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Curious: Atheist / Agnostic


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1 hour ago, stephanier.1765 said:

Me too! I asked them, "So you're telling me that the only reason you behave rightly is because of what the Bible tells you?" That is so strange to me.

People should have more faith in themselves. If they can use religion as an excuse to behave like decent humans, they are quite capable of finding another excuse if they ever need one.

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7 hours ago, BlsdMama said:

As a Christian, I can’t help but see the stamp of intelligent design over so much of the natural world.  I’m generally curious to hear why someone chooses atheism over agnosticism. 

Looking at the human anatomy, I can't help but see several design flaws which could have been significantly better engineered:
For example, if the trachea and esophagus would not cross, it would eliminate the danger of choking on a bite of food. The birth canal makes birthing human babies extraordinarily difficult and dangerous compared to other mammals.
Menstruation with blood loss and anemia as solution for an issue that almost all other mammal species handle more elegantly.
The appendix which serves no discernible function but has a tendency to inflammation.
The list is long.

Looking at how poorly constructed the human body is, I can only conclude that it has not been deliberately designed by a superbly intelligent being - many of the features could have been greatly improved.  
Or am I supposed to accept the flaws were deliberately implemented by the intelligent designer to make humans miserable?

Edited by regentrude
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Depending on how it's defined, I do see myself as both atheist and agnostic. I don't actually believe in any particular deities, and right now I think that is an unknowable idea. If you don't actually believe in any particular deity or deities, you are also atheist. Not knowing if one exists or not is different. I live my life like one doesn't exist, especially one as described by Christianity, because I find that nonexistence to be most likely.

It is certainly possible there is some sort of vague "force" or "something" out there, but (and this is why I ultimately left progressive theism) if there is, it is not something that has a need to be understood or known, which is fine by me. There probably isn't anything, but if there is, nothing else is required from me anyway, so whatever. I mean it would be cool and all, but this is not a something that wants me to go to church or pray to it or worship it or have some sort of relationship, so knowing it existed wouldn't change my behavior.

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7 hours ago, BlsdMama said:

I’m generally curious to hear why someone chooses atheism over agnosticism. 

The religion I was born into is Zoroastrian.

Yes, Zoroastrianism, and my own mother is an active practitioner.

Am I really supposed to believe that Zoroastrianism is the ONE TRUE RELIGION and all y'all is wrong?  I just can't wrap my head around that.  

So now I need to decide WHICH religion is the one true religion.

And there are so many religions.  

Even if I make it easy on myself and select Christianity, I come to find out out, that's not enough, I need to pick a denomination.  Now this is starting to sound like homework.  

And then I wonder, is Catholicism the same thing as Christianity?  I truly have no idea.  I mean, they both have Jesus, but then why do Catholics and Protestants hate each other?   

Ugh.  Frankly, it was just easier to stay an atheist than try to convince myself there is some kind of superman who lives in the sky.  

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9 hours ago, BlsdMama said:

 I’ve generally categorized atheism as a religion because it states a certainty of belief a follower adhere to.  

Do you categorize your religion as only a certainty of belief that God exists? Worshipping God is not important or required? 

The standard definition of religion includes both belief/faith and worship. You don't just believe that God exists, you worship God, correct? 

Others have already stated that atheism itself is just a lack of belief in gods. Some atheists do have a certainty of belief that gods do not exist, but it is not paired with worship as religion is. 

Several people have brought up atheists being fervent, zealous, and so on. That only fits the distinctly different definition of religion as an interest or pursuit to which someone gives tremendous importance, as in saying that consumerism is the new religion for many people.

This definition does not require worship or belief, just the fervent pursuit of an interest. Some atheists might fit this definition of religion, but it is only equivalent in any degree if your religion does not require worship or belief either.  The Christian religion, most common in America, most definitely requires both belief and worship. 

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6 hours ago, Mrs Tiggywinkle said:

Mostly because every time I post something on FB about my faith or Christianity she very much sends me a message or leaves a comment either trying to convert me or telling me only stupid people believe in God. Atheism is a core value of her personal beliefs.

I talk in my other post about why a belief is not a religion, but this is obnoxious behavior from any person. Why remain friends with someone who calls you stupid? 

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13 minutes ago, katilac said:

I talk in my other post about why a belief is not a religion, but this is obnoxious behavior from any person. Why remain friends with someone who calls you stupid? 

I think of her as religiously hating religion lol.

I think there is a host of unresolved mental health issues and I try to be compassionate and keep some communication open. She lives states away so it’s not something I really have to deal with often.  

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10 hours ago, BlsdMama said:

Correct me if I’m wrong…

Atheist: There is no God.

 Agnostic: Maybe there is and maybe not, I don’t know.

 I’ve generally categorized atheism as a religion because it states a certainty of belief a follower adhere to. I don’t know if this is an offensive statement so I apologize if it is. 

As a Christian, I can’t help but see the stamp of intelligent design over so much of the natural world.  I’m generally curious to hear why someone chooses atheism over agnosticism. 

As an Agnostic, I can't help but not see it.  

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