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November 1 Tackle Thread!


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My schedule is different today bc my students are cancelled. I have plenty of other things to do!

Course planning meeting at Ds’ school. ✔️ 

Pick up milk and CSA box ✔️ 

Make or gather costumes/props for tonight’s skit. This will require a trip to WM. ✔️ 

Lesson prep for tonight ✔️ 

Boy from school to practice ✔️ 

Church for dinner and children’s ministry. ✔️ 

Another 5 on the Wordle. My brain is clearly slow and clunky this week! 🙄

Edited by ScoutTN
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Hi guys, happy November!  I'm not ready for November!

There's snow on the ground for the first time this fall.  My dog was fascinated.  The roads are slippery.

I have a 10am conference call and want to finish some things before the call, so the whole call isn't "oh yeah I need to do that."  But I'm not focusing well right now.

I'm frustrated with my kids.  And their school.  My kids' sucky attitudes, laziness / lateness, and not knowing what they're behind on at school.  They only have 2 more school days this quarter.  And this weekend will be shot, because their culture camp group is meeting Friday - Sunday.

Other than that, I guess it's a normal Wednesday.  Took out the garbage and the dog.  Have lots of work to do.  Several items that should have been done before, but I was either too lazy or I forgot.

People here keep talking about taking trips.  I am the wet blanket.  Traveling just hasn't been that fun recently.  It's hot and sunny, nobody really wants to go out in it, we fight about it (and I'm in the middle between my kids and the aunties), I always have work, connectivity is an issue, I am guaranteed to get a sunburn and/or some illness, flights are delayed, and then you realize you paid a ton of money to "enjoy" all that.  My kids claim to like traveling, but then they b!tch the whole trip.  The usual topic of conversation becomes "why is SKL raising her kids so poorly."

Sorry for the vent/rant!  It's that kind of day.

Well, I had better get ready for my call.

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Hugs, @SKL!

I made breakfast and packed lunch for dh. I've had 2 classes already and more to go. 

  • 3 Zoom sessions left
  • meals
  • shower before church tonight
  • tutor brother/sister duo 
  • church (work in 5 year old room tonight)
  • pay bills/update checking
  • watch something and relax and might try to sleep in because I have very little school tomorrow
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I survived the conference call, but have a few new "to-do's."

I signed up for a 1-hour CLE course for early afternoon.

The kids got some "welcome" boxes from the university we visited last weekend.  Half of me wants to get them jazzed up about it.  The other half is just annoyed because they act like they couldn't care less about their education half of the time.  I hate how this school year is going so far.  😕

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My youngest was in the ER all night--dh went with him. He has kidney stones. He hasn't passed them yet. They are both home and sleeping.  School is not happening for him.  That reminds me--I need to let his lit teacher know he likely won't be there.  

I worked a bit for my job.

I need to exercise, and I will watch the Dante video I bought from our lit provider.

Bible study tonight, assuming DS16 is doing okay.

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1 hour ago, SKL said:

The other half is just annoyed because they act like they couldn't care less about their education half of the time. 

I was just tweaking my youngest today about that. She texted me that she didn't want to take the math test or the bio quiz. I told her I was sure they would understand. She should just say, "I am a student! I am part of the only group of consumers that want LESS for our money and time. I demand less!" She sent me an eye-roll.

Persevere, @SKL!

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Good Morning

  • Ordered and sent birthday gifts to friend.
  • searching for dog coat and harness combo
  • put up orange stakes/poles in yard by alley so snowplow doesn't dig up the yard 
  • dishes loaded and going
  • need to come up with an idea for hx society website for the holiday season
  • I used to use the "Grocery Game" website and still miss it. They had all the stores sales and bottom prices all organized. It was really convenient and I haven't found a replacement site. I guess I will have to make my own spreadsheet 
  • Several errands to run
  • Need to get chicken and fish
  • One meeting this afternoon
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+1 on school attitudes @SKL  So sorry. It is hard. 

I will let you know how the webinar is @ScoutTN  I can recommend the free series on the Inferno by Anthony Esolen offered by Tan Books (at least, it used to be free, I haven't checked recently). It's really well done.  I also liked Esolen's translation best of the two I own.

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4 minutes ago, ScoutTN said:


What is the treatment for kidney stones? 

If they are under a certain size they just give fluids and pain meds and wait for you to pass them, which is very painful. If there is a complication or if it is too large to pass, they sometimes use a type of sonic pulse to break up the stones into smaller pieces or worst case they can do surgery. One of our triage nurses said she just had surgery to remove a stone this size.  

We are being admitted.

Thank you all for praying

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