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Need gluten free meal idea for grieving friend

Just Kate

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I really don’t enjoy cooking but would like to take a (hopefully simple!) meal to a friend tomorrow evening. Husband and daughter both eat gluten free. 

Background - this is my BFF from childhood. We grew up next door to one another and have been friends since she was 4 and I was 5 years old. Her mom was diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer’s about 12 years ago (in her mid-50s). About two years ago, BFF’s dad was diagnosed with bladder cancer. They did chemo and things were looking very good. Fast forward to about 2 months ago. BFF’s dad started feeling poorly and was no longer able to visit her mom in her Memory Care facility. One day, BFF was trying to reach her dad on the phone, but she couldn’t get ahold of him. She left her work at lunch time to drive to his house and found him passed out in the floor, close to death. After getting him to the ER, they learned that his cancer was back and had spread. He was hospitalized for four weeks while they were trying to get him well enough. Toward the end of his hospital stay, BFF’s mom started doing bad and it was recommended that she start receiving hospice care. She passed away just a few days later. BFF’s dad was still in the hospital and wasn’t able to see his wife of 48 years to say goodbye. Just 3 weeks and 6 days later, BFF’s dad died of cancer. It had spread and was so aggressive, there was nothing they could do.  

To be clear, BFF lost both of her parents within 4 weeks time. And they were both only in their late 60s. 

Did I mention BFF is an only child? I’ve been doing what I can to help her and am now helping her to prep for another funeral this Saturday. As we sat in her parents’ house tonight looking through pictures (for the second time in four weeks), we both just kept crying and then laughing as we shared memories that date back to our early childhoods. My heart is broken for her. 

So back to my original question, do you have any good, easy gluten free meal ideas? I’d really like to make something like a casserole or a one-pot meal. I’ve already taken a chicken broccoli Alfredo casserole that can be served over gluten free pasta (twice - her dh loved it and asked me to make it a second time). I  have  also  given them gift cards to some of their favorite restaurants. 

Also, if you have any meaningful gift ideas, I would love your thoughts. Of course I have/will send flowers to both funerals and have done other small things. But I would like to get BFF a thoughtful gift later on. 

Thank you for any suggestions and for letting me share my sadness over this awful loss. 

Edited by Just Kate
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I'm so sorry you lost your second parents.  Your bestie isn't going through this alone, you are such a kind friend to her.

Thinking that whatever you make, make enough she can freeze some extra in smaller portions to thaw on hard days. Chili, soups, casseroles, roasted chicken and rice with mushroom gravy - all freezeable.


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