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Well-Trained Bodies November


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The walking without your usual companion would take time for me to adjust to, too @Jenny in Florida I hope you can find an alternative or maybe you just need time. 

@Laura Corinoh no I hope you improve quickly.

Good job, everybody. This thread helps me keep going. 

Yesterday I did ~12k steps from delivering magazines and running errands. In the evening I thought of doing more, but I knew I'd work up an appetite and didn't want to eat that late. 

Today I went on a walk and picked up limbs in my yard. Hit over 5k so far. 

ETA: I am pleased to announce I weighed in at 149.4 today. Hope to stay out of the 150s. My starting weight was 184 on June 7. Another ~25 lbs to goal. 

Edited by heartlikealion
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@Laura Corin Hope you are feeling better really soon. Glad your dh is improved. It's weird how Covid hits people so differently. 

@heartlikealion Congratulations on the weight loss! That is huge! 

@Soror Sounds like the shed is coming long great! 


Dog walk in the woods is done. There were a lot of young dogs for the puppy to run around with. The older poodle loves his rambles outdoors as well. This is the "good life" for him now that he's retired from the guide dog org. and allowed the freedom to fun off-leash. ☺️

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Thanks, everyone. Today is tough. My mum fell at the care home and cut her head. She's at the hospital with one of the carers being stitched, and they have her on antibiotics for a UTI. They will bring her back to the home for observation after.

I'm not meant to visit her because of the Covid. The staff and paramedics have been brilliant, but it doesn't feel good.

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18 minutes ago, Laura Corin said:

Thanks, everyone. Today is tough. My mum fell at the care home and cut her head. She's at the hospital with one of the carers being stitched, and they have her on antibiotics for a UTI. They will bring her back to the home for observation after.

I'm not meant to visit her because of the Covid. The staff and paramedics have been brilliant, but it doesn't feel good.

So sorry to hear that. I hope your mom recovers quickly and is back home again soon!

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@Laura Corin - I'm sorry about your mom's fall. It must be hard not to be able to go visit and check in on her. I'm glad she's getting good care.

@heartlikealion - Good job on the weight loss. I've been doing a lot of reading and listening and learning trying to let go of my own issues with focusing on certain numbers on the scale, but I absolutely do understand how nice it feels to be lighter. I have lost about 35 pounds over the last several months since my endocrinologist adjusted my medications, and there was definitely a point at which I suddenly realized I felt "like myself" again in a way I hadn't in a long time. Also, having less of me to move around makes it so much easier to do things that it encourages me to be more active. 

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4 hours ago, Laura Corin said:

Thanks, everyone. Today is tough. My mum fell at the care home and cut her head. She's at the hospital with one of the carers being stitched, and they have her on antibiotics for a UTI. They will bring her back to the home for observation after.

I'm not meant to visit her because of the Covid. The staff and paramedics have been brilliant, but it doesn't feel good.

She's back at the home, a bit confused but otherwise fine. My brother is coming to stay with us this weekend,  so she has his visits to look forward to.

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11 hours ago, Ali in OR said:

Sunrise Yoga first, then bodyweight circuit x2. Maybe that's a better order than the other way around.

 Maybe it helps because you're warmed up?

8 hours ago, Jenny in Florida said:

@Laura Corin - I'm sorry about your mom's fall. It must be hard not to be able to go visit and check in on her. I'm glad she's getting good care.

@heartlikealion - Good job on the weight loss. I've been doing a lot of reading and listening and learning trying to let go of my own issues with focusing on certain numbers on the scale, but I absolutely do understand how nice it feels to be lighter. I have lost about 35 pounds over the last several months since my endocrinologist adjusted my medications, and there was definitely a point at which I suddenly realized I felt "like myself" again in a way I hadn't in a long time. Also, having less of me to move around makes it so much easier to do things that it encourages me to be more active. 

I almost posted about similar thoughts. I've been aiming for a certain weight for a couple of years. I can get there but I've finally got it through my head that maintenance at that weight is another story. I just decided to settle in and maintain and have been keeping steady a few pounds higher without serious effort. Not that I wouldn't like to be leaner and more muscular but the amount of work required is more than I am willing and/or able to make.

6 hours ago, heartlikealion said:

I may be a little more motivated lately because I met someone and want to fit into more cute clothes 😅

LOL! I can see that and it is a good positive feedback. 

4 hours ago, Laura Corin said:

She's back at the home, a bit confused but otherwise fine. My brother is coming to stay with us this weekend,  so she has his visits to look forward to.

I'm sorry you are still feeling bad and your mom fell. Thank goodness your brother can come to help.

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No exercise today. I did yard work instead of pickleball.

I didn't have time this morning because I had to go out of town for dd's appointment. When I made it home I worked outside.

We have 2 warmer days and then it will be cooling off so I'm busting hump to get some outside chores done. Especially with the limited daylight it is hard to get much done.

I *hope* to get the power washing done tomorrow. It is inevitable that you get wet and doing that in the cold is not on my list of fun things to do. 

It works well that I planned to take off from working out I've been working so hard outside I'm entirely worn out. 

I want to get some yoga done bright and early to help with soreness. (I'm taking dd to her practice at 5;15 am so I'll be up at 'em early)

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Tropical storm Nicole is announcing her arrival, meaning it started raining yesterday afternoon and hasn't really stopped since. It's not a ton of rain, but it's enough to make outside ventures unappealing. I got to yoga class last night, but couldn't fit in any walking before or after. Back home, I rode the stationary bike for about 45 minutes, then paced the house for another 15 minutes to log my remaining steps.

This morning, I did one of Leslie Sansone's "three-mile" walk videos (which never net me the suggested number of steps, presumably because my Fitbit doesn't pick up walking in place effectively), then a 15-minute walk with weights video. By that time, I couldn't work up the energy to put out the exercise mat and do a full strength and stretch session, so I just did about 15 minutes of wall pushups, mini-squats and standing stretches. Since I was enjoying my audiobook and still had a few minutes before I needed to get in the shower and settle in to work, I hopped on the stationary bike.

We'll see what the weather allows this afternoon and evening, but I'll do something to get the rest of my daily steps.


Holiday Hustle 2022 Challenge: 103.8 of 550Kay
Walking Streak: 26

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12 hours ago, Soror said:

I almost posted about similar thoughts. I've been aiming for a certain weight for a couple of years. I can get there but I've finally got it through my head that maintenance at that weight is another story. I just decided to settle in and maintain and have been keeping steady a few pounds higher without serious effort. Not that I wouldn't like to be leaner and more muscular but the amount of work required is more than I am willing and/or able to make.

After a lot of reading and listening to some great podcasts and conversing with a lot of (mostly younger) women, I've come to understand that my relationship with my body and its weight has been extremely unhealthy for most of my life. What I considered "normal" in terms of dieting when I was well into my late 20s (and have returned to more often than I care to admit) would likely be diagnosable as disordered eating if I ever opened up about it to a medical professional. 

None of which is to suggest, by the way, that I have presented as "thin" for most of my life. I have, in fact, been "overweight" and well on towards fat. 

I'm trying now -- better late than never, right? -- to retrain myself to focus on getting and keeping my body as healthy as it can be. Like you, @Soror, I've decided that maintaining a weight, probably any weight, is healthier than the yo-yo approach I have taken since my early teen years.  

I did confess to my counselor a few weeks ago that I am aware my younger self would say I needed to lose another 25 pounds, but I also know from long experience that my current weight (right around 130, and remember that I am only 5'2") is one where I tend to "stick" when I get there. With the way my medications are currently adjusted and the amount of physical activity I do, I think this should be something I can maintain without putting additional strain on my physical or mental health or falling back into bad habits. 

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22 hours ago, Jenny in Florida said:

After a lot of reading and listening to some great podcasts and conversing with a lot of (mostly younger) women, I've come to understand that my relationship with my body and its weight has been extremely unhealthy for most of my life. What I considered "normal" in terms of dieting when I was well into my late 20s (and have returned to more often than I care to admit) would likely be diagnosable as disordered eating if I ever opened up about it to a medical professional. 

None of which is to suggest, by the way, that I have presented as "thin" for most of my life. I have, in fact, been "overweight" and well on towards fat. 

I'm trying now -- better late than never, right? -- to retrain myself to focus on getting and keeping my body as healthy as it can be. Like you, @Soror, I've decided that maintaining a weight, probably any weight, is healthier than the yo-yo approach I have taken since my early teen years.  

I did confess to my counselor a few weeks ago that I am aware my younger self would say I needed to lose another 25 pounds, but I also know from long experience that my current weight (right around 130, and remember that I am only 5'2") is one where I tend to "stick" when I get there. With the way my medications are currently adjusted and the amount of physical activity I do, I think this should be something I can maintain without putting additional strain on my physical or mental health or falling back into bad habits. 

Yes, it's never too late to change faulty thought patterns. Weight/diet is such a tricky issue as there is so much toxicity out there. And despite there being some pockets of support for disordered thoughts and behaviors I think on the whole today's girls are better at that. From what I've seen it is not uncommon for older women to have some messed up relationships with food. I remember my mom taking diet pills and crash dieting. My mil is the queen of the crash diet.The idea seemed to be being thin was worth any cost. I think we've come a long way here. Watching my mom with diet pills (which ended her in the ER for a messed up heart one time) and other crazy diets I tried very, very hard not to ever go down that road. I've always tried to maintain and lose weight with healthy habits. I did however get sucked down different rabbit holes of WoEs. I have mixed feelings on these now. On one side, what we eat is def important to our health and much of the common food is bad for us. On the other, so many WoEs tend to lead to a bit of cultish devotion and unhealthy thought patterns. I think it can be difficult to balance.

Other than losing weight from pregnancy and getting thyroid stuff sorted I've mostly stayed within a 5 lb range. And how'd it go is that I'd get to the upper end of that range and then work on losing a few pounds to get more towards the middle/lower end. Rinse and repeat. I especially felt a call towards the lower end the last few years with menopause looming and knowing some weight gain is likely then. So this summer after a stressful month I was up a few pounds and started working on losing them but with fall allergies and busyness I just don't have the patience. Lo and behold I've still stayed in that range. I haven't kept gaining. So, why am I messing with it? I'll handle menopause when it gets here and not let it control my present.

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I did 30 min of yoga yesterday am and it was heavenly. I could stand to do some today but I probably won't. 

My body is just tired. My back and arms especially. I'm all bruised up from lugging equipment around and yesterday ran straight into the trailer hitch with my knee while loading furniture into the truck. (on top of the outside chores we've been doing a bunch of rearranging, cleaning, and changing furniture in the house). Yesterday I got the north side of the house washed and the front part of the deck. Today I really hope to get the deck done after another few hours. I will not play pickleball this afternoon (crazy to miss so much after 2 months of twice weekly). I have to get groceries tonight and my shoulder is already very sore with hours of pressure washing still to do. I cannot add pickleball on top of it. After today I'm giving the arms a rest. It's cooling off so I'm planning to hibernate inside a bit (we'll see if I can pull that off). We have work on the shop to do but with the shorter and cooler days and dh's homework load I think it will be a lite work weekend (hallelujah)

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28 minutes ago, Soror said:

Yes, it's never too late to change faulty thought patterns. Weight/diet is such a tricky issue as there is so much toxicity out there. And despite there being some pockets of support for disordered thoughts and behaviors I think on the whole today's girls are better at that. From what I've seen it is not uncommon for older women to have some messed up relationships with food. I remember my mom taking diet pills and crash dieting. My mil is the queen of the crash diet.The idea seemed to be being thin was worth any cost. I think we've come a long way here. Watching my mom with diet pills (which ended her in the ER for a messed up heart one time) and other crazy diets I tried very, very hard not to ever go down that road. I've always tried to maintain and lose weight with healthy habits. I did however get sucked down different rabbit holes of WoEs. I have mixed feelings on these now. On one side, what we eat is def important to our health and much of the common food is bad for us. On the other, so many WoEs tend to lead to a bit of cultish devotion and unhealthy thought patterns. I think it can be difficult to balance.

Other than losing weight from pregnancy and getting thyroid stuff sorted I've mostly stayed within a 5 lb range. And how'd it go is that I'd get to the upper end of that range and then work on losing a few pounds to get more towards the middle/lower end. Rinse and repeat. I especially felt a call towards the lower end the last few years with menopause looming and knowing some weight gain is likely then. So this summer after a stressful month I was up a few pounds and started working on losing them but with fall allergies and busyness I just don't have the patience. Lo and behold I've still stayed in that range. I haven't kept gaining. So, why am I messing with it? I'll handle menopause when it gets here and not let it control my present.

The other thing to consider is that over 65 a somewhat higher BMI seems to be healthier - lower all-cause mortality. That may be because slim older people tend to lack muscle,  but I haven’t seen conclusive data on that being the reason.

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7 minutes ago, Laura Corin said:

The other thing to consider is that over 65 a somewhat higher BMI seems to be healthier - lower all-cause mortality. That may be because slim older people tend to lack muscle,  but I haven’t seen conclusive data on that being the reason.

Yes, good point. Like you I'd be curious about the size vs muscle mass but it is worth considering when stressing over size. I've ready before in all cultures it is normal for women to gain weight as they age. I think that is a good thing to keep in mind. It is not a failure to weigh more as you age, it is normal and natural. 

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We started seeing the effects of hurricane Nicole yesterday afternoon. Nothing serious in our area, but near-constant rain and lots of gusty winds. So, I've been stuck with inside options. Last night, I rode the stationary bike for almost an hour, which logged enough "steps" to meet the daily goal and also got me a nice chunk of mileage towards the seasonal challenge.

This morning, I made myself a playlist of three shorter videos: a HIIT walking with weights and another cardio/walking by gosimpli.ca followed by a Leslie Sansone one-miler. I ended up cutting off some of the cardio/walking one, because she was doing a lot of things that weren't great for my knees. Then I hopped on the stationary bike for a little over 10 minutes.

It's still pretty blustery outside, so I'll have to wait and see whether an outdoor walk is possible this evening. If not, it'll be more of same inside.


Holiday Hustle 2022 Challenge: 130.0 of 550Kay
Walking Streak: 27

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I'm way more relaxed about my weight now, particularly after we 'hid' the bathroom scale. I'll check every few months, and I'm steady at just under 140, which is exactly where I was a year ago. My clothes all fit fine and I feel fine at this weight. After years of seeing the scale go up and down daily for no apparent reason, I find life without the scale wonderful! ☺️ 

I played 1 hr of singles tennis with another lady. It was an intense work-out compared to doubles. My aerobic fitness level at this intensity isn't great, but it was a lot of fun. Dh and I also took the dogs for a walk in the woods. 


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3 hours ago, wintermom said:

I'm way more relaxed about my weight now, particularly after we 'hid' the bathroom scale. I'll check every few months, and I'm steady at just under 140, which is exactly where I was a year ago. My clothes all fit fine and I feel fine at this weight. After years of seeing the scale go up and down daily for no apparent reason, I find life without the scale wonderful! ☺️ 

I played 1 hr of singles tennis with another lady. It was an intense work-out compared to doubles. My aerobic fitness level at this intensity isn't great, but it was a lot of fun. Dh and I also took the dogs for a walk in the woods. 


We have never owned a scale.  So it my weight isn't something on my mind ever.  I can tell when my clothes are not fighting right that I have not exercised much. Over summer we rented a house that had a scale and I weighed myself everyday multiple times!  And I felt better about myself if I saw a smaller number.  How sad I fell into that when I haven't been around a scale since leaving home at 18.   I have been sick for over a week so only tiny walks.  Right now I have no energy to walk.  

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Catching up here. I took a walk yesterday, but got caught up in the whirl the day before and didn't make it out to do anything at all. Not PT, nothing. 

Gyrotonics today. I also took a bit of a walk in the park with a friend--glorious weather. 

Tomorrow I have PT at 7am. They open right at 7am and will not let me in early to run on the elliptical. I pledged to dh to try to sneak out for a walk sometime during the day if the forecasted rain lets up.

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9 hours ago, mommyoffive said:

We have never owned a scale.  So it my weight isn't something on my mind ever.  I can tell when my clothes are not fighting right that I have not exercised much. Over summer we rented a house that had a scale and I weighed myself everyday multiple times!  And I felt better about myself if I saw a smaller number.  How sad I fell into that when I haven't been around a scale since leaving home at 18.   I have been sick for over a week so only tiny walks.  Right now I have no energy to walk.  

I'm sorry you are feeling so rough.

I haven't gone beyond the garden in ten days. Yesterday I spent half an hour picking up fallen apples after work, and then slept for nine hours straight. 

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@Laura Corin I'm sorry to hear you are still feeling rough.

@mommyoffivesorry you are sick 😞

@Jenny in Florida hope the storm doesn't get too bad in your area


I finished the deck (except for the top parts of the pergola that I cannot easily reach). It took another 3 hrs but I did it. My body is much less sore today. I think it must of been the raking that really bothered my shoulders. 

Today's plan--- yoga (hopefully a longer session) and some light inside chores

My energy level has been up despite my sleep not always being great. I think that is attributed to restarting my vitamin D. Maybe that combined with cooler weather killing off everything I'll start to really feel good.

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I fell down another emotional hole last night. I finished work and just kind of couldn't make myself get up out of my desk chair to go for a walk and get dinner or do, well, anything. My husband had his RPG buddies here, and they had put out a whole spread of salad/sandwich supplies, so all I had to do was wander out into the kitchen and assemble a plate, but it took three episodes of Schitt's Creek and playing solitaire on my phone before I could make myself move. 

I did eventually pry myself out of my chair, eat a snack and head out for a walk. I needed so many steps that, when I stepped out the door I assumed I would not make the daily goal, but the slightly damp, cooler-than-usual weather was nice enough and my audiobook diverting enough that I ended up going about 5.5K and getting slightly over my 15,000 for the day.

Walked again this morning. I have the day off from work, so I slept a little late and decided to use my walking time to go pick up prescriptions from the pharmacy. It's not actually quite long enough as a morning walk on its own, so I detoured through the more scenic part of the neighborhood on the way home. 

I haven't yet done any other exercise. Getting a late start always saps my motivation for that, as I get antsy about all of the other things I want and need to do with the day. At the moment, my arm is pinned under a cat, who seems to feel that I should stay right here. We'll see what happens when he moves.


Holiday Hustle 2022 Challenge: 140.2 of 550K
Walking Streak: 28

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I also have the day off today for Veteran's Day. Dh does not. I didn't really sleep late as my body and the cat are both used to being awake at a particular time, but I delayed getting out of bed. 30 min on the treadmill eventually. Will do a mix of chores, errands, and school work today, taking it easy also and maybe even sneak in a nap. Then get dd and have pizza, root beer, and Netflix tonight.

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8 hours ago, Laura Corin said:

I'm sorry you are feeling so rough.

I haven't gone beyond the garden in ten days. Yesterday I spent half an hour picking up fallen apples after work, and then slept for nine hours straight. 

I have been sleeping 9-10.5 hours at night and waking up wishing to sleep more.  But I have to some what take care of the kids/house.  Dh has been doing most of the running for the kids.  But I have done 4 trips this week.  I  think I am feeling better and then get up to do little bit of chores and then need to sit and rest for awhile.  Sigh.  I missed out on all the beautiful weather and now it is so cold.  I really hate living where we do.  I want to live in Florida so much.  Whatever I have has kicked my butt.  I covid tested a bunch and always comes up negative.  Everything is piling up at home from me being sick so long and not able to do as much.  And that just exhausts me thinking of how much there is to do, when doing just a little bit makes me need to go lie down. At least I am a little bit better that I can direct the kids to do some stuff.

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20 minutes ago, mommyoffive said:

I have been sleeping 9-10.5 hours at night and waking up wishing to sleep more.  But I have to some what take care of the kids/house.  Dh has been doing most of the running for the kids.  But I have done 4 trips this week.  I  think I am feeling better and then get up to do little bit of chores and then need to sit and rest for awhile.  Sigh.  I missed out on all the beautiful weather and now it is so cold.  I really hate living where we do.  I want to live in Florida so much.  Whatever I have has kicked my butt.  I covid tested a bunch and always comes up negative.  Everything is piling up at home from me being sick so long and not able to do as much.  And that just exhausts me thinking of how much there is to do, when doing just a little bit makes me need to go lie down. At least I am a little bit better that I can direct the kids to do some stuff.

I'm so sorry it's so rough. Warm hugs for you.

I feel this--I am on month three of pinched nerve. The first month was a painful drug haze. I did PT but the first few weeks were mostly pain-relief measures and isometrics. The second month started with me just creeping around and ended with me actually moving more throughout the day and working hard in PT, but still drugged. Now in November I am weaning off the pain meds and getting my brain back, but still with mild pain, numbness, tingling. I definitely lost a solid two months of productivity and I'm still not really up to "normal," though thank God I'm much closer to that ideal. So yeah, tons to do and not at full strength quite yet.

Take it low and slow. You'll get there.

Can you move to Florida someday?

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@Laura Corin Glad you had enough energy to walk the dog! That's a good sign you're on the mend.

Dh and I took the dogs for their walk. I got my hair cut. That was pretty much it for the day, other than shopping for dinner items for the dc. I have more energy in my mind than in my body. I'm hoping that it's allergies, and that I'll have more energy soon. 

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Root to Rise yoga this morning. This is a favorite when I'm ready to be a little active--lots of downward dogs, forward folds, tree pose. I enjoyed an easy day yesterday--got my hair cut, did laundry, took a nap, vacuumed, wrote one test, started another. Today I'll take care of dd and also go into school for a little bit. And clean the bathrooms.

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I measured myself and updated MyFitnessPal. It says I've lost 6 inches at the waistline, 7.5 at hips, and 35 lbs overall. Pretty sure I've been ghosted by that guy. We supposedly really liked each other, but there was drama/baggage interfering that may not be resolved anytime soon. Not really in anyone's control. And it wasn't my baggage, either. Said he tested positive for flu a day after we kissed so I'm just hoping I don't come down with it. Don't even know what to believe, for all I know that was a lie to avoid chatting. Why is dating so hard? 

Dh tried to shame me for wanting to wear a corset in my 30s. Well I bought one and after a little more weight loss I think it'll look good. But not sure when I'll wear it as I don't see any dates in my immediately future. 🙄

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So, we brought home a dog yesterday.

She's a senior pup and has at least one obvious health issue, so she may not be with us terribly long. However, I just kept staring at her listing on the animal shelter's website and yesterday decided I needed to go meet her. Once we saw her and hung out with her a bit and realized just how unhappy she was in the shelter and how unlikely it was that anyone else would take her home, we decided we couldn't leave her there. 

She is such a good dog, too.  She does slow me down a fair bit while walking, just because she absolutely needs to stop and sniff and investigate everything we pass. But it has made my walks last night and this morning much more appealing having company.

We walked about 1.5K when we first got home from the shelter, then another 2.5 later in the evening at my normal walking time. This morning, we did 4.3, although she was clearly pretty tired and ready to be done and I ended up carrying her the last block and a half. 

No other official exercise today. I skipped yoga at the lake because we went to a local renaissance faire to see the shows for which our son had done the fight choreography/direction. I did end up walking a decent amount just seeing the fair, so I will need only another couple of kilometers later to finish off the day's steps.


Holiday Hustle 2022 Challenge: 148.4 of 550K
Walking Streak: 29


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6 minutes ago, Jenny in Florida said:

So, we brought home a dog yesterday.

She's a senior pup and has at least one obvious health issue, so she may not be with us terribly long. However, I just kept staring at her listing on the animal shelter's website and yesterday decided I needed to go meet her. Once we saw her and hung out with her a bit and realized just how unhappy she was in the shelter and how unlikely it was that anyone else would take her home, we decided we couldn't leave her there. 

She is such a good dog, too.  She does slow me down a fair bit while walking, just because she absolutely needs to stop and sniff and investigate everything we pass. But it has made my walks last night and this morning much more appealing having company.

We walked about 1.5K when we first got home from the shelter, then another 2.5 later in the evening at my normal walking time. This morning, we did 4.3, although she was clearly pretty tired and ready to be done and I ended up carrying her the last block and a half. 

No other official exercise today. I skipped yoga at the lake because we went to a local renaissance faire to see the shows for which our son had done the fight choreography/direction. I did end up walking a decent amount just seeing the fair, so I will need only another couple of kilometers later to finish off the day's steps.


Holiday Hustle 2022 Challenge: 148.4 of 550K
Walking Streak: 29


She's so sweet! What's her name?

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@Jenny in Florida That's wonderful to hear! Lulu looks very sweet! It's so nice having a walking buddy! Enjoy your new pup!

Dh and I walked the dogs in the woods, then I went for a bone density scan (my baseline measurement). Did a little bit of vaccuuming, and now I'm wipted out. Sore muscles from tennis on Thursday are dragging down my energy so much. I really hope this passes soon. 

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Went for another slow-ish meander with Lulu last night, about 3.5K, which more than finished off the day's steps.

I ended up breaking my morning walk into parts today, some with Lulu and some on my own. She seems to really enjoy walking and exploring . . . for a couple of kilometers. Then she is ready to go home. It's fine; it just means I need to rewrite the walking route maps in my head to bring me back past the house part-way through so I can drop her off and go back out. 

This morning, we did about 2.5K together, and then I walked another 2.3K solo. 

No additional exercise today. Sundays are my usual day off from anything besides walking. I should do something to make up for skipping yesterday, but I am already getting a late start on the day, have all of the laundry to do that I didn't do while we were out at the fair yesterday and have a writing assignment and a quiz that need to be done before midnight tonight. So, it'll just be more walking later.


Holiday Hustle 2022 Challenge: 156.5 of 550K
Walking Streak: 30

Edited by Jenny in Florida
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49 minutes ago, Jenny in Florida said:

Went for another slow-ish meander with Lulu last night, about 3.5K, which more than finished off the day's steps.

I ended up breaking my morning walk into parts today, some with Lulu and some on my own. She seems to really enjoy walking and exploring . . . for a couple of kilometers. Then she is ready to go home. It's fine; it just means I need to rewrite the walking route maps in my head to bring me back past the house part-way through so I can drop her off and go back out. 

This morning, we did about 2.5K together, and then I walked another 2.3K solo. 

No additional exercise today. Sundays are my usual day off from anything besides walking. I should do something to make up for skipping yesterday, but I am already getting a late start on the day, have all of the laundry to do that I didn't do while we were out at the fair yesterday and have a writing assignment and a quiz that need to be done before midnight tonight. So, it'll just be more walking later.


Holiday Hustle 2022 Challenge: 156.5 of 550K
Walking Streak: 3

I do figures of eight with my old dog too,   first a one-mile loop with her that ends up back at home and then a longer loop alone.

Today I was quite wobbly though - I  walked a couple of slow miles in total and planted a bare-root rose. Oh and did my sun salutations  - my back is very stiff.  Apart from that, I  just did a final check on my essay and submitted it, and otherwise just read for most of the day.

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Yesterday I got all caught up in lots of busy-ness working on wedding details and cleaning the house and didn't make time for a proper exercise session. I am thankful that my pinched nerve has improved so much--though I am still working through limited range of motion and continued numbness/tingling, I can move so much more freely and the pain is much less. It was good to bustle around cleaning the house. I don't think it counts as exercise, though. 

Today I did some light PT but feel I should have pounded through more of a proper workout. We were out in the morning and had friends over all afternoon, and it's tough trying to focus after that. Ah well. Tomorrow I'll plan to hit it properly after class. 

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Thank you all for the well wishes about my new canine friend. She really is incredibly sweet and well behaved. It's clear to me that someone at some point took good care of her and made sure she was well trained and properly socialized. It's kind of heart-breaking to imagine how she ended up where we found her and in her current condition. But I'm glad she can be with us for however long that turns out to be. 

I walked last night, as planned, with and then without Lulu, for a total of about 3.8K. 

And did the usual longer walk this morning, total of 4.4K, after which I spent about 35 minutes on the exercise mat on the patio doing strength and stretching. I'm still frustrated by the fact that I seem to have lost ground in terms of arm strength. I'm now starting to increase the number of repetitions I'm doing with the lighter weights so I feel like I'm making some kind of progress. 

More walking later, presumably, to finish off the step count and mileage for the day.


Holiday Hustle 2022 Challenge: 164.6 of 550K
Walking Streak: 31

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12 hours ago, wintermom said:

It was a lazy, rest day today. Dh and I walked the dogs in the woods, and then I didn't do much else. Many joints seemed painful earlier today, but I'm feeling a lot better now. The temperature is really cooling off, so hopefully all the allergens are disappearing finally. 

I'm with you on hoping for allergens to die. I don't like the cold but love feeling better, three cheers for that. Glad the soreness is dissipating.

On 11/12/2022 at 2:39 PM, heartlikealion said:

I measured myself and updated MyFitnessPal. It says I've lost 6 inches at the waistline, 7.5 at hips, and 35 lbs overall. Pretty sure I've been ghosted by that guy. We supposedly really liked each other, but there was drama/baggage interfering that may not be resolved anytime soon. Not really in anyone's control. And it wasn't my baggage, either. Said he tested positive for flu a day after we kissed so I'm just hoping I don't come down with it. Don't even know what to believe, for all I know that was a lie to avoid chatting. Why is dating so hard? 

Dh tried to shame me for wanting to wear a corset in my 30s. Well I bought one and after a little more weight loss I think it'll look good. But not sure when I'll wear it as I don't see any dates in my immediately future. 🙄

Men! Who knows with them? I do not envy you being in the dating world. It is not something I would want to mess with at all. And you can wear whatever you want, screw your dh. 

On 11/12/2022 at 12:14 PM, Laura Corin said:

A quiet but useful day - post office, finished my essay, 2 1/2 mile walk, sun salutations, put my bare-root climbing rose to soak to plant tomorrow.  

It's so wonderful you had a nice day with some movement. I'm sorry it was followed by a not so great one.

On 11/12/2022 at 3:35 PM, Jenny in Florida said:

She's an owner surrender and came with a name: Lulu.

Congratulations on the new dog. She looks like a sweetheart.

9 hours ago, Harriet Vane said:

Yesterday I got all caught up in lots of busy-ness working on wedding details and cleaning the house and didn't make time for a proper exercise session. I am thankful that my pinched nerve has improved so much--though I am still working through limited range of motion and continued numbness/tingling, I can move so much more freely and the pain is much less. It was good to bustle around cleaning the house. I don't think it counts as exercise, though. 

Today I did some light PT but feel I should have pounded through more of a proper workout. We were out in the morning and had friends over all afternoon, and it's tough trying to focus after that. Ah well. Tomorrow I'll plan to hit it properly after class. 

I'm happy to hear of your progress with the injury.

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