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Tackling Tuesday 5/9/23


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Okay, my list for today
...prep for 2nd Grade -- need to gather the info on history of stuffed animals for them
...doctor's appt
...stop at the store on the way home, get lemonade for tomorrow and more forks 
  too stormy, will make do with something from here
...decide on dinner for tonight, prep that   figured it out - sandwiches/beans from various leftovers
...fold clothes/put away clothes
...school with DS - wrap up his chemistry stuff
...decide who is all going with DH to take Middle for his final -- all, and then the kids hang out while we fence? Skip fencing? Not sure

...go to the final (or not), and fencing (or not)
...veg out, go to bed on time

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Dh says I'm not allowed to do anything today because my back hurts too much. Yesterday it was starting to be an issue so I took it easy and stretched a ton. This morning I woke up in so much pain. Not really sure what I did but my hips and lower back are angry at me.

So, today will be spent taking it extremely easy and if anything needs to get done I'll be directing the kids to do for the most part

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Good morning peeps!    
Hope you feel better soon, @hjffkj!   Back issues are awful and affect everything! 

dh is home sick again, so it's kinda a lazy day for me.  




Kroger pick up

lupper: crab rolls

pick up poop, rake some, clean off deck.  Focus on backyard so I can be out of dh's hair.

call Rx company 


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@hjffkj get some rest and feel better soon! 

@WildflowerMom, I'm sorry your dh is sick and hope he feels better soon. 

My sister is still in the hospital and no better.  My BIL's daughter has to go home this afternoon.  It's just a tough situation. 

I met a friend to walk at the community center and get breakfast afterward. We walked over 2 miles, so it's a good way to start the day. 

  • 2 Zoom sessions
  • 2 in-person students
  • not sure what else today will hold because I told my sister I could come down if she needs anything. 
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I have done all my regular morning stuff and been to a work meeting. Local counselors are providing group education and conversation for our church staff and have a weekly meeting. Very, very good and needed! 

Called mom
Got gas
Got some food because I had no time for breakfast earlier.

Next up:
Head home and collect items to drop off at Dd’s tutorial. ✔️ 

Electronic chores ✔️ 

Pick up Ds ✔️ 
Pick up CSA box ✔️ 
Homework list? ✔️ 


Dinner is ??

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I'm done with my students and classes for today. The last in-person student rescheduled coming for Thursday. 

I haven't heard from my sister, and I hate to wake her if she is resting. I'm going to wait a bit before contacting her. 


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folded the laundry - need to put mine away

did school with DS -- his chem teacher did a ton in class, so we had a few to finish and then I had him walk me through the extra problems to make sure he knows his stuff (he does), so he's reviewing the rules for this module on his own, my part is done

decided on fencing - DH & I will take Middle to his final, I'll throw some food in the crockpot for the kids to eat while here and we'll eat when we get home, we'll skip fencing and come home after the final -- we'll stop by the grocery store on the way home

checking my list to see what else I need to do before we go out

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Rice is cooking to go with dinner. 

Everything but refrigerated stuff is packed & ready for tomorrow. 

Laundry is put away. 

I have a plan of what I want to work on/do while hanging out at the coffee shop w/DH (while Middle does his exam) - and a back-up plan. 


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Dinner is leftovers. I am quickly sliding into summer mode, where I cook dinner 2-3x a week max. I make things and put them in the fridge and people eat when they want. Lots of grilled things.

Gonna boil some eggs, grind coffee, and do a bit of other prep cooking. 


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My back is still hurting but I've been stretching and icing it all day. I'll do a heat pad or warm bath later tonight.

The only thing I got done today was finish a book, a few finance things, and take ds14 to D&d. Dh came home and worked from home so I didn't have to bring dd3 to the library with me. And now he's making dinner while I ice my back again with a strong margarita to enjoy

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Howdie, what day is it today?  It feels like a whole work week has gone by and it's still only Tuesday!

We finalized some reports ... I delegated some stuff ... I still have work for at least 2 of the client reports that need to be submitted in the next day or two.  We are hoping to submit no later than tomorrow, just in case there are any system issues.  I hope I can finish without too much additional work and stress, but I'm starting to feel wiped out.

Times like this, I think a lot about how I want to live my life.  This defnitely isn't it, LOL.  I'm too young to retire, but I'm too old for this pace.  Besides, I need some freedom to take care of my health before it's too late.  But what can I do to find age-appropriate balance?  When I'm not hyper focused on work, I'm distracted by every other thing.  Pacing is definitely not my strong suit.

And then there is stress management.  I'm not a basket case, but I don't love stress.  And I need to learn to not internalize my kids' stress to the extent that I do.  They are whole humans, 16 years old, with almost adult-sized issues.  I need to let go of a lot of things.  Will they get decent grades / scores, get accepted to a college program they want, prepare well for a career they want?  Will they do well on the job interview, get the job, perform well at work?  Will they get into difficult situations with peers or housemates, and will they get out of them without permanent scars?  It's not like they appreciate my concern / advice, however well-meant.

How do y'all walk away when things get too much?  Or don't you?  Am I just being a lazy mom (or wanting to be)?

Well anyhoo ....

Today my kids had their English AP tests, and then went to school for the last 2 periods.  Then Kid1 had a "google meet" interview for a job.  Now they are supposed to be doing homework, and I'm supposed to be doing client work.

We're all on our own for food, laundry, etc.  I'll try to remind my kids to check their clothes and make sure they have underwear for tomorrow.  😛

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@ScoutTN - your summer cooking plan is genius. 

@hjffkj - I hope the back feels better soon. Also, I've been wanting to ask, how often, and for how long each time, does your kiddo play D&D?  (ours are down to once every other week, but for about 5 or so hours at a time; they'd like it more often & longer....)

@SKL - I think it's normal to feel the stress you feel re: the kids; my DH is very much the same way (still, and the "kids" are older), I am not. How I arrived there.....I'm not sure. I think a lot is how we're all wired. But you aren't wrong to want to let go of that - I think it's good to learn to separate ourselves from their stress. *how* to do so......I wish I knew and could explain it, it would help my DH a lot if I could. 

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57 minutes ago, TheReader said:

@ScoutTN - your summer cooking plan is genius. 

@hjffkj - I hope the back feels better soon. Also, I've been wanting to ask, how often, and for how long each time, does your kiddo play D&D?  (ours are down to once every other week, but for about 5 or so hours at a time; they'd like it more often & longer....)

@SKL - I think it's normal to feel the stress you feel re: the kids; my DH is very much the same way (still, and the "kids" are older), I am not. How I arrived there.....I'm not sure. I think a lot is how we're all wired. But you aren't wrong to want to let go of that - I think it's good to learn to separate ourselves from their stress. *how* to do so......I wish I knew and could explain it, it would help my DH a lot if I could. 

Thanks. My son does a 2 hour a week game at the library once a week. He also runs a game online with his cousins for 2.5 hours every Friday. How old are your kids? My ds is always looking for new people for his game

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1 hour ago, hjffkj said:

Thanks. My son does a 2 hour a week game at the library once a week. He also runs a game online with his cousins for 2.5 hours every Friday. How old are your kids? My ds is always looking for new people for his game

My kids are old 😉  The 22 yr old runs a game for some friends, part online, part local. It includes my youngest, who's just turned 18 in Feb, as well as some of youngest's friends from church (they are 14 and 16), and some of Middle's friends (two 19 yr olds and another 22 yr old).  

We're going to be doing a game as a family this summer.......should be interesting. Only the 2 youngest actually play regularly, but Middle has roped us all into it for a mini-session he wants to do. 

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Ate dinner outside on the deck. Read for a while out there, then moved inside to the recliner. Then took a mini nap. 

Ds did the nap thing too and now us doing math. Dd is at the end of the year cookout/party for her tutorial. 

Need to take a shower, but too tired tonight. Gonna read a bit more, then listen to a podcast, then go to bed. 

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@ScoutTN, yes, for the year-long homeschool classes. I have some individual students I will continue meeting with throughout the summer. 

Thank you for your prayers and good thoughts! My sister is actually seeing improvement and feeling a bit better!! The infectious disease doctor came in this afternoon, and after reviewing everything in her records, believes this was not a mosquito bite but something venomous like a spider. She assumed it was and didn't actually see what bit her. I'm just thankful she is better. Her husband actually started having PT and OT come to the house late last week, and she thinks it is going to help him get stronger. She is talking to him often and just trusting that he will be okay with his daughter gone now. 

@TheReader, Our kids play D&D, too, but I don't know how often they actually play.

Dd is currently running a campaign for her new girlfriend and some friends. Ds says he is going to run a campaign in his new dorm (apartments on campus) this fall. 

Both are in a small group that has played online for 2-3 years now. Each of them has taken turns running campaigns, but the current one is the first time for the youngest in the group. He is graduating high school this year. 

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