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Tackling Tuesday Together


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Good morning! 

I'm up early today because I have an at home sleep study tonight. I hope getting up early will help me sleep for it. 

  • medicine
  • go for a walk
  • breakfast
  • laundry
  • tutor 1 student
  • dh and I go out to do some shopping
  • early dinner because ds works tonight
  • go to sleep center for equipment and set up and told what to do
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I hope the study gives you some helpful information, Amy.


Ds to football ✔️ 
Log yesterday’s tutoring sessions.
Tutor three students ✔️ 
Lunch meeting ✔️ 
Take Dd to the bank ✔️ 
Hang out at the pool with friends ✔️ 

Edited by ScoutTN
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Good morning, all!  Amy, I hope the sleep study provides good info for you. 

My day today is:
....keep tending/supervising the tending of the neighbor's dogs (the one dog is being a PITA, so usually requires DH or I to go with the kids...)
....measure the zipper, order those (for the fencing jacket repairs)
...attach the hanging sleeve to the quilt, and a label
....work on some "stuff to finish in the summer before school starts" list for school (probably: look through/plan out the new books I bought)
...message friend, see when she is free to meet up
....email our registrar, let her know one family is sending me my supply fee directly, and mailing registration
....go through emails, answer ones I'm forgetting (timeline figures, I think that's all)

....cook dinner (chicken is thawing, marinade is ready, will put chicken in marinade at lunch when it's had time to thaw some)
...dancing lessons (oldest two to young adult church thing??? not sure)
....home, eat, veg out

I *think* that's it, and I am determined to stay focused today....wish me luck! 

Edited by TheReader
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Good Morning

@mom31257 hope your sleep study is able to help you

@TheReader good luck with staying focused. Since joining this daily list group, I have  learned I go off the rails almost every day. But things come up and the goals/tasks change quite often. I’m choosing to look at it as spontaneity practice.

Not as hot in weather dept only 85 yet the humidity is 85% so very muggy, so glad ac is working

At my history meeting last night I signed up,to write an article about a very old Hall’s safe maybe 1800’s, so another “project” doing research and writing this up, no big timeline though. Start doing research today.

laundry try to catch up

clean up kitchen

water indoor plants

Sort through email

work on a photo that someone wants 3 people photoshopped out of.

water outdoor gardens and hanging baskets

watch alias




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Howdie, happy Tuesday!

It's a hot one today.  (Like seven inches from the midday sun ... oops sorry about that.)  The only good thing I have to say about the weather today is that it isn't going to be this hot for the next 9 days (at least) - if the weather predictors are right. (OK, actually the morning was rather pleasant, so I shouldn't whine too much.)

Speaking of whining, I did a lot of it on here yesterday, but some of those stressors have been resolved.  My kid was able to switch work dates with a colleague, so now, I think we're safe to plan the weekend around the Stray Kids concert, which will hopefully be fun!  Though we're arguing about whether we should take 1 or 2 vehicles / rent something bigger.  7 full-grown females in an Odyssey with 3 days of luggage?  For 6 hours each way?  Experience tells me this is not gonna be comfy.  I would be happy to drive my car separately, with all the luggage, so people can spread out and enjoy the ride.  Or pay for a bigger van.  But another person is insisting that being together for the ride is the whole point of traveling.  So we'll see how it comes out.

Got my kids' state English test results.  I've been watching for them, because a "competence" level score is required for graduation.  Kids who fall below the set "competence" score have to re-take the test, and if they still fail, they need to find other ways to meet the graduation requirement.  Since my kids aren't stellar testers, I wasn't sure.  However, they both surpassed the "competence" score by a wide margin, so I can relax about that.  Yay!  One step closer to graduation.

The maid invited by my housemate came to give a quote.  Also, the maid who quit on us twice wants to come back.  We are not agreeing on how to move forward.  My view is - what do you expect will change with the old maid if she comes back?  She's not that much cheaper.  Also, it would be worth a higher price if it meant less time commitment by all of us, since our time is also valuable.  (For example, me trying to keep my pup entertained somewhere for several hours, no matter the weather / workload / health considerations, not able to use the bathroom, etc.)  But we haven't come to an agreement.

Being honest, I am glad I "had" to clean last night and this morning.  I like cleaning, and I like a clean(er) home, but it's hard to justify the time as June deadlines loom.  Being "forced" to do it gives me a guilt-free excuse.  😛

And I also cleaned my car somewhat, thinking I'd have to bring a new kid on the field trip.  I ended up not needing to do that, but at least my car is a bit cleaner.  😛 

Speaking of which, I might be late picking up my kids if I don't sign off now.  Be back later with my usual tackle list.

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Made a cursory glance through Book 3 (of 4) that I bought to use with my classes, and now I want the whole series of these ones  -- 2 are "This Book Thinks you are a...." with things like Scientist, Math Genius, etc.; those ones are mostly a little old/stretch for my classes but there is usable stuff in the 2 I got; the other 2, which I now want all of, are "How Artists See...." things like Feelings, Elements, Cities, People, etc. There are numerous other titles, and I found the publisher's website with a boxed set of all 12 titles + teacher's guide, which I think I can actually swing, just haven't hit purchase yet. These are super incredible, open ended, "look at art" books perfect for elementary kids. Just all open-ended, etc.

I'm thinking I'll (probably) order the set before I try and schedule these, then pick which titles work best for which grade, and then pop one or two pages/topics into each week....these would be awesome for indoor recess days, too, as extras. 

Also, not on the list, folded laundry that was waiting. 

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Well I rushed out the door earlier, and I forgot to bring my laptop.  The camp is over half an hour drive from home, and there was only 1.5 hours left of camp, so it wouldn’t make sense to drive back for the computer.  I thought maybe I could get some things done via iPhone, but my internet connection was way too slow.  Taking a walk might be an idea if it wasn’t over 90 degrees and sunny.  I feel guilty doing nothing productive.  Oh well, only about 20 more minutes now.

My kids hated the field trip.  I might post about that later.

My tackle list:  (pardon bad format kuz I am not used to typing on my phone)


  • Laundry in the wee hours.
  • Slept!
  • woke the kids, took the pup out.
  • cleaning for the maids.
  • cleaned my car.
  • Picked up friend and drive all 3 kids to camp.
  • drove kids to field trip from camp (and back to camp later).
  • walked the pup while the new maid lady was there.
  • various discussions.
  • wordle 4, nerdle 3, quordle 7
  • caught up on emails, calendar, news, social media, school stuff
  • a little client work 
  • ate fruit, took vitamins.

To do:

  • drive kids home.  They asked for an ice cream stop.
  • lots of client work.
  • pay bills.
  • eat veggies.
  • yoga etc.
  • some reading 
  • kid2 driving class
  • kid1 driving lesson
  • whatever I am forgetting.
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Well, I got the hanging sleeve sewn onto the quilt, but I was holding the quilt weird so I need to redo the bottom part of it (I bunched up the quilt) and pin like crazy, glue, something...first. :sigh: 

But, went ahead and also trimmed all the little thread tails off the back, and all the little black tulle bits that were still showing on the left side of the front (have to stop so I can cook dinner), so that's good. Plenty of time to finish that before shipping it off. 

Also  measured the zipper, and going to order that now and then cook. Then it will be eat, dance lessons, home. 

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I have a big backlog of tutoring sessions to log, but it’s not happening today.

Did all the things on my list, including gettin Dd a checking acct. and debit card!

Also got the CSA veggies and pork, and put it all away.

Left Dd in charge of dinner.

At the pool, waiting for friends to arrive. The pavement makes it hot! Much cooler in my yard.  

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So about my kids' camp field trip today ...

For context, this is a culture camp for internationally adopted kids.  Most of the kids are from Latin American countries.  The age group involved is about 14+.

They went to a cultural arts center for a "special program created for them."  I assumed it was gonna be about cultural arts (silly me). 

According to my kids, they forced everyone to "share their story" about struggles of being an adopted person of color.  My kids said the person in charge was a 21yo who was not adopted.  My kids said the focus was on the negative and they felt like they were wrong if they didn't have a negative story to share.  It got super uncomfortable even just listening to what my kids described as "TMI."  Then being required to publicly share their personal stories (or make something up).  Then they each were asked to choose 3 words for their experience.  Then (since the leader is a theater person), they were all required to physically act out these words.  My kids said that only the negative words were chosen for this.  They all had to physically act out feelings such as "loneliness," "oppression," and others I don't immediately recall.  (Nice thought, adoption = oppression.)  My kids also said there was a lot of talk about how bad white people are.  Interesting since most of these kids have white parents.  There were other activities, but I didn't get much more detail.

Both of my kids, and their Puerto Rican friend (who is not an adoptee), thoroughly hated this program.  One of my kids called it "degrading."

I'm dismayed for several reasons.  One is that I have been hoping to get my kids involved in this cultural organization, but now I don't think they will ever go back.  Secondly, while I'm not against adoptees discussing their experiences in a balanced way (including negative, positive, and neutral feelings), I think it should have been led by an international adoptee and done in familiar territory.  Thirdly, I feel kids should have been given some warning or preparation before experiencing that kind of "TMI" roundtable - including strategies for respectfully opting out of uncomfortable things.  It would have been nice for the parents to have a heads-up also.

Wish I could talk to other parents and get their take on today.  I don't have personal connections with any of them though.  Many are staying together in an inn this week, so maybe they are discussing this, but I probably won't hear their thoughts.  Wondering if I should say anything, or just do damage control with my own kids.

Edited by SKL
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Oh, @SKL, that's awful.  I would definitely speak up -- check with the organizers, provide feedback, etc., so that if nothing else maybe they rethink this activity for future sessions of the camp.  I'm so sorry that your kids had to deal with that, but it speaks volumes that they were comfortable talking to you about it all. 

Hugs & prayers for all of you as you work through it. 

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2 hours ago, TheReader said:

Oh, @SKL, that's awful.  I would definitely speak up -- check with the organizers, provide feedback, etc., so that if nothing else maybe they rethink this activity for future sessions of the camp.  I'm so sorry that your kids had to deal with that, but it speaks volumes that they were comfortable talking to you about it all. 

Hugs & prayers for all of you as you work through it. 

Yeah I think I will formulate a "positive" comment to discuss after camp ends.  I don't want to crap on the organizers, but it is entirely possible that they didn't realize what was about to happen, or didn't realize how uncomfortable it would make at least some of the kids.

Thinking of starting with "did anyone else's teens have an interesting take on the ___ event?"

I do think it's possible some of the kids will not even tell their parents.  It took a bit of gentle probing to get my kids to open up beyond "it sucked."  And there were some kids who were very into it, who went way beyond what you'd voluntarily share with your parents.  And on the other hand, I doubt that my kids' take on it was complete and unbiased.  That's why I kept saying "according to my kids...."

There was a link to the organizer's info in the post-camp recap, so I checked her out.  Turns out she's on a grant-supported mission to create a theater program that gets young people into their identities.  So she's using our kids toward her goal.  OK, but I feel it should be voluntary, and in the case of minors, parents should have been advised in advance of how far this would go.  And also, given that minors were involved, there should have been safeguards so it wouldn't go into inappropriate (for the situation) territory.

People need to remember that unlike adults, minors can't just choose to leave when things get uncomfortable.  They need other safeguards.

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