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Tackling Thursday Together, 4.20.23


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Good morning!! 

Yesterday was a busy day, so I never took the time to get on. I hope you all are doing okay!

  • dh's breakfast and lunch
  • medicine
  • bible/quiet time
  • meals
  • tidy house
  • exercise
  • shower and get ready
  • 2 Zoom sessions
  • 3 in-person students
  • ladies game night
  • watch something and relax
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Hi, thanks for this thread!

I got up early to work, but am still putzing on the internet.  Very bad.  I need to send out the stuff I promised "by yesterday."  😕

The kids have a late start for school today, due to other classes having state testing.  So my concept of time is all messed up.  I was hoping this would make it easier to send out work before my clients are in their offices, but so far, nothing has gotten done.  😕

Well at least I'm awake and at my computer.

Other than the usual daily slog, I don't know much about today.  Just one of my kids has her first day of paid work this evening.  The other kid's evening volunteer gig was postponed.

I have at least 3 work things that should go out ASAP this morning, and then about 100 things I should be working on after that.

Why are things so crazy?  Part of it is a big government-imposed deadline in early May, which is requiring most of my clients to urgently close complex projects, which I then have to report on (in detail) before the deadline.  Part of it is that we recently took on 3 new clients, plus I have 3 clients in the midst of turning over my main contact / leader of the program I support.  So all these new people need to be trained, I need to be onboarded to various online systems etc., I have thousands of legal documents to process ... it's a bit overwhelming and makes it harder to prioritize, start, and focus.  Mix in my kids' and dog's health, learning, jobs, driving, bad habits and sass ....

But I'm blessed.  I am by nature an organized and mellow person.  We are all in good basic health.  Therefore I can say "we'll get through this just like we always do."  We will.

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Good morning!    I hope it's a lovely day for everyone!   

Coffee, meds



dogs to vet

pics of kayaks, maybe it will finally get done today

supper--some kind of pasta, take chicken out of freezer for the weekend

vacuum— tomorrow

Hall bathroom clean up


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Good morning! Spring mornings are really lovely and I am enjoying the sunshine, cool air, and birdsong.

I have packed a lunch, dropped Ds at school, and am sipping coffee. 

Today is busy!

Shower ✔️ 
Prayer mtg ✔️ 
Pick up milk ✔️ 
Take Dd to a medical appt ✔️ 
Notary appt ✔️ 
Pick up Ds? Maybe Dh can? 
Cook ✔️ and deliver a meal
AHG tonight

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Just now, ScoutTN said:

@WildflowerMom How’s your Ds?

I think @SKL is a CPA? 

Well, so far so good.   He's staying with my parents and commuting to work.   So far everything is going ok.   I'm really stressed that he's going to miss doses and/or skip a dr appt and have a manic episode and ruin everything, so keep him in your prayers, please.   He's supposed to call today and set up a telehealth appt with psych, so hopefully that happens and I can relax a bit.  He's got a new gf and is bringing her to meet us Sunday.   I hope she's good for him.   He seems really happy.  

I never would've guessed CPA!   

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13 minutes ago, WildflowerMom said:

@ScoutTN, how are you doing since everything happened?   How's your church doing?

Thanks for asking.

Good days and bad days for me. Yesterday was both good and hard as I learned to name some of my struggles.

Church as a whole is moving forward, slowly. Fixing physical spaces. Focusing on community and healing and the gospel. Everyone processes differently and we are learning to love one another in those different journeys, even while we are all walking together. Some people need routine, activity, to be doing things. Others cannot do those things right now. We are just making it up as we go along, trusting God minute by minute. 

eta: I am one who generally thrives in routine and my routines are largely upside down right now due to the shooting, plus my Dd being a senior and having a zillion special things. Stressful. 

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8 minutes ago, WildflowerMom said:

@SKL, one day it's going to dawn on me what on earth you do for a living.   I can't figure it out to save my life.  🤣

Heh heh.  I'm actually a secret agent (oops, just blew my cover).

I wear a lot of hats.  In short, I'm a consultant in community development finance + a real estate developer.  Lawyer, CPA, MBA, and sometimes stand-in cleaner, cashier, furniture mover.  Used to be an international tax expert, factory owner/worker, toy designer, and all sorts of other things.  😛

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Praying for your son, @WildflowerMom, and for continued/on-going recovery & healing for you & your whole church family, @ScoutTN

My day today:

...prep K/1st stuff 
...prep for a potential K'er meeting/eval -- I expect to be saying no, but can offer her suggestions for this year while she waits for him to be old enough for K next year (he is currently *three* "but he'll be 4 by then...." --
...write, but probably not send, an email to my dad re: a bunch of junk he's fussing over
...school with DS
...figure out dinner, cook, eat 
...get the fencing stuff ready/go to fencing - it's the last night for one of our friends, as he's moving to Seattle - see if we need to bring anything special
...see if my amazing niece was able to get Swiftie merch for us ❤️
 (she's off today, so camped out last night in line to get stuff for herself, her sister, and me)
...I think that's about it....keep in touch with my sister, etc. - not sure what time she leaves Grandma's today and my uncle comes down

...come home, go to bed

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School and a few small tasks to do this morning. Then dd12, my niece, my nephew, and I are heading to dance at 3:15 for dress rehearsal. We're there until 8:30. Today we get to practice dd's quick change for the first time in the wings. And I'm sure I'll be sewing for the majority of the time even though we made a huge dent in the to do list

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Well, my niece did not stay in line - got there at 5 a.m., already 300 people in line, and police weren't letting cars stay b/c the gates weren't open to the parking lot. waah. 

I may push all my school stuff to tomorrow and go w/DH to drop off Middle, so he can drop me at the merch line and come back at the end of class to get me. Ha! We are so terrible. 

Also, wrote & deleted an email to my dad - writing it all out helped, but there's no reason to actually send it

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Good Morning

still doing nursing duties for my dog who is still really sick. She’s seen the vet 3 of the 4 past days. The vet will call today to see if he wants to see her again. Poor thing has gastroenteritis plus bacterial and viral infections. She wouldn’t even bark at the garbage truck today 😢.



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Home from the eval; the mom took the feedback really well, and I'm to email her later with info on my in-home K4 tutoring/class, info on the registration deadlines & a potential re-evaluation for this year (I told her even if he did better, my recommendation would still be to wait, which she understood), and we'll go from there. 

Grabbing some lunch and then need to do school with DS. 

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@WildflowerMom, so glad things are going well with your ds, and I pray they continue to move forward in a positive direction. 

@ScoutTN, thinking of you and all of those who have dealt with this horrific event. I pray God can help you all heal and help to heal the whole community. 

@history-fan, I'm so sorry your dog is still not doing well. 

One of my in-person students canceled today, so I've been using the extra time to watch a Middle episode and do some extra organizing. 

I have one more to go and then the game night is tonight. I hope several make it. Last time, very few were able to be there. 

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This little buddy is a common visitor at our house. He hangs on the screen of this window. We haven’t been able to see any reason he keeps coming back. He hasn’t damaged anything, but this is the first time I’ve been able to get a good picture. 


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Created a couple of documents that explain my "In Home PreK/K4 Class" and sent those over to the mom from this morning. Fortunately I still had the "syllabus" of sorts I created the 1st time I did this class; tweaked a few things (for ex, I used then with that student a "Brave Girl" coloring book; clearly we won't use that with a little boy, so I just changed it to "coloring page" although I'll try to find a similarly encouraging book/coloring book for a little boy to use).  We'll see what she says; I'd be excited to have another little at-home student (I'll have 2 with my regular family next year, and this one would be a third). 

Tried to do school with DS but he was falling asleep, so did the above. Now to sort out dinner plans and then get him up from his nap so we can finish stuff. 

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Busy day! Have made good progress on my list.

Not picking up Ds bc he did not go to office hours as he was supposed to. Nor did he make any effort to find his lacrosse stick. He can walk home. It’s only 1.3 miles. 

Dh is grouchy bc his work is stressful.

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I bought some more time for some work deliverables, but then I lost direction and I'll be in crisis again by tonight.  😕

Youngest is off at her first day of paid work.  I know it's nothing unusual, but I have that proud mom feeling you get when your kid hits a milestone.  🙂

I picked up eldest's new dental retainer.  Hopefully she's busy catching up on her overdue schoolwork.

I will leave again in a little under 2 hours to go get Kid2 from work.

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Dress rehearsal went pretty well tonight. Not as exhausting as yesterday but lots of sewing still. dd1's quick change didn't go well because they hadn't set up a light for our area. It will be lit tomorrow though.

Tomorrow is full dress rehearsal. 

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