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Tackling Friday Together 2.2.24


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Good morning! 

I have the morning at home to work on YNAB and and other deskwork. Will do some housekeeping and get a shower too. ✔️ 

Meet with mom and her attorney about updating her will and other important documents. ✔️ 

Work at church. Middle school youth are helping with a service project that I am coordinating. Should be fun! ✔️ 

Dinner is ?? Need to meal plan! 

Looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow! Nice to go to bed knowing I can sleep late. 

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Good Morning

Still having great weather should get to 41 today so will take pup to park again and practice walking.

laundry going 

dishwasher going Tomorrow is dh birthday but he works all day so we will celebrate today. Presents wrapped and cherry pie ready( he doesn’t like cake)

finish an online course it’s the defensive driving course to get the insurance discount





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Good morning!

I've already:

  • had coffee
  • worked out
  • practiced violin
  • took ds to school

Up next:

  • gas up the car
  • go to the store
  • maybe take ds out of school early.  He has a pep rally he's really dreading because of the close proximity of everyone. 
  • small celebration of presents and cards, possibly a tiny cake.  We'll celebrate for real next week.
  • Dave & Busters for the rest of the evening.
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Good morning! We had a cold night But it is gonna warm up to sixty five today.


  • Shower
  • Enbrel shot
  • Weighed myself
  • Chose clothes for today.

 To do

  • Call remote Inr place and set up Inr strips delivery
  • Go get passport photos
  • Maybe get my driver's license renewal
  • Attend online session about promising new therapy for Lupus w/ specialist from John Hopkins
  • See if I can get a video appointment with my rheumatologist. I missed the appointment in engineering because of the bad weather.

More later

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Good morning! 

Today I have:

...feed the birds 
...take care of some emails and such
....unload the dishwasher
....go tutor my Friday girls

....come home, help DS with some school stuff we didn't get to yesterday
....check on Middle, who hopefully is actually doing school stuff

....take Middle to an appt this afternoon
....cook dinner - some sort of ground beef, mushrooms, baby potatoes, feta cheese, something-or-other 
....figure out where/when in there my schedule  lines up with DH's schedule
....watch TV/veg out after we talk 
....head to bed

I think that's all.....

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I missed my window to take ds out of school.  When I check on him, he was already at the pep rally so I think it started earlier than he said.

Towels are in the wash.

I gassed up the car and went to the store, then regretted it when the road shut down due to work on the electric lines.  They let the traffic stretch back a mile before putting out signs and clearing it up.  And this isn't exactly a hoppin' area.  It takes a while for a mile of traffic to build up!

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Okay, that took a while, but got DS set up with an article, helped him figure out what's next, etc. 

Middle says they have a sore throat and may want to see a doctor today to be sure it isn't contagious before D&D tomorrow. When they want to do this I do not know - I suggested getting a move on and we could go now, before the afternoon appt; they want to go after (which defers dinner, etc.). :sigh: No fever,  no one else has symptoms, kid is a hypochondriac, I'd really rather not. I mean, I *will* but I'd rather not. :sigh:  Going to confer and see what they think - the place we could go is open till 8 pm, if we must go. 

I was hoping for a nap - not sure if I have time now. 

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The weather has cancelled many winter activities. The Mississippi River is not frozen anymore near us but 40 minutes north it’s got some ice on it. Also the sap is running and they are collecting and making maple syrup which is a record early start. 
Next week is still suppose to be warmer than normal again. Usually the high is 28 but we have hit 40 plus all week. I wonder how the plants and trees are doing and if they are thinking it’s time to bloom. 

On the way to the park we didn’t see any snow-very different winter. 

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So, we are home. 

Middle decided, once I said we could go to urgent care, they didn't think it was necessary after all. I did look at their throat - no redness, no swelling, no white spots, no nothing. They've maintained normal activities, are currently baking bread, and in general seem fine, so I think skipping urgent care is the right call. 

As soon as they clear the kitchen, I will cook dinner (I was assured, when they asked to bake the bread, they'd be done by dinner-cooking time. They are not. Also, they likely are doing this to postpone/procrastinate school stuff. I give up on that.)

Oh - they are done! Okay, cool. Cooking dinner. 


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Going out to eat. Ds and Dh are both grouchy. Ds is driving. I am in the backseat and I am trying to distract myself with my phone.😬😬

I just want a nice burger and some light conversation. 

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@HomeAgain, I don't know if I missed it, but is it your birthday today? Happy birthday to whomever it is!!

@TheReader, that's good your middle is better!

@ScoutTN, I hope the company has improved moods! 

It was so nice having my sister here! Her husband's health all last year kept her closeby, so she really couldn't come. Daddy came down and took us to lunch. We got hibachi/sushi at a very good local place. 

I picked up E, and we went to a state park nearby. It was a beautiful, warm day!  Then, I took her to this neat cafe that makes those crazy milkshakes. She got a chocolate one with a piece of cheesecake and a brownie sitting on a graham cracker over the milkshake glass. She couldn't finish it all! I was able to get a non-dairy shake with non-dairy whipped topping. It was nice to be able to enjoy a treat with her!

I took her back home and picked up some KFC. Dh is keeping the clock at the last home game unless they host any playoff games, which is a possibility. 

I'm going to do some schoolwork tonight. 


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12 hours ago, TravelingChris said:

Good morning! We had a cold night But it is gonna warm up to sixty five today.


  • Shower
  • Enbrel shot
  • Weighed myself
  • Chose clothes for today.

 To do

  • Call remote Inr place and set up Inr strips delivery. Having giant problemd w this.   Tricare doesn't consider them in network and they won't bill non network people even though they would be paid the whole bill w/ my tricare select minus 20% which would be paid by supplement.  They say I havevto get it done by Military treatment facility but I am almost last in line for help.  I called patient sdvocate and shecis forwarding to other people and took my #
  • Go get passport photos did
  • Also filled out passport form and we mailed them in. Dh had crazy stories about both dimwit postal workers and a dimwit customer who brought a package with live fish, live animals, etc all over the outside but there are no fish or other animals outside
  • Maybe get my driver's license renewal Dh thought Friday is a bad day for it. Probably long lines
  • Attend online session about promising new therapy for Lupus w/ specialist from John Hopkins Got the date wrong it is tomorrow 
  • See if I can get a video appointment with my rheumatologist. I missed the appointment in engineering because of the bad weather.She isn't doing video appts but I have an actual appt on March 1. Even better, she will almost certainly accept dd2 as patient She had been trying to get help for years now


We went out to lunch after the post office. So that was our main meal. Wonderful grilled cheese w pulled pork.

Spent almost all day calling medical and insurance and pharmacy.  Did manage to get a lab test at 18:40, last appt of the day..  The door was locked into the building and I had to call the emergency and they sent security almost immediately to let me in.Just as I sat down in waiting room and openedd my book, I was called in. The fastest seevice I ever had- I have to go weekly unless anc until I get strips or a home medical nurse to come in each week to get blood, help w vmedications,etc.

Been home for acwhile, having mushroom truffle glar bread heating in oven.  And listening to funkadwlic music.

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@ScoutTN, I always sit in the backseat and distract myself w/my phone when my kids are driving up front, too! Glad the guys cheered up after dinner! 

Our dinner was good, ended up making mashed potatoes out of the baby potatoes, and then sauteing the ground beef & mushrooms with some wine, and letting that simmer, then added feta to the potatoes and combined all of it, and it turned out really good. Yay! 

Talked to DH, that was good. Less than 36 hours now till he gets home. Whew. 

Watching TV and vegging out, until bedtime. 

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11 hours ago, mom31257 said:

@HomeAgain, I don't know if I missed it, but is it your birthday today? Happy birthday to whomever it is!!


We were celebrating my youngest ds's . 🙂  we ended up spending about 2 hours at D & B's , gave him all of our points to spend...and he walked out with three small trinkets and 15,000 points for next year. 😄But we also took him to one of his favorite restaurants, and he had a small pile of gifts at home, so he was absolutely in heaven with his day.  We don't usually do big parties for our kids because they've never really wanted them, even though it's on the table every year.  Instead, they pick a place to go, a special meal, and get a a gift, a privilege, and a responsibility to mark the growing up. 

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