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What to use for 5th grade math?


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I have to start by saying I have never found a math program I love. I really wanted to stick with one curriculum during elementary but that has not happened. 

My DS will be in 5th grade next year and requested a different math program. He used Rod and Staff from K thru 2nd, then we switched to Dimensions for 3rd, and for 4th he is using Horizons. Math is easy for this kid and he pretty much is self taught at this point. I just have to be available to explain a few concepts. This is his complaint about Horizons, he says it doesn't explain, just shows examples and expects the student to grasp it. Dimensions did not work because he had to wait for me to do math and that got frustrating since there are 2 other kids needing my attention. He wants to be able to work without me. DS also watches his brother's prealgebra class and tries the problems just for fun, and a lot of the times can figure them out. 

Ideally I can find something that is written to the student (I see you Math Mammoth) that does not have an over abundance of problems (DS doesn't not need a lot of practice for a concept to stick) and is not "farmer math" as my kids call R&S.

From reading lots of other threads I feel like options are:

Math Mammoth - DS has not used this but hates the look of it. 

CLE - will this be boring for a kid that math comes easy for?

BJU - don't love overtly Christian content but I hear good things about this. Is the whole sequence necessary because I feel like this kid can hit algebra before highschool.

Key to... Series - I had the thought of going thru this quickly and then moving into a good prealgebra course.

I appreciate any advice.


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He could do odd or even problems in math mammoth. It is written to the student and explains why very well. She also has videos online if he needs a bit of help on something. She even says not to use all the problems.

CLE is more procedural and much less conceptual than math mammoth.

What doesn't he like about math mammoth??

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Of those options, I’d do MM, which is great for an independent, mathy kid. Just reduce the number of problems assigned. Maria has plenty of videos and bonus fun things in her monthly emails. She is also fabulous about personally answering questions!

Agreeing with placement testing to fix any gaps. 

I would not have a mathy kid in CLE. Boring and procedural and not very challenging, imo.

Just choose something and stick with it. If this kid is solid in math, you only have two more years til PreA and the beginning of the high school math sequence. MM 7 is an excellent PreA, but there are multiple threads about PreA on the logic stage board!


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I just reread your question. BJU is supposed to be teacher dependent. Like only practice is in the workbook. The teaching is in the teacher manual or videos. If he wants videos you could try that.... Some say you can skip from BJU 6 to prealgebra. Some say you can not.

I've personally never used BJU math. This is just what I've heard.

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CLE: give him the placement test. This scope is not normal. He skip what he knows.

BJU is teacher dependent- either you or the videos teach it.

Dimensions has short videos. I would consider going back to it.

Math Mammoth is ugly. But fits closest to your parameters.

Horizons is awful.


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My 5th grader is using CLE this year.  My younger three are all using Singapore Dimensions.  I do think CLE is less conceptual and less deep, but it is very independent.  Since my son has covered a lot of the material in his previous year as he did MasterBooks 5th and 6th, I have used it to help him be more detailed in his work.  I am torn about next year, though.  I am not too keen on three more years of math for him before Algebra, if we stick with CLE.  I suppose we could "double up" on the lessons.  Overall, I like it but wish I could just get to pre-algebra faster, lol.  I do not think it is behind; it is just traditional math. 

I deeply considered Math Mammoth.  But I do not like the chaotic appearance.

I am not using Singapore Dimensions for this one because I thought it'd be too hard to jump in since he didn't use it in prior years.  Just sharing our experience with 5th grade math!

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I prefer to teach math myself,  but since you mentioned he liked his brothers videos and doesn't like to wait on you to teach him, what about a program that has a video for him?  Maybe Saxon with Nicole the Math Lady?  I'd have him do odds or evens, and skip ahead as desired- Saxon may not be the best choice, but its similar to CLE- but not farmer based 😄 and would take this off your plate. 

MM would be a good choice,  too.  My kids got tired of the crowded pages, but he can read and teach himself.  I have the download, its solid, but can look overwhelming. I use off and on all through elementary. 

Life of Fred?  For something different- its good if your kid doesn't need a lot of practice.  


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2 hours ago, OnceUponAFullMoon said:

Beast Academy.

This was my first thought too. The online version has videos he can watch if the guidebook explanations aren't doing it for him. My youngest is wicked sharp at math and strongly prefers to work on his own unless stuck. The online Beast was fabulous for him. My only complaint was that he finished the series. 😜

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Can't believe I forgot Beast Academy (Online), it should be great for him although I would recommend starting with BA 4.

14 hours ago, SilverMoon said:

This was my first thought too. The online version has videos he can watch if the guidebook explanations aren't doing it for him. My youngest is wicked sharp at math and strongly prefers to work on his own unless stuck. The online Beast was fabulous for him. My only complaint was that he finished the series. 😜

AoPS does have a self-paced prealgebra class: https://artofproblemsolving.com/school/course/prealgebra1-sp

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16 hours ago, countrymum said:

Another thought. You can get math mammoth in color from rainbow resource or Lulu. It might be easier to look at;) it's more expensive though, but still like $50 for a year of math;)

We just printed MM is color at home. Nbd. Skipped pages we did not need. We did not find the appearance a problem in any way. Very independent and thorough. Also would not require jumping to something else for PreA.

But BA sounds like it might be a good fit too? 

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Thanks for all the ideas. I will print out the Math Mammoth placement test and look into Beast Academy again. We did a few of the second grade books when he was younger for fun and he did no really enjoy them but maybe if it is on the computer he would like it more. 

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