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S/O drinking.........

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No, all my drugs were of the legal variety. Not that I was able to get the good ones very often. Mostly they made me sleep anyway. Great sleep thought.


Now, sadly, for some strange reason, I've developed an allergy to most prescription narcs. The only things left that I've never had are the morphine derivatives. I'm hoping they work if I ever need them.

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I had no desire to try anything through high school and college, though that may be because my friends were relatively straight-laced. I smoked pot and had "special" brownies a few times as an adult, but all they did was give me a splitting headache, so that was the end of that. I do very much enjoy the nitrous oxide at the dentist, but to my chagrin, I discovered the first time I went under for dental work after having my first baby that I'm no longer able to tolerate it for any extended period. Now I use it to get through the anesthesia shots, and then they remove it. Nobody wants to see me vomiting over the side of a dentist's chair, least of all me :rolleyes: What a bummer though...my one real vice!

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I smoked pot a few times at university, but was never a regular user. I didn't try any other drugs.




That's pretty much what I did. I did drink and smoke (cig) a bit in highschool and a bit more in college, but was only marginally into the party scene.


As an adult, I drink a glass of wine, gin and tonic, or a good beer one in a long while. Sometimes I really feel the urge for a cigarette, but it passes.


I think one of the first things I'll do when my youngest graduates from hs is smoke a cigarette. Just because I can. :tongue_smilie:

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I tried marijuana on two occasions that I can remember. Not my thing. No other drugs. Drank beer after football games my last couple years of high school, not much though. My parents were fairly conservative, drank rarely, nothing else. The most drinking I ever did was between the ages of 18 and 24 - college and first working. On Friday evening, we'd hit the bars after work. Now as I think about it all I can say is YUCK.


My dh has never smoked anything in his life, including cigarettes and hates bars. We both have a glass of wine with dinner, maybe a beer on occasion. Right now we have a bottle of rum and brandy and won't have anymore until next Christmas. Yeah, we're pretty boring.



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None, nothing, not ever.


However, I do enjoy coedeine when prescribed :D


I hate codeine, absolutely can't stand it. I would rather be sick than take anything with codeine in it. When codeine was the only drug I'd had, I wondered why in the world people get addicted to drugs. Then I had stadol while in labor with my oldest and I had a whole new understanding. :D

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I hate codeine, absolutely can't stand it. I would rather be sick than take anything with codeine in it. When codeine was the only drug I'd had, I wondered why in the world people get addicted to drugs. Then I had stadol while in labor with my oldest and I had a whole new understanding. :D


I sawed in half a tylenol with codeine once, knowing that the full dose would probably be bad news for me. (I'm such a cheap date.) It was horrible. I had wicked bad dreams, thought I was awake when I was asleep, thought I was asleep when I was awake. Really bad news.


Stadol was also very bad for me. I am having a hard time imagining what it must feel like for people who liked it. Mostly I slept. When I was awake, even sleeping, I still felt the pain of labor. I just did. not. care. I also hallucinated. And (apparently) I tried valiantly to participate in conversations around me, but was not quite on topic. It was very hard to stay awake once it was time to start pushing. Recovering from the drug was worse than recovering from the actual birth. Years later, when I was describing this whole scenario to a friend my husband got this funny look on his face and said, "You had a bad trip." I have wondered over the years whether I was simply overdosed.


My sister has been clean and sober for 16 months now. She started using when she was 14. These last 16 months have been the longest period of sobriety that she has ever been able to maintain in the last 24 years. But even clean and sober, she is not okay. Watching her bring herself to the brink of death over and over and over, combined with my bad Stadol experience... really. No interest.

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