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I have a daughter who was academically ready but we worried if she’d adjust well to college. She is the most introverted human I’ve ever met. 
She is roomed with her roommate from last year. They aren’t friends per se, but they are friendly. She’s kept a job (same one both years), has done well, and is considering a new one. (Amazing since she’s not a fan of new things.) They pulled her into the honors program. She joined a young adults group at a church that is active. She texted me yesterday - her greatest fear was that she would do poorly in Mandarin this year. Class average? 83. Her score overall? 99.6. Most recent test? Average score: 69%. Her score: 103%. 

Last year she chose to change from BioMed to TESOL. I wasn’t super thrilled. I couldn’t see her teaching, and I was worried. Now she’s planning a semester abroad (oddly in Korea or Japan) and excelling in these classes. I’m seeing her gain confidence. I’m so thrilled for her. She’s always been surrounded by extroverted bubbly sisters and you know how society applauds that type. It’s so enjoyable to see her in her own realm and finally realizing she is amazing, not just her mama saying nice things. 😉 ♥️ 

Homeschooling is awesome. 

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