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Well Trained Bodies June


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On 6/19/2023 at 2:02 PM, Brittany1116 said:

Ballet is officially out for the summer. I have biking and PT tonight, will likely stretch and do some barre work tomorrow as if I am in class. Then I feel like Zumba Wed is a good fit, PT again Thursday, and arms and a walk Fri. 

My meal plan AND my workout plan changed this week. 

Yesterday was only PT. Today I biked and later walked. IDK what I will do the rest of the week.

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33 minutes ago, Eos said:

Checking in to say I have done exactly zero activity with covid, but I am determined to hike today for the Solstice, even if it's just down to the beach for sunset.

You are right to take it easy. There seems to be some correlation between over-exertion and longer symptoms.

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Here are some forest wildflowers from the dog park. The white ones are trillium (Ontario provincial flower and protected by law). The yellow ones are amazing, and I have no idea what they are. I didn't find these, but another person shared this photo. They look like they might be tucked in amongst some poison ivy! 😉 

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Edited by wintermom
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@wintermom - pretty!  Are those white seed-disks among the flowers?  If so, I think that's Honesty, which seeds everywhere - I don't think it's native here.  We have that tiny yellow one here too - I think it must be from the pea family, from the shape of the flower, but I don't know what it is.  Love your Trilliums and those amazing predatory yellow flowers in the woods.

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30 min on the treadmill this morning. It's been a lot of treadmill recently, but that's an easy way to work back up to 30 min workouts.

Last night I was driving back from book club and saw the most amazing sunset. So we're thinking of heading out to a trail tonight to try to capture it. And it's the solstice. That sunset was peaking at about 8:50pm here.

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3 hours ago, wintermom said:

Here are some forest wildflowers from the dog park. The white ones are trillium (Ontario provincial flower and protected by law). The yellow ones are amazing, and I have no idea what they are. I didn't find these, but another person shared this photo. They look like they might be tucked in amongst some poison ivy! 😉 

No photo description available.

No photo description available.


I think the yellow woodland plant may be Yellow Lady's Slipper, which is an orchid.

Talking of escapees - the cliffs and railway lines near here are covered with Giant Hogweed,  which is really toxic if people or dogs get the sap on them. They set seed very efficiently.  The flowers are about a foot across.

Small exercise note -  I plan to walk after supper. 


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5 minutes ago, Laura Corin said:

I think the yellow woodland plant may be Yellow Lady's Slipper, which is an orchid.

Talking of escapees - the cliffs and railway lines near here are covered with Giant Hogweed,  which is really toxic if people or dogs get the sap on them. They set seed very efficiently.  The flowers are about a foot across.

Small exercise note -  I plan to walk after supper. 


We have something similar - also toxic and can cause 3rd degree burns - called Wild parsnip. It's pretty scary. There are signs all around the public pathways in my city.

Being aware of the invasive plant known as wild parsnip | Globalnews.ca

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It was a pretty relaxing day. I slept really well, and had a much clearer brain for work. Yay! Dh was playing tennis all morning, so no morning dog walk. Dd and I took the pup to agility, but dd did all the running while I watched a cheered them on. They did great!

I was standing up doing some stretches during a Zoom presentation during working hours, when I suddenly noticed that I'd forgotten to turn my camera off. Oops! At least the presentation was about health and wellness, so I was doing the right thing for the topic. 😅

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We did our solstice sunset hike. Here's what we saw along the way: some Queen Anne's Lace, many of these daisies and the little purple flower, and some blackberry flowers.

This was 9:00 at night on the longest day of the year.

Queen Anne Lace.jpeg



Edited by Ali in OR
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30 min on the treadmill this morning. This after checking on dd...we had another visit to the ER yesterday for seizures. Longest day of the year can pose problems--sleep gets messed up. We have her here at home, trying to get back to balanced and stable. Today is going ok so far. But I'm still waiting for the relaxing part of summer to begin. Maybe July will be better.

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On 6/22/2023 at 9:56 AM, Laura Corin said:

Lovely @Ali in OR

Our sunset is currently 10:04pm and sunrise 4:21am.  We only have two or three hours of true darkness.  I love the long evenings and - amazingly - this year I seem to have discovered a way of sleeping through (well, only  getting up briefly once or twice).

That is a wonderful thing!!! Sleep is great. ☺️

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I should probably update my physical activities in at least one post this week. 😉 

I walked both dogs at the off-leash forest this morning. Both the older dog and me felt good this morning! I also mowed a portion of the lawn and then went to the driving range to hit (and almost hit) golf balls. Tomorrow dh, ds17 and ds21 and I are playing in a charity golf tournament with dh's family. Dh and I are all practiced up now, too, though my arms are sore from the swinging. I think I'm gripping the club too hard. 😅

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8 hours ago, Laura Corin said:

I've walked each day this week.  Today I plan to spend weeding the garden. It's the Highland Games in the village today, so I'll wander around that too, and maybe eat a venison or pheasant burger.

You know what my next request for photos is going to be, right? Competitors at the Highland Games, please!!! 😉 

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@Laura Corin Speaking of Highland Games and golf (mash-up of 2 different posts!), how ancient a game is golf and does it have any association with Highland Games? Were these two very different groups of people participating in these activities? I'm thinking it must be, as golf seems way more private and far less exciting to watch (and do). 

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Yoga this morning--Adriene's Root to Rise which is one of my favorites.

No seizures yesterday which was good. Dd is up and screaming, but usually screaming and seizures don't go together, so that's possibly good. And the neighbors are having trees removed yesterday and again today--the chainsaws are already going at 8:00am, and when they run the chipper that's really loud too. You have to drive carefully down the street with all of the work people are having done--landscape project with trucks, house painting, natural gas trucks. Summer project time.

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54 minutes ago, wintermom said:

@Laura Corin Speaking of Highland Games and golf (mash-up of 2 different posts!), how ancient a game is golf and does it have any association with Highland Games? Were these two very different groups of people participating in these activities? I'm thinking it must be, as golf seems way more private and far less exciting to watch (and do). 

Hmm. Highland Games came first, I think - there's a big connection to martial skills, I think. The ones in our village have been going for 700 years, although the current contests weren't formalised until the 19th century. 

Golf is a little later  - 15th century - and there were complaints that golf distracted men from proper pursuits such as archery. 

No photos, I'm afraid.

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Golfing was a lot of fun today. We were surprised with the use of two ride-on golf carts. I didn't use it much, as I was busy finding golf balls after we all hits our balls in different directions on and off our own fairway. I got a pretty great work-out, actually. 😅

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Moved my entire classroom- worked on emptying/ Decluttering new room space… lots of ladder climbing, lifting, bending… full body work out!

knees and back sore. Stubbed little toe that I broke over the winter- bent nail all the way back- Ow!

really hope to make it back to the Y pool this week now that school is out.


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Covid is finally gone and I'm contemplating how I will start to move again.  I think it's going to be slow walking this week.  My hiking bestie is back to town tonight and I'll have to convince her to slow down with me.  We have a few  bushwhacks to explore that could be slow, but anything uphill saps my wind in seconds.

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1 hour ago, Eos said:

If anyone here has recovered from covid with exercise, please give some pointers!

I really just remember that getting back to full strength took much longer than I expected.  It was months before I felt normal after a mild infection.

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I also had a mild case of Covid about a year ago. I liked doing some gentle yoga even while I was still testing positive. I did nothing more strenuous than walking for a few weeks and I napped often. And my bp was high last summer--I don't really know if it was Covid related, but that's possible. It was high at a doctor's appointment for something else a few weeks after Covid, and then again at a follow-up appointment just to check bp. I then bought a home monitor and tested twice daily for awhile. It did go back down to normal readings and there's no way to know for sure, but I tend to blame Covid for the higher bp for awhile. At any rate, I consider the body to be in recovery for a couple of months after Covid.

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A brisk walk between showers with Husband at lunchtime, then a yoga session after work. I'm back to being able to accomplish Crow, Plough and Wheel.  It was a light work day and I was able to finish betimes.

I've signed up for Ashtanga yoga on Thursday evening.

Next week we are taking a holiday to Yorkshire, so I am re-reading Dracula before visiting Whitby.

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Yesterday was showery again.  I did some sun salutations first thing, then a leisurely walk after work.  Today I'm at the office and will be running lots of errands on foot at lunchtime.  'Hobbes' came home for a visit last night, so I'll be home with him this evening.

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On 6/26/2023 at 6:07 AM, Eos said:

If anyone here has recovered from covid with exercise, please give some pointers!

Well I tried to do some intense skate-skiing two days into my COVID experience. It did not go well. My brief "feeling good" period completely ended and I spent the next month with daily and weekly cycling symptoms. I took it much slower after that. 

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Ugh. Drove all the way to the exercise class yesterday to find out it had been cancelled. Apparently my last class was the week before, and that's why nobody called? I guess it is my fault for not checking the patient portal, but the instructor did not say explicitly that I had my last class, like I've seen him do for everybody else.

Anyhoo--I went up and down the attic stairs a lot yesterday. I have boxes of books related to each round of history and we just don't have enough bookshelves for it all. So American history went up, and Ancient history came down. With the chemo pill-induced fatigue, that pretty much meant I was useless this morning. I made myself take a 15 minute walk, so that was something. I felt better after a nap this afternoon. I obviously still need to learn how to pace myself.

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7 hours ago, wintermom said:

I've been getting daily walks in as well as some light gardening this week. No intense exercise that might aggrevate my head. The poor air quality is not cooperating, though, and it's causing daily head-aches. 


The smoke has reached us apparently, leading to spectacular sunrises, but I haven’t seen a sunrise or sunset in weeks.

BBC News - Satellite images show Canadian wildfire smoke over UK

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1 hour ago, Laura Corin said:

The smoke has reached us apparently, leading to spectacular sunrises, but I haven’t seen a sunrise or sunset in weeks.

BBC News - Satellite images show Canadian wildfire smoke over UK

That's wild! We're not only internations with the US, but overseas, too! Not exactly the kind of "reach" we're looking to achieve, though. 😉 

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