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Tackling Monday Together


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Good morning!

I hope those who are starting school today have a good day! 

  • medicine
  • coffee
  • get ready for day
  • bible study
  • 5 Zoom sessions
  • meals
  • go for a walk
  • pay bills/update checking
  • meeting for festival committee
  • look over lessons for tomorrow
  • read
  • watch something and relax
  • calcium
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Good morning! 

The days are getting visibly shorter. So much less light out when I get up now. Boo. I love the long summer days.

Ds to school
Tutor 5 students - 2 in the morning, 3 after school ✔️ 
Make dinner ✔️ 
Library - return books ✔️ 
Organize my staging area ✔️ 
Pick up Ds after football? 

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Good morning!  We've got a bit of needed rain coming today and everyone is ready to enjoy it. 🙂

No tutoring today- it was cancelled.  My only list is rather small:

  • Work with ds for an hour
  • Write
  • Violin
  • Maybe help arrange a playdate?
  • Dinner: pasta with meat sauce

That's it.  We're all exhausted from yesterday still and plan on laying around for a while.

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Good morning. It's week 4 here, but only week 2 of all subjects. Last week was so intense I stopped even making lists because we were in survival mode. I wonder why it affected me so much when this is our 6th year? Maybe because it's middle school and 1st? And yes, the days are darkening faster and the kids asked for extra blankets on their beds as it is actually cooling off now at night. 


Dunkin run✔


Work ✔

Tutor @ 2✔




Work out✔



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Howdie, happy Monday!

My kids' first day of 11th grade.  So far so good.  The school has no phone and internet today for unknown reasons.  Hopefully attention will be better for it!

I have a headache even after taking Tylenol.  Not conducive to tackling client work, but I'll figure it out somehow.


  • Up until 3:something doing laundry and such.  Also posted an invite on a facebook page.
  • Alarms started ringing at 6am.  I didn't hear all of them.  Thankfully one of my kids woke me up.
  • Made kid1's lunch and gave kid2 $3 for lunch.  Made coffee.
  • Drove kids to school barely on time.  At least this time it was my own fault.
  • Wordle (4), nerdle (4), quordle (6), worldle (1).
  • A little reading.
  • Napped, hoping it would help my headache.
  • Sent out a client report.
  • Caught up on emails, news, social media, calendar.  Can't check the online school stuff kuz of their internet fritz.

To do:

  • More client reports & try to catch up on various minor work things / clear emails.
  • Some more laundry.
  • Eat fruit, veggie, take vitamins, drink water.
  • Move a piece of furniture up from the basement.
  • Pup duty - walk the pup?
  • Pick up kids after they get fitted for their band uniforms.
  • Make sure we mail payment today for the pup daycare.
  • Kid1 needs to document last frog watch & finish her summer reading book.
  • Both kids need to finish all their homework and pick up after themselves.
  • Nice-to-haves today:  sort the purged kid clothes that are on my bedroom floor, personal filing, ... whatever else gets done.
  • Get ready for tomorrow and go to bed at a decent hour.
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Forgot to add that I also have a conference call & I'm scheduled to give blood this evening.

I've moved furniture from the basement & the garage so I can work on the 1st floor while supervising the pup.

Ate fruit.  Took vitamins.  Switched out laundry & put some away.

School internet is back up, so I checked stuff.  Something isn't right but I don't if it needs following up or patience right now.

Edited by SKL
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Looks like my phone never posted my list. Over the weekend, my ride (dd2)  to my rheumatologist on Tuesday was exposed to COVID on Friday and got sick yesterday so couldn't take me.  Both my son and his wife got RSV from my grandson who also has it and my dgd2 who got it at school most likely almost two weeks ago now.  Last Wednesday afternoon, dd1 was suddenly told she has to start working immediately in the building (without a desk),  and all because all the other people aren't doing their jobs- and there is a government project due by the end of the month= and so many documents to edit.  So she asked her boss at the work--not her actual boss since she is a subcontractor employee, and he didn't respond until she was leaving to go home.  In the meantime, I also reached out to see if any deacons could do a last minute day journey to Nashville/  and reached out to another friend too- but her volunteer day at the Garden is Tuesday.  Getting desperate, I reached out to my health advocate and left message for her.  She called the rheumatology office, explained I needed a change to Th, F, or M.  and her PA or whatever his title was going to message the DR if she could squeeze me in.


  • Dental appt for crown fitting which was interuppted twice- first, the nurse called, and I had to explain which medications I needed refilled, including my pain med but only for 10 days, since I will need new big one for Hawaii.  Next, the PA called and said I have a 11:45 on Thursday
  • all medications taken
  • took a walk w my husband around the park
  • Called pulmonologist and left message to renew singulair-they did
  • called and left message again at Gyn clinic, then I logged onto their patient portal recently and typed out the message plus another about a medical question
  • forgot to eat lunch

To do

  • Hopefully pick up all my scripts at Publix
  • Get chocolate--desperately
  • take all meds and not forget any
  • make sure I eat


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Sorry for the rough day @TravelingChris. I hope you can get the appt. rearranged! 

Feeling off all day, slightly nauseated. Hard to keep blood sugar stable when I don’t feel like eating, then have to eat my emergency food bc the numbers drop. Low and high sugars both cause me to feel nauseated, so the medication is adding more confusion. 


Rough night here with Ds, who desperately needs help in organization, math, and physics, and will not accept ANY help. He evades supervision and tries to game online all the time. (We limit/control that and tv.) I am worried he will fail a class or two. He is 15 and cannot do prealgebra and will not work hard at school. He thinks he can handle it, but has no clue what is even due when. His school uses multiple online resources and it is challenging for me to sort them, nevermind for a kid with major EF issues. So exhausting and miserable. I love my kid, but I want him grown up and out of my home. 

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Hugs to both of you, @ScoutTN and @TravelingChris!

My last student of the day cancelled, so I went to help dh in his classroom.

I went to the post office and our grocery outlet. I got several packs of all natural meats without nitrates (bacon, chicken meatballs, chicken sausages, ham, and turkey hotdogs) for such good prices. ($23 for 8 total packages) Close to the date, but I can freeze most of them. 

Updated checking/paid bills

I had an arts council meeting tonight.

Dh and I went for another walk after I got home from that. 

We watched another Handmaid's Tale.  

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