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So, I was just told "Not to have the baby until New Year's!!"

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Not that I want to have the baby now... at 35 weeks!


But, I've been having contractions since 5am... no major changes. And to think, I was supposed to do laundry today!


This isn't anything unusual for me... it's just becoming a running joke between me and the midwives.


Which probably means, I won't have the baby until the 15th or so in less than 2 hours. :tongue_smilie:

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But, if I have the baby on 1/1, we can get deductible and our 30% portion refunded from our FSA account immediately, even though we haven't paid into the account yet :D My husband isn't sure if we can do that if we have the baby on 12/31.


Either way, I'll be happy :D

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Baby is inside laughing hysterically at you people....talking amongst yourselves like you get to just pick a date...:lol:


Well, she is rolling around quite a bit in there, between contractions -- so I wouldn't be surprized if she WAS laughing hysterically. :D

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Oh, I love the drama of those final weeks! Is it time? Yes? No? Maybe? Where will I be when it happens? I've never gone late, so I'm always anticipating it early like you. However, my preference is still to wait until after 37 weeks of pregnancy as it's easier on baby, especially during cold and flu season. Hang in there until the New Year and congratulations!! :)

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