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Let's Tackle Saturday Together!

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Good morning!  Rainy night and morning here!   All foggy outside.  Doppler yesterday meant I had to go back and see my concierge doctor- who said what I already knew- more blood clots but since I have traps for them, they have not caused any more problems and I do have blood flowing to my toes so no danger there.  He called in a consult to the vascular surgeon who did the surgery on both legs less than a week after my neck surgery, but I don;t think I want him doing it again.  I want to go to the vascular surgeon who did the his part of the surgery that my orthopedic spine surgeon did when I had my lower back fused.  He operates out of the private hospital, which I have had much better stays at.  The nightmare of the non-profit hospital ordeal is very much part of why last year was the third most awful year of my life.  I need to have this one be better.  I also have a consult with a hematologist who works at the cancer center here. No, I do not have cancer, but when I told my concierge doctor that, I never understood why I was still clotting even with blood thinners being pumped into my IV and me being on absolutely humongous dosages of steroids, which thin the blood very well.  Like I do, he thinks we need to find out what else is wrong other than Factor V Leiden. I don't know if my anti-phospholipid antibodies that cause clots have returned.  I also would like someone to check my brain with something better than a CAT scan or MRI looking for past signs of TIAs because, with all this clotting, my previous concierge physician did believe that I was getting those. 

We went out to a Vietnamese restaurant for dinner- dh, dd1, and dsil1 and it went pretty well except for the waitress, the floor, and one of my pant legs.  She put down my bowl of main food and the soup that came with it alright, but the little sauce bowl with sauce flew out of her hand, and the sauce got into her eyes, my pant leg bottom, and the floor.  She went and washed out her eyes and was okay.  Fortunately, she made that mistake with my sauce, which was hardly any spice- even though I wasn't going to risk it with my tendency for mouth sores-Lupus?Sjogrens.  The others usually ask for actual spicy food and sauces.  After going home, DH and I watched Jeopardy and then slept for me. DH woke me up to take bedtime meds, etc, and I had a very hard time falling asleep.  Fortunately, I slept for over 7 hours Thursday night to Friday and about 1.5 hours before he went to bed, so I actually am doing well with the little sleep.


  • Shower 
  • Get ready to go (bring meds, etc)
  • Breakfast at a French bakery and cafe
  • Get magic mouthwash; if done
  • Get compounded capsules in a neighboring city
  • text the concierge doctor why he hasn't put in the muscle relaxant and the anxiety med refills
  • order a good set of flip-flops
  • order some pants and sweaters\
  • Meet dd2 and dsil2 at a Chinese restaurant.  Their nearby city has no good Chinese restaurants and we live very close to the best Chinese restaurant in our city. We will have a later lunch there and then they will come back to our house, and we will have our Christmas get together there.
  • do some laundry
  • Sad 8
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@TravelingChris, I'm so sorry you are having the clotting problem and pray they can get to the bottom of it! 

My best friend from my old hometown is coming by today!! She and her husband have been up in the Smokies for a getaway. It will be so good to see her. 

Dh has more basketball games this afternoon. 

  • coffee
  • devotion/bible
  • meals  breakfast/lunch done
  • tidy house
  • visit with friend
  • schoolwork
  • meal plan for next week/grocery list 
  • look over lessons for Monday
  • contact my after-school students about their schedules
  • watch something and relax
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Slept reasonably well at the hotel, got a shower, and just finished b’fast. The coffee is good! Gotta make sure Ds is up. He has to be at work in an hour and probably wants waffles for b’fast.

Boy to work ✔️ 
Stop by the house ✔️ 
Visit mom ✔️ 
Work at church ✔️ 

Fall apart

Hoping, hoping that the plumbing issue gets fixed promptly today. Glad to be out of the house all day, though. 

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Good morning, everyone!! I hope to have a productive day-kind of lost momentum yesterday. Plans include:


dollar store-done

grocery store-done


cook for the freezer-done

organize small freezer-done

clean the kitchen-done

clean the kitchen decor-done

clean kitchen table

 shop for a new mattress-forgot while I was out, and not going back out

light the candles when I get home from shopping-done

Bible and prayer





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@ScoutTN, hoping the plumbing is all cleared out today!! 

The house is tidied, and I've done the devotion.  

I did lesson plans for my private students. 

We had a late breakfast, so I won't need lunch. Dh will eat a leftover chicken bacon Italian ranch sandwich. He can heat it in the new air fryer. 

I'm about to go get a shower and get dressed. 


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Popping in late - glad you did go to a hotel after all, @ScoutTN, and yes, hopefully the plumbing is all fixed soon!

We went to our exercise class - first time in ages, b/c we were out, then he was out, now we all are back. It was good! 

Came home, took a nap (DH went to fencing instead). 

Ate a quick lunch - I may go get more (the kids are upstairs playing board games, watching a movie, etc., so the food is up there for them) (the friends who come over, one is terrified of dogs, so we gate off the stairs and put everything up there). We did BBQ chicken for sandwiches, nice & easy. 

So, left to do:

....clean/declutter/organize my side of the closet
.....sew some more (at least 6B)

......hang a photo frame - my niece sent thank you cards from her wedding, and included photos of the people; one was a recreation of "cousins photo" we did when DS was a baby, and again when he was about 8, so we did the final recreation at her wedding (all the cousins in age order, w/DS, who is the youngest, laying across their laps) - I put the 3 cousin photos in one frame and we'll hang it in the kitchen ❤️ 
.....help/support Oldest working on a stop-motion project as best I can; he's excited about it, and engaging w/us, and I don't want that to stop, so helping him troubleshoot stuff as it comes up
....keep tending the dumb dog -- the growth is healing nicely/draining properly, and we got the bandaging figured out, but he keeps licking the t-shirt we put over him so that we can't put back on the same shirt each time we change him. Unbeknownst to me, DH has been throwing away the t-shirts as we went (they are his old, needed to be tossed anyway, undershirts), so now we've got about 2 we can rotate between, if he quits tossing them. We sprayed bitter spray on this one, to hopefully stop the licking. 
....dinner will be continue eating the BBQ chicken, maybe with potatoes if the kids go through the bread
....veg out? movie all together? not sure 

I think that's about all....if I have lots of random time left, maybe I'll tackle the pantry, but I think that's better next week

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The visit with my friend was wonderful! Just too short! 

I went to an office supply store and picked up a large columnar pad I want to use for our budget and money record this year. After I saw the YNAB discussion and watched a video, I think I want to try a similar method on paper. I like pen and paper so much better than online stuff! 

I decided to stop at our little mall and take a walk. 

Dh is still doing the clock for the games this afternoon. 

I need to figure out dinner. 

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Cleaned my closet - another bag filled for goodwill, more hangers freed up, a big stack of hangers for DH to take back to the dry cleaners, and everything is organized again. I'd like to do one more pass, at some point, but it's just about down to only the things I truly *love* not just hang on to, so that's nice. 

Went up and sewed - finished the last project! Yay!!! So now they go into a cabinet, and once/month I'll roll a dice, pick that one out, quilt it, bind it, cross it off. Between times, I'll be able to work on new stuff. 

Forgot that DH is going out with a friend tonight, so it will be just me and the boys at home; dinner will still be the leftover BBQ chicken, but that means I get to veg out, watch Grey's Anatomy, etc. - that will be nice. 

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Oh, the bitter spray seems to be working for the dog, so that's good. I'll make DH change the bandage before he leaves. 

Oldest is trucking right along on his project and seems to be at the "finishing it up" stage, so that's good, too. 

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12 minutes ago, TheReader said:

Oh, the bitter spray seems to be working for the dog, so that's good. I'll make DH change the bandage before he leaves. 

Oldest is trucking right along on his project and seems to be at the "finishing it up" stage, so that's good, too. 

Our dog hates that bitter apple spray! Just seeing the bottle upsets him.

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1 hour ago, ScoutTN said:

Our dog hates that bitter apple spray! Just seeing the bottle upsets him.

We've never had to try it on this dog at all; it worked well on the other one who used to chew the furniture. 

The bunny, on the other hand, seems to love it so it's not worked at all in Middle's room to stop the rabbit chewing stuff. 

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1 hour ago, TheReader said:

We've never had to try it on this dog at all; it worked well on the other one who used to chew the furniture. 

The bunny, on the other hand, seems to love it so it's not worked at all in Middle's room to stop the rabbit chewing stuff. 

Bunnies are herbivores, so maybe they need something meaty smelling or spicy!

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Kitchen is clean and things are ready for b’fast. An early start and a late lunch tomorrow, so I need a good breakfast. Coffee and a handful of raspberries will not be enough.

My laundry is put away. Dh washed, dried, and folded it for me. 

About to sit down and read some picture book missionary bios I got today for the church. Sipping tea and enjoying being in my own bed! 

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Took a nice long shower, and DH texted saying the restaurant where he & his buddy went to watch the game wasn't putting on the sound. So I put on real clothes (but comfy/pajamy ones) just in case they had to come here. They decided not to/the restaurant put on sound, so I've been watching Grey's Anatomy. Yay! 

But, I'm up to Derek Shepherd's death episodes, so.....yay. 

So glad I have one more day off before I go back to school on Monday!

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4 hours ago, history-fan said:


what brand of bitter spray do you use? I have the Skouts extra bitter and it does not deter the pup from the furniture at all. 

We use one called Out! Bitter Cherry Spray. 

It's marketed as for deterring chewing/licking on skin, but we used it for the chewy dog on furniture - we only ever had to spray stuff once and she stopped that and never went back to it; then we're using it now on the wraps/shirt/stuff on the mutt to stop him licking the wounded area - that we have to reapply each time we change the wraps, and an extra spray at bedtime, but we're battling the itch/pain/whatever is going on with the wounded area, ya know? 

Does not work at all at all at all for the rabbit. 

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