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Your favorite decaf coffee brand

Indigo Blue

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I now have stuff in my house to make pour over coffee thanks to my son. He just left here but he made some seriously good coffee when he was here. It wasn’t decaf, but I tried a small cup. 

I thought I might try this with decaf and hope I can land on a brand that I can tolerate (headaches). 

Kicking Horse is very good! I’m surprised. I used ds method and it was very close to “real” coffee. We drink it black. Although, it seems just a very very tiny amount of maple syrup covers up the “decaf coffee” after taste, and makes it taste even more like non decaf black coffee. 

Have you found a really good decaf? I’m happy with this one but just wondering what others like. 


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33 minutes ago, Indigo Blue said:

I now have stuff in my house to make pour over coffee thanks to my son. He just left here but he made some seriously good coffee when he was here. It wasn’t decaf, but I tried a small cup. 

I thought I might try this with decaf and hope I can land on a brand that I can tolerate (headaches). 

Kicking Horse is very good! I’m surprised. I used ds method and it was very close to “real” coffee. We drink it black. Although, it seems just a very very tiny amount of maple syrup covers up the “decaf coffee” after taste, and makes it taste even more like non decaf black coffee. 

Have you found a really good decaf? I’m happy with this one but just wondering what others like. 


I like Organic Coffee Co.'s Gorilla Decaf. It says light roast but I think it's a strong medium roast. 


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I myself am not a big coffee drinker, or indeed an any kind of coffee drinker, but since my mother and sister are I've spent several years carefully indoctrinating them into the superiority of bird friendly coffee. They are amused by my efforts, but mostly put up with me.

They haven't complained about any of these brands, which I've bought on a rotating schedule to craft the illusion that I'm just playing bougie taste testing rather than trying to change their entire coffee-drinking way of life: https://www.emeraldology.com/9-best-certified-bird-friendly-and-organic-coffee-roasters/

But one note: When you pay your workers fairly and also plant responsibly, your product costs more.

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2 hours ago, Tanaqui said:

I myself am not a big coffee drinker, or indeed an any kind of coffee drinker, but since my mother and sister are I've spent several years carefully indoctrinating them into the superiority of bird friendly coffee. They are amused by my efforts, but mostly put up with me.

They haven't complained about any of these brands, which I've bought on a rotating schedule to craft the illusion that I'm just playing bougie taste testing rather than trying to change their entire coffee-drinking way of life: https://www.emeraldology.com/9-best-certified-bird-friendly-and-organic-coffee-roasters/

But one note: When you pay your workers fairly and also plant responsibly, your product costs more.

Well, if "they haven't complained about any of these brands," isn't an enthusiastic endorsement, I don't know what is!!! 😉 

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My mother, for the record, has only complained about coffee *once* in my lifetime. It was when she was stuck in the *worse* hospital on the Island a few months ago. She said their coffee was "swill" and refused to drink it, which was so shocking that I willingly shelled out for Starbucks from their lobby every day, and also brewed her coffee in a thermos daily as well.

For people who drink a lot of coffee, my family sure isn't very opinionated about it. They like it. Therefore they drink it. But they are, to my mind, shockingly disinterested in coffee snob topics. If I liked coffee, I'd have tons of opinions!

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I’m stuck with herbal tea because I’ve never found a green tea decaf that tasted good. Since I bought the Kicking Horse this week and it was so good, I don’t mind being a bit choosy because it will be maybe a once a week or so thing. Just something to enjoy that actually tastes really good. 

Ds is a total coffee snob. But he’s very into it and enjoys it. He loves super flavorful food, too. 

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