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We hit the jackpot

Indigo Blue

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We have been collecting points through our local plumbing supply house. They have been building and building for years. We used to redeem small amounts here and there. Then we forgot about them because, for some reason we were no longer receiving emails about our point status. Turns out, it was going to dh’s spam folder. 

Well, we have accrued a massive amount of points. MASSIVE. It’s now the talk of the supply house, and they finally were able to get us a link emailed so we could login and see what’s available. 

Our choices are everything imaginable from week long vacations to Boos cutting boards to Shun knives 🔪 to Apple Watch Ultra to iPhone 14. There are North Face tents and Solo stoves. Trek bikes and everything in between. 

We will never be able to look at all of it. 

I don’t want anything. Dh was looking at banjos 🪕 on there last night. He doesn’t play. He just thinks the banjo is so cool. He kept pointing and showing me stuff. We have nowhere to put big things, and we don’t need anything. He likes a lot of the things, but he doesn’t actually want to get them.

I kept thinking about it in bed last night. Suddenly, it occurred to me. Ds doesn’t own a kitchen table, as he is still in the phase of life of trying to furnish his apartment. I looked, and they have a beautiful pub table and chairs!!!

Dh agreed it was a great idea. Tonight we are going to call him and see if he’d like the table. 

The only other thing that would be nice is a trip somewhere for the four of us. But since ds is using two camp chairs as kitchen furniture, it seems we should go with the table, lol.

We still have tons more points left after that. Maybe our other son would like to scroll through the choices. Dh would still have enough points to find something for himself. He never buys himself anything, so he needs to pick out something. 


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1 minute ago, Indigo Blue said:

That’s a thought. The table is such a good quality, high end set, though. It’s the perfect size for a small space……

No way a college kid is going to keep it that nice. Take the trip & have them spend their own money on nice furniture. They’re way more careful with it that way. 

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3 minutes ago, Indigo Blue said:

That’s a thought. The table is such a good quality, high end set, though. It’s the perfect size for a small space……

If Ds is in college, it may well be that it won't work for his next place.  Also, if they are still of an age that they want to go on trips with you and their schedules are aligned, I'd jump at it.  Ours would love to do family vacations still, but their schedules are making that very difficult at the moment.

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1 minute ago, Ottakee said:

Can you get cash?   Our credit union does this and I have always figured out that the cash was worth more than the points for the items….as in I could get a $450 item or $500 cash for the same points.

have fun with this

That’s a good question. I’m thinking they don’t offer straight cash, but I’m not sure. 

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1 minute ago, Hannah said:

If Ds is in college, it may well be that it won't work for his next place.  Also, if they are still of an age that they want to go on trips with you and their schedules are aligned, I'd jump at it.  Ours would love to do family vacations still, but their schedules are making that very difficult at the moment.

He’s at the point where he’s trying to save to buy a house. In his case, he’d probably love a nice table that would look nice in his first house. 

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If ds doesn’t want a new table, we will just have to start over. Maybe start thinking about a trip. We’ve never been go somewhere for a whole week type of people. The last trip we took, we were almost smashed into a guard rail in the mountains by a box truck driver. The destination was super crowded. We’d have to plan a totally different type of trip, because I don’t want to repeat that. We are home bodies except for the occasional one or two nights in the mountains. We rarely even do that. 

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5 hours ago, Indigo Blue said:

He’s at the point where he’s trying to save to buy a house. In his case, he’d probably love a nice table that would look nice in his first house. 

True, but you never know what will fit in a space. He might end up with a dining room and wanting a big table. 

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