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Ok, Dr. Hive, any thoughts..


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So remember the back pain that started 5 to 6 weeks ago.  It is still there. The doctor gave me muscle relaxers and ibuprofen.  The ibuprofen definitely helps, but the muscle relaxers don't seem to do anything.  It is mainly in my lower left quadrant of my back, but it hurts nowhere to touch at all. It hurts nowhere when you move my leg all around.  What hurts is standing for long periods of time and walking more than .5 a mile or so. The pain is deep. It also hurts in the left groin area sometimes. In fact, lately, it hurts me more there, especially in the middle of the night. 

I had an x-ray and MRI of the spine and no pinched nerves or really any degeneration at all.  I had a CT with and without contrast this morning of my pelvis and abdomen.  Everything is absolutely normal with the exception of my liver which is enlarged.  Haven't talked to the doctor yet, but thinking I should quit taking the ibuprofen and my statin since those can both cause liver damage.  But my husband says the liver wouldn't explain the pain where it is.

So... any thoughts, hive???  I am getting tired of this and if I cannot take ibuprofen anymore, the pain is going to be an issue.  And yes, ice at first, heating pads off and on now, stretching, etc.  It just isn't getting any better. 

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If you had imaging to rule out things, my next move would be to go to a chiropractor. 

The groin pain could be bursitis. Had it years ago, was in a lot of pain and would double over standing up. There were some stretches the physical therapist recommended,  and it went away after a few months.

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Keep the statin, drop the ibuprofen dose in half and add fish oil or another anti-inflammatory plus Tylenol at the replacement equivalent instead. Going onto ibuprofen can absolutely tank your liver.

I am leaning PSOAS or piriformis pain. What you describe sounds like what I feel when mine flares up. 

It’s likely that it’s not just tight, but also that that area is weak.

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Sounds like maybe SI joint. It's part of the pelvis, so having it out of whack can cause pain anywhere around the pelvis - back where the SI joint is OR in the front groin area nearer to the pubic bone, or in the hip. It often jumps around.  (SI joint and Pirformis and PSOAS are linked - one influences the other. In my experience tight quads and weak hamstrings are a big part of the problem. Try massaging your quads and see if it helps the back pain. 

I'd ask for referral to PT, they can help figure out what is going on. 

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One key test for SI joint is that if you go to point to the pain (without touching) you use a finger to point to a specific area. If it is more normal back pain people are less able to specify a place where it hurts. Mind you, it doesn't hurt to the TOUCH in that spot, it is deep inside. 

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7 minutes ago, YaelAldrich said:

With that description it sounds like you have a tight ilias or psoas. Some chiropractors  and PTs know how to stretch them so you don't get the pain.  I have a Hip Hook to help me. 

I will show this to my husband.  He has had me doing some version of those stretches.  But that sounds like what it is. Chiropractors are out.  As an orthopaedic, my husband is strongly against them in most cases. 


14 minutes ago, prairiewindmomma said:

Keep the statin, drop the ibuprofen dose in half and add fish oil or another anti-inflammatory plus Tylenol at the replacement equivalent instead. Going onto ibuprofen can absolutely tank your liver.

I am leaning PSOAS or piriformis pain. What you describe sounds like what I feel when mine flares up. 

It’s likely that it’s not just tight, but also that that area is weak.

I agree. All of my muscles are weak and my husband wanted me to strengthen my core, so maybe that will help. 

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Just now, ktgrok said:

One key test for SI joint is that if you go to point to the pain (without touching) you use a finger to point to a specific area. If it is more normal back pain people are less able to specify a place where it hurts. Mind you, it doesn't hurt to the TOUCH in that spot, it is deep inside. 

Yes.  Exactly.  I can point to where it hurts in the groin and in my back, but it is way deep inside. 

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Just now, TexasProud said:

Yes.  Exactly.  I can point to where it hurts in the groin and in my back, but it is way deep inside. 

Yup. PT for you. And google. And yes, building your core - the deepest layer of abdominals, will help. But for me it was my weak glutes - turns out I use all the other muscles, not my glutes, for pretty much everything. I injured the tendons most likely - as I had a fairly sudden onset - but the muscle imbalance is why it hurts. 

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Just now, TexasProud said:

We are leaving for our RV trip on Sept 1, so I think my husband is going to be my physical therapist.  LOL.  We will be gone for 5 weeks.  Really hoping I will be able to do our hiking as I love that. 

Hiking uphill, or doing stairs, will likely be hard. Bring meds, use ice, etc. Tens unit can help if it is nerve pain. Flat hiking sure. Go slowly, and listen to your body. Stop if it starts to hurt, because it will hurt more the next day if you don't. 

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Just now, ktgrok said:

Hiking uphill, or doing stairs, will likely be hard. Bring meds, use ice, etc. Tens unit can help if it is nerve pain. Flat hiking sure. Go slowly, and listen to your body. Stop if it starts to hurt, because it will hurt more the next day if you don't. 

Yes, it is just so frustrating.  Right now we have just been walking a mile total as it starts hurting at about half a mile.  I am just gaining all of that weight back that I lost.  I had lost 15 pounds and I have gained 10 of it back because I cannot walk.  I was walking 3.5 to 5 miles a day. Now I am bored and hurting and eating more than I should and it is just so frustrating.  Because of course all of it says, lose weight.  I was nearly into a normal weight, too.  I hate being old. 

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Fwiw, I hike with my issues. Hiking poles help on inclines and declines. Stretching helps. I’d also make sure your shoes are in great shape. I replace my insoles every 500 miles or so to make sure I stay in alignment. Since your Dh is an ortho, I’d have him check your alignment in shoes to make sure you aren’t pronating or suppinating. 

The dead bug exercise is probably one of my more helpful core exercises. Have your husband watch your pelvis as you do it. You need a posterior pelvic tilt to keep a neutral spine.

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2 minutes ago, Forget-Me-Not said:

I injured my piriformis last year and the thigh pain was sometimes worse than the pain in my hip/butt. Honestly what helped most was a steroid injection followed by PT. After that it healed quickly and I haven’t had any more issues. 

Yeah, he has called in some steriods.  But won't that make my liver worse?

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41 minutes ago, TexasProud said:

Yes, it is just so frustrating.  Right now we have just been walking a mile total as it starts hurting at about half a mile.  I am just gaining all of that weight back that I lost.  I had lost 15 pounds and I have gained 10 of it back because I cannot walk.  I was walking 3.5 to 5 miles a day. Now I am bored and hurting and eating more than I should and it is just so frustrating.  Because of course all of it says, lose weight.  I was nearly into a normal weight, too.  I hate being old. 

i totally feel this. I was doing yoga every day, often an hour at a time, walking, etc and feeling great. Then it got back again (I forget what I did ....i think I was moving bags of mulch) and had to stop. Right now I am doing the DDPY Back Pain series, just the first two, off and on and can do those. But when it was really flared couldn't do those either. 

what is often called "bird dog" pose is really really good for this, BUT you have to be sure you are using your actual glutes...go slow and concentrate on using them, rather than concentrating on getting the leg high. And keep your hips level - what helps me do that is focusing on keeping the front of my pelvis level to the ground. i can't visualize the back of my hips well enough to try to keep them level, but I can the front for whatever reason. (brains are weird)

Start just with putting the leg up, then work up to lifting the opposite arm. Really stretch that leg backward to the far side of the room as well, to elongate the spine. 

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You’ve ruled out all the internal organ  function stuff (aside from liver which you’re watching), so agreeing with others that it’s likely a muscular/skeleton/connective tissue issue. 

Earlier this year my job required extended periods of standing (7-9 hours), after which I’d sit and read for a few hours. This resulted in extremely tight hips, with pain felt throughout my lower pelvic area. Lately I have been going to a restorative class with a fantastic instructor and things are easing up and my body is coming into alignment, bringing lots of relief. It’s a more gentle approach than chiropractics, imo. 

If you don’t have access to such a class with a good instruction, you might want to look for Pete Egoscue/Pain Free videos on YouTube. These focus on correcting alignment. 

Might also want to consider your sleep position habits. Perhaps some different pillows or even a new mattress would help. 

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