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Wednesday Tacklers, Jump In! 10.25


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I have had coffee, dropped Ds at school, and prepped some chicken wings, which are baking now. 

Drop off wings at school for teacher appreciation lunch. ✔️ 

Tutor online ✔️ 

Pick up milk
Quick visit to mom - take flowers ✔️ 

Check grades ✔️ and HW 
Call vet for nail trim appt
Look up details for Sat event
Discuss weekend plans
Make lists
Electronic chores

Tutor in person ✔️ 
Church for dinner and class ✔️ 


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Rain dreary day here.  I was exhausted from not sleeping much the last 2 nights.  I went to bed late for lots of reasons, and was hoping to sleep in late.  And I got woken up early because I forgot to turn off my alarm.  I think I went back to sleep.  I did something to my back yesterday and it is really tweaked today and woke me up a bunch last night.  

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@mommyoffive, so sorry about the sleep and your back! Praying you rest and feel better!


  • dh's breakfast and lunch
  • shower and get dressed
  • 5 Zoom sessions (2 are already done)
  • bible study
  • meals
  • go to arts building to meet the last 2 quilters for pick up and move some furniture around
  • pick up a rotisserie chicken on the way home
  • church
  • precalculus prep
  • watch something and relax
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Howdie, happy Wednesday!


  • Kids off to school on time, yay!
  • Took out the garbage, took the dog out, got/processed the mail.
  • A little cleaning.
  • Updated my tax records.
  • Ate a fruit, took vitamins.
  • "Yoga etc."
  • Completed an hour of continuing professional education.
  • Caught up on emails, news, calendar, emails, and electronic school stuff.
  • Sent out 6 work reports & filed a bunch of inbox items.

To do:

  • Lots more client work.
  • Eat veggies, drink more water ... walk the dog?
  • Would like to wash a load of laundry if the kids will gather up some dirties.
  • Might need to email a teacher.
  • Pick up the kids from school.
  • "Encourage" the kids to do their homework & pick up after themselves.
  • Whatever else gets done.

I hope I'm not forgetting anything ....

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1 hour ago, LifeLovePassion said:

I have a sore throat. It has been around since yesterday. I still went into work today and have conferences this afternoon so it would be a long day. I might have to take off tomorrow or Friday because I'm exhausted. 

Oh no, I hope you feel better. 

I try to throw everything at something when someone starts to feel ill. 

Drink lots of water, juice, tea, extra vitamins, honey, zinc lozenges, gargle, and chicken noddle soup with garlic and onions. 


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4 hours ago, LifeLovePassion said:

I have a sore throat. It has been around since yesterday. I still went into work today and have conferences this afternoon so it would be a long day. I might have to take off tomorrow or Friday because I'm exhausted. 

Please get tested  for strep.  Untreated strep can kill, like happened to the creator of the Muppets 

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50 minutes ago, TravelingChris said:

Please get tested  for strep.  Untreated strep can kill, like happened to the creator of the Muppets 

I will if it does not go away... Right now it is more like post nasal drip as my nose has been running constantly and I'm pretty congested. No fever at all, and it only showed up yesterday after school so it has been less than 24 hours so far.

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His phone has not updated since school got out. It’s on, but not on wifi. Seems likely he and his phone are not in the same place? I asked Dh to investigate, find the phone and Ds, but he hasn’t. I am at work. Very frustrated and beginning to be worried. 

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Finally got the outside puppy play yard set up. Now try to figure out how to get rid of all the acorns. All she wants to do is eat acorns.

The group I volunteer for is having a lot of say we shall people issues. The person that I am closest to is leaving because of it after 16 years. 

The fall season seems so short in length. So many tasks to complete before the snow begins falling. They are hinting that we may get some on Friday, hope not I am not ready. Cleaned the birdbath, need to wrap it up, touch up painted the plaster deer . The squirrels chew on the ears and legs. Need to cover them up with the tarp. We had such a drought this season that I am not sure about cutting back some of the flowers, or if that would stress them out more. Need to cut back the hostas I have about 100 of those so will need help.


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Turns out Ds was at football. His phone was glitching. Phew!! 

Good night at church. Fabulous new children’s choir director! I am so excited about her and for our families. 

Chicken wings I sent to school were well-liked. 😎 Ds’ Chemistry teacher got some of them. 

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7 minutes ago, ScoutTN said:

Turns out Ds was at football. His phone was glitching. Phew!! 

Good night at church. Fabulous new children’s choir director! I am so excited about her and for our families. 

Chicken wings I sent to school were well-liked. 😎 Ds’ Chemistry teacher got some of them. 

Yay, I am glad you didn't have a problem with your ds today!  

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Just now, ScoutTN said:

@mommyoffive How is your back? 

@LifeLovePassion Can you skip a day or two of school to recover? 

I'm thinking of taking off Friday. Downside is we are a small alternative school so often coworkers sub for each other, it makes me feel guilty, but shouldn't. Sore throat has transitioned to more stuffiness. 

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