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Friday Tacklers! 9.29.23


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Good morning! Thanks for starting us off, @ScoutTN


My tutor/kiddos this morning are cancelled, b/c "Fair Day" (she's in the parade), so i am home. Going to try and tackle a lot of random stuff. 

My day:
...talk to my friend whose DH is in the hospital - surgery yesterday was "complicated but ok" and now it's just heal up until transplant

...me/DH (one or the other/both?) call car insurance and see about all that
...wool wash & closet clean up/reorganize
...a little pantry tidying (not the full blown ordeal though)
...take DS looking for fabric for a cape for his RenFaire costume
...if there's a Spirit Halloween over there, pop in and see if any of their crowns are better looking than the one from Amazon
...order the other bits from Amazon   ordered the crown, DH is waiting on the other bits??
...text Grandma
...fencing drills
...maybe some sewing?
...keep working ahead on school, maybe? would be good to get a little more ahead
...this afternoon, family appt w/the therapist  (me, DH, Middle)
...tonight - kids have to watch a volcano documentary, so we'll all watch that together, then something fun, and hang out/family time
...no idea for dinner at all......???   fish tacos, we'll get the stuff on the way home

I think that's about it. Have a good day! 

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I am not feeling awake, though I’ve been up for two hours. I think when I wake mid-dream and my alarm startles me, it’s harder to get going. Usually I am awake before it goes off, or sleeping very lightly.

Boy is at school. I have coffee.
It took me 5 to get the Wordle today.

was going to paint trim today, but Dh has messed up the painting timeline and idk what is happening with that today. We have 6 days to get Dd’s room done, many of which are already very full. I need a whole day after all the painting’s done. 😐


YNAB ✔️ 
Seasonal decs to storage ✔️ 
WM return ✔️ 
Work at church?
Switch out some clothes? 
Food prep: make salad, find recipes, have something ready for late snacks for Ds. 

Football game tonight, away. Possibly going by myself if Dh and our neighbor are hanging the new doors. 

Prep clothes etc for an early start tomorrow! My learning center is a non-profit and is hosting a 5K/fun run as a fundraiser tomorrow at a park across town. My volunteer gig is vendor check in, 6:30-8:00, so I need to be outta here around 6:00 am, with coffee, b’fast, and water. 


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  • class from home (yay, Hy-flex!)
  • pack for the weekend
  • write out info for ds13
  • food prep
  • drive out to the race

DS13 is not going on the ride.  He is still miserable and has no lungs, so ds24 is going to keep an eye on him between his own commitments this weekend. We grocery shopped last night for easy foods for them to make and just hope the weekend goes well. 

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Spent two hours on financial stuff, including wrangling with Tracfone about my mom’s long-defunct phone for which they continue to bill me. Hopefully it is resolved and a refund will show up on my card soon.

After looking at the budget, I decided not to go shopping! Though I do need new khakis and some nice looking jeans. 

Gonna get lunch, then run a couple of errands.

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Back from the vet. Delta go her rabies vax. Go back in a couple weeks for the lyme vax. She is gaining about 2 lbs a week and getting really tall.

finally raining- we are in a drought so its good to get this rain. Although it knocks all the leaves down faster.


only 1 meeting today

make the minestrone soup

bake the spaghetti squash and the acorn squash

take photos and list the fall items to sell 

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Returned 2 prs of jeans to WM, $44 back into my chkg acct.

Got 5 prs of pants (1 jeans, 1 summer, 1 dressy, 2 corduroy) and a paperback book at thrift for $23. And the shop is a charity, giving a sizable chunk of their profits back into four other community-serving organizations. 

I still need khakis, though. 

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What a good deal, @ScoutTN

Went and got fabric for the cape for DS -- it was $19.99/yd and $14.99/yd, which was still half of what the one for sale on Amazon was going to be, but then when I was checking out realized it was 60% off! So under $20 for the fabric and button, and my Pepsi. Score! (it's wide stuff, so only needed a yard of each). Here's hoping I don't mess it up. 

Going to hopefully just veg out till time to go to the appt later. 

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Home from the appt.  Good session, mostly focused on having us all look at what  is lacking for the offspring to become independent. :sigh:  Next couple's session, she wants to talk more about Oldest's hospitalization in 2020. That will be very difficult, but is a month away. 

Stopped & got fish - dh decided to bake it, so that's going, and we'll eat. 

Boys realized they can punt the documentary thing to Sunday, so tonight will be fun family time. Yay! 


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Hi, everyone! 

I slept in this morning, and then I met a friend to walk and go to breakfast. 

I went to the grocery store. 

I came home and worked on some of the lesson plans for next week. 

My "adopted granddaughter" came over for the afternoon. She attends a private school that dismisses at 12:30 on Fridays. Her mom brought lunch for us. We played a game and did an art project from a kit. We made homemade chocolate chip cookies and watched the live-action Little Mermaid since we had not seen it. 

I took her home and talked to my little sister on the way back. 

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Friday Night Lights

Ds’ team is getting beaten badly, again. Playing a big suburban high school with gobs of money and a way better program. Poor city school does not have a chance. Ds may or may not play, but I am here to support the team. 

Dh and our neighbor are hanging new doors. 

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Homecoming for my teens. Their school does the game at 7 and dance at 9:30. So dumb. I mean my youngest has been up since 5:30 because that is what time they have to in order to ride the bus, so it's a crazy long day. The Game got cancelled due to thunderstorms after 15 minutes. Youngest didn't go to the game and is hanging out with friends. Eldest went to the game and was going to take some footage for their broadcast news show, but is now passing time with a friend. 

Hubs worked on basement ceiling all day as he took today off. I helped get the closet panels in place, now we just have the family room and connected hall to work on. 

Then we can wire smoke detectors and put switch plates on and get the last 2 inspections done. Then we can move onto flooring, doors and trim. So close yet so many busy weekends ahead. I look forward to not feeling like I live in a hoarder house with things piled everywhere (although I know it is not near as bad as a real hoarder house as we have some family that falls in that category). 

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Picked up Ds.
Moved the laundry. 

Wrote his work shifts on the kitchen calendar. Early the next two Saturdays, ugh! Oh well, it’s money. 

Got a shower. Put my clothes out. Set up coffee. Set my alarm.  

Might read a bit. Trying the magnesium lotion the was mentioned in another thread. Hopefully, good sleep tonight! 

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