good morning!

  • coffee
  • meals 
  • 1 student online 
  • 1 student in-person
  • text a lady from church to see if she will switch something with me
  • see E this afternoon
  • Dh has the state playoff game tonight
  • do some Bible study
  • work on the big budget book
  • look over my break to-do list and see what else there is to do this weekend
  • watch something and relax
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Good morning!  It's grey and drizzly, and a good day for staying in.  Unfortunately, the chicken we thawed yesterday has significant freezer burn and won't be a part of today's meal.

  • coffee
  • empty dishwasher
  • run to the store for chicken (oh, and adobo sauce!!)
  • lunch: chickpea salad with avocado, hummus, cucumber, greens, and tomatoes
  • violin
  • 10 minute workout
  • make dinner: chicken chili and rice...brownies for dessert?  Maybe.
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I'm up and at it because I have a 10am conference call that I need to prepare for.

I have so much work that needs to go out today.  I hate that February is a short month, meaning less time to prepare monthly and quarterly stuff, in the middle of all the year-end reporting.  And this year, there are additional deadlines that all my clients are scrambling to meet.  And a new stupid reporting law that I need to study / implement that apparently applies to almost every entity I deal with (100 entities give or take).

So I hope to have great focus today.

I was hitting snooze almost all night, but I feel like I got enough sleep between the alarms.

I don't know what else will be accomplished.  Hopefully I'll do enough to satisfy my clients, keep up with the house stuff, and maybe walk the dog?

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Good morning! 
Sunny here after yesterday’s rain; lax field will be a muddy mess.

I have started laundry, dropped boy at school, unloaded the dishwasher, and am making coffee and baking b’fast casserole.

To do:
Buy bagels ✔️ 
Shop for retreat food
Pack my stuff.
Gas in my car.
Boy from school to practice?
Leave a to-do list for Dh
Leave by 3:00? 

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Good morning!

Today I have:

...make sure I have what I need for tutoring this morning
...go tutor

...come home, eat lunch
...pack for my weekend (we're all going down this afternoon to my Grandma's, and then the guys will come home & I'll stay the weekend w/my dad & sister down there also)
...keep going thru photos for DS's slide show
...maybe quilt???
...hopefully nap (hmm, that means no quilting but the nap is more important)
...when DS gets  home (he has an outing), we take off and head out, about 2:30 or 3:00

Have a great weekend! 

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Good Morning

cooler temps here but warming up again this weekend

only 1 meeting today 

dh and I will change electrical sockets in ds br so his pc can be moved there up from basement

change foyer ceiling light 

walk dog 

order dryer light replacement 

assemble new cordless vacuum 

figure out where to get rid of old couch



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texted my tutoring kiddo this morning to verify we're on (there's been/going to be a lot of travel and I wanted to be sure the dates are right) - mom came back with "we can skip if you want, I'm good with that"  (instead of the expected "yes ma'am" she normally texts when I check in), so I took the hint and we're skipping today

So that frees up my morning, and I can offer to run an errand for DH if he wants, to help his morning out


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Welp, the person who was supposed to lead the 10am conference call never got on.  So I worried for nothing, but at least I got some work done, thanks to the sense of urgency.

Still lots more to do.

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helped DS print a thing for his friend

have gone thru all the pics on my computer & external hard drive, will need to check phones later for more recent ones (&/or take some...)

DH wants me to clean the upstairs bathroom while he's out, so will do that and then nap & pack (well, will keep goofing off till DS leaves)

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Bacon is cooked.
Bagels are sliced and bagged.
I am mostly packed.
First batch of rice is almost done.

Realized I forgot a few items at the grocery. Headed back in q few minutes. Thankfully, it is only about 1.5 miles away! 

Grocery redo
Finish and bake lasagna
Second batch of rice
Make soup
Prep garlic bread
Finish my packing

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Coffee done, dishwasher switched over, and dh and I went shopping for vacation, thanks to the medicine thread sparking that fire. Moleskin, reupping basic first aid kit, and 2 tubes of sunscreen, one for us and one for the not-always-thinking-ahead 20-somethings going with us. And then, because it was so warm out, we stopped by McD's for Shamrock shakes.  It was apparently everyone else's idea, too.

We got ds signed up for summer camp.  He was wishy-washy about going until we put out an all call to his friends.  One jumped at the idea and his parents were down with it, so now they'll spend a week together playing with the Army. 😄 It was an ordeal doing the sign up, though.  So many pieces of paperwork to get together and pull info from. I really thought last year that we did most of it right before camp, but I could be wrong.

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DS is home, I'm packed, waiting on DH and then we'll head to Grandma's.  The guys want to all see the art gallery one last time before she closes tomorrow, and my dad's in town too, so they'll visit a bit and come home, and I'll stay the weekend; DH will pick me up Sunday after he does a fencing tournament (I'm skipping so I can finally go to church with my grandma). 


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The online student never showed up because his mom forgot about it and made other plans for them. I arranged it all with her, so I'll be sure to text the student next time. We are rescheduled for the morning because this was very important stuff I needed to cover before his class on Monday. 

I had a great afternoon with E! 

A friend called wanting to take me to dinner. I just got back, and it was a nice night out. 


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I got out of making dinner tonight.  DS14 is in a lull between growth spurts and has stopped eating constantly.  Dh is at work.  I had a large lunch. Ds25 took off with his gf to look for shamrock shakes and didn't say a word, so when they showed back up at 5:40 I let them know that I didn't bother to make anything. No point in cooking a big pot of chili if I didn't know who would be here or would be wanting to eat.

Leftovers are available for those who want them.  It's 7:30 and ds14 still isn't hungry (he had a large lunch, too). He's really my only concern to deal with. but it's vacation week so I'm not going to micromanage his diet, either.

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Got everything done! 

I’m at the retreat, taking a few minutes to have a cuppa tea while the girls are busy in their first activity. My only role is kitchen manager and general adult presence. The cabin is cute and suits our needs well. 

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