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Tackling Wednesday Together! 10.4.23


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Boy is at school, I’ve had coffee and b’fast and culled my inbox.

No students today, so hopefully more gets done at home. Hopefully, Dh will help me move furniture back into Dd’s room so I can start unpacking and making it feel homey. It will need a small area rug and a night table and new lamps. Maybe she can do a little thrifting when she’s home? 

Pick up milk ✔️ 
Pick up CSA box that I forgot yesterday ✔️ 

Log tutoring session notes
Order a roller shade
Meal planning 

Prep for church
Church for dinner and class.

Double check with Ds about a math assignment that is due tomorrow. One more day of school til Fall Break! Hooray for six weekdays school-free! 


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Good morning!  And happy Wednesday!

  • get everything ready to go to the dump/dh to go to the grocery store/to go to the skate shop
  • anatomy lab
  • parent teacher conferences*
  • take out the meat for ds's lunch tomorrow (he wants kabobs, mashed or twice baked potatoes, a small salad, cheese and apples, and a dessert)
  • work on bibliography portion that is due tomorrow
  • read 10 chapters for literature class
  • violin
  • 10,000 steps
  • dinner: chickpea bowls with shwarma seasoning, roasted veggies, and rice
  • fold the load of laundry currently in the wash


Conferences are going to be fun, and we are going to look like the crazy parents, I'm sure.  Poor ds, lol, he came home yesterday and told dad he got a 97% on his Latin exam.

Dh: Why not a hundred?

Two hours later, when I got home, ds told me his score.

Me: Why not a hundred?

At dinner, he told other ds his score.

DS24: Why not a hundred?


His new teacher thinks he's brilliant.  We are about to burst her bubble that this is his 7th year in the language and he's already done this entire book at a quicker speed, and reads quite well, so.....we tease him about making a single brainless mistake (s/v agreement) but really, he's not working in this class at all.  We're hoping to be able to get him a way to practice for competition and supplement at home with NLE study, and for her to expect his work to be legible because he can and should be taking the time to do it rather than dashing it off. She does not have to accept what he offers her.

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Good Morning 

yesterdays checkup with oral surgeon for ds went great! So relieved the sinus hole healed itself. The other 3 spots are healing well too. Ds and I are so glad that the sinus issue is better.

laundry several loads to do 

take photos of Christmas items to list to sell. Check out listing on Etsy as well

listed on dh work bulletin free firewood, trying to get rid of an old wood pile. He’s not sure anyone will want it but I thought I would try.


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Made good progress in Dd’s room! Bed in and made, dresser in, mirror and curtains hung. Not putting the books back in yet bc bookcase painting will hopefully happen this weekend. A wooden chair also needs to be painted. The pile on my LR sofa is much smaller! Family room sofa is empty and ready for movie watching! 

Did quite a bit of general organizing, culling, cleaning today too. Have a pile of bed linens to go to the storage unit. 

Ate lunch. Moved the laundry

Going thrifting. 

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Woohoo! Got a bedside table for $12.77. 

Picked up my CSA box. 
Put linens in the storage unit. 

My cantaloupe and cottage cheese first lunch proved insufficient, so I stopped by a local Chinese place and got the lunch special with double veggies, half the noodles. Starbucks, Jersey Mike’s and several other places share the outside seating and it is a nice place to sit and people-watch.

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41 minutes ago, ScoutTN said:

Woohoo! Got a bedside table for $12.77. 


Nice find!

Conferences all went well.  Latin teacher as soon as we sat down: "Does your ds seem a little......bored with the language?" 😄  We had a nice chat, poor woman.  All his teachers told us how pleasant he was, willing to volunteer, and stays on task.  So yay! 13 is a better year than 12!

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Good afternoon!

So far today:

  • breakfast and lunch for dh 
  • exercise 
  • shower/get ready
  • 5 Zoom sessions
  • ate my first meal of the day at 1:45. I guess I'm intermittent fasting on school days now. 

Still to go:

  • brother and sister students coming
  • church: I work in the 5-year-old room tonight. 
  • go by Walmart on the way home
  • prep for tomorrow
  • watch something and relax
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Happy Wednesday!

It was a good day until about an hour ago.  I was driving up a two lane street, and there were several vehicles parked in my lane as folks were working on a house.  There was a car stopping at a stop sign at the crossroads, slightly ahead of the parked cars, getting ready to head down the road I was on.  I passed the parked cars, assuming the person at the stop sign would wait for me to finish passing and get out of her way before she headed down the lane.  But she decided to start down the lane while I was still in it, with no place to go.  I thought, well, I guess she thinks she has room ... but our drivers' side mirrors collided and both broke.

She was pretty nervous, but also certain that this was my fault.  She started calling the cops, but also said she didn't have time to wait because she needed to pick up her kids from school.  I suggested there was no need to call the cops and we could just exchange info.  "Are you gonna agree to pay for my mirror?"  And here is where my brain glitched, because I should have said, "our mirror is broken too, and you were not in the lane when I entered it, so why don't we each just pay for our own mirror?"  Instead, I said I'd pay for her mirror.  So, as a person with integrity, I will pay for her mirror if she contacts me (she was in too big a hurry to text me in the moment.)  She will talk to her husband about it.  Maybe her husband will tell her to let it go, since she should have waited for the lane to clear knowing I was in it.  Time will tell.

Anyhoo.  That was a buzz kill.  But praise God, nobody was injured.  It was just two mirrors.

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Not tackling today -- I had co-op, now home & heading to tutor the rescheduled girls from yesterday, but y'all!!!!! I walked up to co-op today *and there was a big trashcan outside the door* for teachers to put their trash into!!!! 

They listened & heard  me, this *should* take care of the ant issue, and it was SO GOOD to feel heard & validated & *valued* by them after all! 

Just had to pop in and share between my comings & goings today! 

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Church was good! Got word tonight of a hiring decision that is very good news. 🙂🙂🙂

Trash and recycling out.
New blanket washed and in the dryer.
Food put away.

Read and completed a course preference form from Ds’ school. 

Going to get a small snack and read. 

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@TheReader and @ScoutTN, hooray for good news! 

@SKL, sorry about the mishap! I hope it is easily resolved. 

What a long but good day! I had fun with the brother/sister duo. He is so funny! I love going over his spelling words because he'll come up with funny questions to understand the meanings. Let me tell you that the bathroom stalls at school must be a point of interest! 

The time with the 5-year-olds was a good workout. We had outside play time, and I ran while playing tag. I got to play basketball, too. I'm doing a health insurance step challenge this month of 7,000 a day, so that goal was easy to meet. 

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