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Tackling Monday Together 12.4.23


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How are y’all today? I am listening to Messiah while getting going with my morning. 

Boy is at school. I have coffee and need b’fast. Have done some emailing. 

Gas in my car ✔️ 
Update YNAB
Check on mom ✔️ 
Lowes for more poinsettias ✔️ 
Homework list ✔️ 
Gifts to storage unit - make a list ✔️ 
Grocery ✔️ 
Prep b’fast casserole for tomorrow. Do 2 small ones. 
Tutor one student ✔️ 
Pick up Ds after school ✔️ 

Dinner is Chx spaghetti, veggie side, and salad. 


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Well everyone is sick in my house.  I think one kid has not fallen yet, this month.   This is after everyone had a sickness in November.  I think I had 3 or 4 days of almost recovered from the first illness, had a lingering cough.  One kid had a week of being healthy.   I am so upset at the moment feeling like we just will never be healthy again.  I know so dramatic.  This just has never happened before to us.  We are doing all the things and still getting sick.  And this is the worst time for it to happen.  And it is just a dragging illness.  2 kids are on day 6 and still quite sick.

And I am just a baby when I am sick.  I am over it.  

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Howdie, happy Monday!

I'm stressy!  Not only I, but all of my clients have "big deadlines" at hand, and they are asking me for extra help, due to the individuals being new to this stuff.  So prioritizing each client's needs is a considerable challenge, especially given my focus issues.

That said, the day started off well enough.  I got the kids to school on time, and then I took the dog for a short walk, which is essentially a full body workout.  😛  I got caught up on various little things that I need to do each day as I work on focusing my brain.  I did some reasearch and answered some client questions.  Now I really need some serious momentum.

Unfortunately, my kids will bust into my momentum as they will want a ride home from school, which ends in about half an hour.  Sigh!  Anyhoo, let's do what we can!

I am up-to-date on laundry for the moment, except that I really want to do a serious cleanout of the washer filter etc.  I hope I get to that today, before someone decides to do more laundry.

I hope the kids will be responsible and not need a ton of hand-holding for their homework / test study.  I hope I won't be nagged by people who think I should be nagging my kids.

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Good afternoon!

so far, I’ve cleaned out the junk drawer, put up containers in the pantry for better organizing, and worked on a new cat house for our two semi-ferals who’ve started letting me hold them.  So maybe they’re not so semi-feral anymore, idk.  One still acts like he doesn’t know me half the time, lol.   Anyway, I try to make them warm during winter and I’ve been working on a new box to try out.   Supper will be tater tot casserole for dh.  

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Good Afternoon 

grocery shop done

donations dropped off van full

searching online for a slim christmas tree

meeting cancelled

plumbing still working- yeah

mailed group membership dues

laundry many loads to do

Wash and hang outside dog mat

Get stockings hung for St Nicholas Day

Forgot that this am so store run tomorrow for St Nick stuff- assortment of nuts, candy, apples, oranges



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Plant acquired. Clothes loaded in the car to drop at a friend's tomorrow. I will probably load the rest of the stuff for donation after I returned from dropping that stuff off tomorrow. 

Pot roast is in the oven so I just need to make some mashed potatoes and a vegetable. 

Kiddos are meeting sister-in-law at the mall to do a little bit more walking for eldests college fitness class. (They need to get in so many miles for the semester). 

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plumbing issue not resolved, alarms just went off I just mopped up the water and the drain person will be back tomorrow with the camera. I am guessing they will cut the carpet for the main drain. He talked of maybe having to break cement floor I really hope not that. Back to high stress. At least I didn't move the boxes back. So frustrated-stressed.  

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Supper done.  I hung some oversized ornaments from the ceiling of our front porch.  Dh said they look good.  I didn’t even go out to look.  I’m tired.   Since I’ve decided I’m never doing cut out cookies again, I’ve decided to turn some of my cookie cutters into ornaments.  I took a small stocking cutter and wrapped it with twine and daggum, my hands were sore after that!  I guess I just don’t use my hands in that sort of motion that often but I could only do one ornament and now I’m resting my hands.   It did turn out cute.  

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I have 2.5 of the 3 things I promised to send out "today" (unless there are others I've forgotten about).

It's 6:45 here so I'm taking a break.  I probably have another hour or so before I finish thing #3.

And then I have a bunch of invoicing to finish.

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Joining the water-disaster group. Dh put all of the twin bed linens - sheets, blanket, and quilt - into the washer and set it to extra large load. Partway through, a lake on my kitchen floor. We moved stuff, sopped up the water, and got the linens out. He’s trying to drain it now. No clue if it’s actually broken? 

I may be headed to the laundromat shortly? Or tomorrow morning early? 

This is because I didn’t do the laundry myself. I would never have overloaded the machine. Dh told me that he wanted to sleep on that bed to see if it would help his back. I told him the dog has slept on that bed for the last week and I do not have time to do laundry today. So he did it. 🙄☹️☹️

Dinner is made.

Egg casserole for tomorrow is made, but I forgot the salt. Added a bit, stirred, and set it to cool in the fridge. Will taste it before I go tomorrow, to make sure it’s edible.



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Well, Dh drained the washer and got it to spin, so the bed linens were dry enough to go into the dryer. 

He may be going to try to wash another load, a smaller one? 😱Since he didn’t actually wash the dog hair-covered bottom sheet in the first, oversized load. 🙄 

I told him I am going to bed and not getting up unless there is an epic flood. Hoping all goes well. I have my headphones on - cannot hear the washer or dryer. If a washing machine stops mid-cycle and I don’t hear it, did it really happen? 


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