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Favorite weighted blanket?

Grace Hopper

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This one with pink flamingos all over it!  🦩🦩🦩



Or any patterns this company makes. It’s a good brand! Durable. They wash up so nicely and stay new looking. They make minky for warmth and bamboo for hot sleepers. The minky has sensory bumps on one side. Love that!

Ds also has this blanket (different pattern) and loves it. I got the 12 lb. It’s plenty. 

ETA: Nevermind!! It’s unavailable!! 🙁

Edited by Indigo Blue
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We've been buying weighted blankets for something like 12 years now.  We have bought from a lot of companies.  We have weighted blankets all over the house.  But everyone in the house has their own Bearaby.  When I travel, it comes with me.  I'm the person lugging the 20 lb blanket into hotel rooms.  It's that good.  

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9 hours ago, Terabith said:

We've been buying weighted blankets for something like 12 years now.  We have bought from a lot of companies.  We have weighted blankets all over the house.  But everyone in the house has their own Bearaby.  When I travel, it comes with me.  I'm the person lugging the 20 lb blanket into hotel rooms.  It's that good.  

What is it about the Bearaby that makes it so special?   I just went to their website and the blankets are beautiful.  Is there a specific one that you like best?    One thing that confused me was the cotton napper and "hand knitted" option (click at the top of the page),  they looked like the same blanket to me.  Thank you for helping me!  I have never had a weighted blanket before but this thread has me intrigued and I wonder if it might help me sleep better.

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4 hours ago, Ditto said:

What is it about the Bearaby that makes it so special?   I just went to their website and the blankets are beautiful.  Is there a specific one that you like best?    One thing that confused me was the cotton napper and "hand knitted" option (click at the top of the page),  they looked like the same blanket to me.  Thank you for helping me!  I have never had a weighted blanket before but this thread has me intrigued and I wonder if it might help me sleep better.

What makes Bearaby special is the fact that it's knit.  So it breathes.  I love other weighted blankets, but there's just no air movement, and they get hot and stuffy.  But I love the texture of the knit Bearaby and because of that, it breathes, so it's not unbearably hot.  

We just have the cotton ones.  I've thought about the velvet ones in winter, but I'm picky about textures, and some velvet is not great.  I think they're all "hand knitted" to the same extent.  I don't think they're actually knit by hand, but who knows.  

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24 minutes ago, Laura Corin said:

I'm curious about weighted blankets. How do they work in a shared bed? Husband is unlikely to want one. Would it work to lay the blanket on top of our shared bedding on my side? 

In a shared bed, what we do is we each have a twin sized Bearaby blanket, that we each use over our shared bedding.  That way we could each get the one with the weight we like.  Very few are big enough to use one for a queen or king sized bed, though Bearaby has one now designed for that purpose.

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Thanks everyone for the helpful input! I’ve bookmarked suggestions. 

@Terabithi love what you linked but don’t think I’m ready to spend that much the first time out. Can you tell me if it’s washable and how it does/how you deal with pet hair?

Also, in general, I’m understanding these (at least some of them) are weighted with glass beads. Any trouble hurting a pet dog who might chew on it?


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1 minute ago, Grace Hopper said:

Thanks everyone for the helpful input! I’ve bookmarked suggestions. 

@Terabithi love what you linked but don’t think I’m ready to spend that much the first time out. Can you tell me if it’s washable and how it does/how you deal with pet hair?

Also, in general, I’m understanding these (at least some of them) are weighted with glass beads. Any trouble hurting a pet dog who might chew on it?


It is washable!  That's one of the things I like about it.  Another weighted blanket that I had couldn't go in a regular washing machine/ dryer, so I had to take it to the laundromat, where it weighed something close to a hundred pounds when it was wet.  The Bearaby goes in my home washer/ dryer easy peasy and washes great!  Very easy to deal with.  

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