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Boo Hoo. I woke up with an early Christmas gift- a migraine from you-know-where.

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The Dude had to go in for jury duty, and we have been busy all morning getting our canned and baked goods wrapped and ready for neighbor gifts. The Boy will be picked up to go to his house-sitting gig in an hour, so he has been packing and doing laundry.


I am still in my jammies, and really need a shower. My head hurts so bad, and I have the migraine nausea to go with it. I am hoping I can crawl into bed in about an hour (I have one vicadin left that I can take if sleep becomes a possibility), but not a single gift has been wrapped, and many of them haven't arrived yet. All the Santa gifts are being delivered, I am just hoping they will come today. I also cannot find the bag that has the curling ribbon and bows- sigh.


Just tell me the snow will be melting soon, the firewood will last through this cold weather (like Colleen, I live in a drafty old farmhouse, and it is COLD!), and this nasty headache will go away soon.

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Thanks for the hugs. I don't know why this big online family/community works, but it does. Your hugs helped a great deal. As did the vicadin:D. I just woke up from a two hour nap, and although the room still spins if I move, the head pain is much improved.

THe Dude called to say his trial is over, and he is out doing some last minute shopping- which means I will probably be getting some gifts after all!

Thanks for the caring- I am going to go shower now, and then I think I will be able to handle the wrapping as planned.


And Jean- thanks so very much for the phone call- it meant a lot. And thanks for not minding the vicadin-induced rambling conversation!:)

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Thanks for the hugs. I don't know why this big online family/community works, but it does. Your hugs helped a great deal. As did the vicadin:D. I just woke up from a two hour nap, and although the room still spins if I move, the head pain is much improved.

THe Dude called to say his trial is over, and he is out doing some last minute shopping- which means I will probably be getting some gifts after all!

Thanks for the caring- I am going to go shower now, and then I think I will be able to handle the wrapping as planned.


And Jean- thanks so very much for the phone call- it meant a lot. And thanks for not minding the vicadin-induced rambling conversation!:)



And hoping the day continued to improve. If not, just remember....wrapped presents aren't really so much better than unwrapped presents. And, if all heck broke loose, you could postpone Christmas until Friday.


But, I hope you feel better before then!




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:grouphug: Me too! This is the first Christmas I've ever been sick. I woke up at 4:00am and had DH take me to the ER by 6:30am due to major pain and severe nausea (with ickyness happening on both ends of my body). I took 2 of my Maxalt meds within that 2.5 hour span and it only made it worse. The nurse had to give me fluids and medication by IV. The kids were awake by the time we got home and were waiting for us. They knew what was going on but still I felt bad about not having Christmas ready for when they woke up. I'm trying to get something in my tummy now before I lay down again. I sure hope you feel better!

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:grouphug: Me too! This is the first Christmas I've ever been sick. I woke up at 4:00am and had DH take me to the ER by 6:30am due to major pain and severe nausea (with ickyness happening on both ends of my body). I took 2 of my Maxalt meds within that 2.5 hour span and it only made it worse. The nurse had to give me fluids and medication by IV. The kids were awake by the time we got home and were waiting for us. They knew what was going on but still I felt bad about not having Christmas ready for when they woke up. I'm trying to get something in my tummy now before I lay down again. I sure hope you feel better!


Hey Beth,

I am so sorry you were dealing with this too, and that you had to go to ER. Rest up, and take it easy today. You and I need to drink not egg nog, but lots of water today.


The Dude wrapped almost all the gifts, and I slept from 1 am to 4, and then 5 to 9, and woke with it really bad again, but so far I have taken some ibuprofin, and already been drinking water, so I am hoping to keep it at bay. The low blood pressure nausea feeling is the worst. I can handle the head pain, if I can keep the nausea away.


The Dude just left to pick the Boy up from his dog-sitting gig, and then we will do some gifts. I think Santa brought us some more FIestaware. I wish my camera were working- I should take a picture of my very full of Fiesta dish cupboard!

Thanks for all the well-wishes, and I promise to take it easy today, napping a bit if I can.

Merry Christmas folks.

Edited by Needleroozer
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The Dude had to go in for jury duty, and we have been busy all morning getting our canned and baked goods wrapped and ready for neighbor gifts. The Boy will be picked up to go to his house-sitting gig in an hour, so he has been packing and doing laundry.


I am still in my jammies, and really need a shower. My head hurts so bad, and I have the migraine nausea to go with it. I am hoping I can crawl into bed in about an hour (I have one vicadin left that I can take if sleep becomes a possibility), but not a single gift has been wrapped, and many of them haven't arrived yet. All the Santa gifts are being delivered, I am just hoping they will come today. I also cannot find the bag that has the curling ribbon and bows- sigh.


Just tell me the snow will be melting soon, the firewood will last through this cold weather (like Colleen, I live in a drafty old farmhouse, and it is COLD!), and this nasty headache will go away soon.


Just chiming in long enough to say you were not alone. ;-{ Mine monthly migraine kicked in Cmas Eve and just left today! Not. fun. at. all.

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