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Does anyone use the Todoist app? Or GTD?


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I’ve been using the Todoist app since Sept or Oct. I know I’m not using it the way it is designed to be used. For me it’s basically a big long to do list marked with Today most of the time. And naturally I don’t get it all done, so every day I move everything to Tomorrow. 

I’ve set up Projects but I’m worried they’ll get lost. I have context lists (phone, email, errands, etc) and I know I should work from that, but again , I worry that I’ll miss something. 

So before I go on and on, does anyone here use Todoist effectively and want to discuss?

Edited by Amethyst
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I don't think I have used it to it's full potential in the couple of years I've had it. In fact I started ignoring it a few months ago. 

Basically I have set up recurring tasks of things I "forget" (meaning: don't want) to do. Inspired by this thread, I did some updating so maybe I will use it for tasks again. Things like "every third Friday washing the chandelier glass" and "every Tuesday check the dryer vents." So boring. 

I don't do projects so haven't tried to use it that way. 

Sorry, I know I'm no help. I guess I only responded because this is one of the many things I feel guilty about. 🤣

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Thanks for mentioning the GTD system. I didn't know anything about this. Todoist didn't work well for me, but I have been using Trello daily for several years.  Now I see there are GTD principles for Trello, too. I don't have a big need for a calendar, but have lots of projects going on. Trello forces me to manually set everything up and move it around, rather than set and forget. For some reason that just clicks with me. It has been a good dumping ground for all my crazy details. I'm looking forward to learning more about GTD.


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19 minutes ago, Calm37 said:

Thanks for mentioning the GTD system. I didn't know anything about this. Todoist didn't work well for me, but I have been using Trello daily for several years.  Now I see there are GTD principles for Trello, too. I don't have a big need for a calendar, but have lots of projects going on. Trello forces me to manually set everything up and move it around, rather than set and forget. For some reason that just clicks with me. It has been a good dumping ground for all my crazy details. I'm looking forward to learning more about GTD.


GTD seems to make so much sense to me. I've listened to many many podcasts, and read some of the book. I feel like I understand how to do much of it. But I can't do all paper. I need an app that I can have on my phone and have with me at all times. He started GTD as a paper-based method, I believe, and I suspect that's how it works best. But I'm sure there is someone out there somewhere who can do it digitally. I just haven't figured it out yet. I think Todoist has the capability, but I'm sure I'm not setting it up right. And I'm totally not doing the Weekly Review which I understand is key to the system. 

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  • Amethyst changed the title to Does anyone use the Todoist app? Or GTD?

I tried out Todoist but like Taskade better. (I don't *love* Taskade, but I use it mostly as a supplement to Habitica, because Habitica is good for routines and things I need to do in the next few days, but not non-routine tasks farther in advance.)

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