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Tackling Friday Together


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Good morning! Big day ahead, so let's go. The weather is not looking great, and I have things to do out. 

  • dh's breakfast and lunch
  • my shower
  • meals (dinner will be on the road)
  • get ready
  • review notes for speaking engagement this afternoon  
  • pack for trip to the beach this weekend
  • tidy house
  • put clean sheets on our bed (My sister's AC has gone out, and she asked to come stay here if it gets too hot in their house.)
  • make a shopping list of things to pick up before we leave town
  • go get those things along with handouts
  • go to homeschool meeting
  • get back home as soon as I can so we can pack the car
  • leave for our trip
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Have fun at the beach, Amy! It is cloudy and going to rain here too. 

Back to routine today, taking Ds to school.

Loads of desk work to do: YNAB, bills, AHG stuff, print tickets.

Wrap a gift and get cards. 

Take Dd to her last Friday class for the year! 

Thrift store with Dd after class. 

Figure out dinner. Really, I need to do some meal planning for the next week or so.

Tonight: read or finish a podcast. 

Edited by ScoutTN
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Good morning! 

I managed to get all the things prepped for K/1st yesterday after all (the class stuff, not the party stuff) so yay! Lighter load today. So, today I have:

....tutor the 5 (now 6!) yr old
....coffee date with great-grandma of the 6 yr old, who returns to her Mexico home tomorrow
....come home, do party prep for Monday
....check in with DS on school -- I *think* his only homework is to finish his history project, so that's mostly just him
....quilt?? or at least, get the quilting room in order again so I can quilt this weekend??
....backing up -- on the way home, stop by HEB and pick up Oldest's med refill, and maybe a small gift (I have part of it) for a student's bday tomorrow
....tonight, leftover taco stuff for dinner, watch a friend's college graduation online, maybe go to our co-op play/maybe veg out with the family


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Happy Saturday Eve!

Too bad it's raining all day.


  • Slept, yay!
  • Kids to school on time (with signed permission slips for today's event - they almost forgot).  Yay!
  • Washed dishes, started a load of laundry.
  • Wordle (3), nerdle (4), quordle (9).  Challenging today!  I will wait until later to do worldle because my phone is in not with me.
  • Caught up on calendar, emails, electronic school stuff, news, and social media.
  • Switched out the laundry.
  • Took the pup out to potty.
  • Pup had barfed in his crate, so I cleaned that up.
  • Managed to get into a tiff with someone ... calm down mama.
  • Working on coffee 2.

To do:

  • One important due date, and whatever other client work gets done.
  • More pup stuff, more cleaning.
  • Eat fruit & veggie, take vitamins, drink water.
  • Yoga etc.  It's been about a week since I've done it.  Grr!
  • Try to catch up on my laundry.
  • Will probably pick the kids up from a halfway point after school if it's still pouring.
  • Kid1 driving lesson, probably.
  • Try to make the kids get their homework caught up.
  • Dinner out, probably.
  • Whatever else gets done.
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I sent out the urgent client report package and a couple emails.

Now I should go eat something.

My inbox has been filling up pretty fast, so I should trim that down before jumping into another project (unless an emergency comes up).

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Ate a fruit, took my vitamins.

Finished processing and putting away all of my laundry (i.e. mine, my kids', and the pup's) that had been in process as of this morning.  Cleaned the laundry room.

Worldle - 4 tries even using Google.  I never said I was good at geography.

I'm about to eat some chocolate.  But I think this is the last milk chocolate one, so hopefully I'll have no trouble resisting after this.

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Hi all. This is my last day with driving restrictions but I still have a lift limit and am supposed to limit activity quite a bit. The kitchen counters are bugging me but I can only do anything light for 15 minutes at a time then I feel wiped out. Since school took a few hours... the counters will wait. 😕

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27 minutes ago, Brittany1116 said:

Hi all. This is my last day with driving restrictions but I still have a lift limit and am supposed to limit activity quite a bit. The kitchen counters are bugging me but I can only do anything light for 15 minutes at a time then I feel wiped out. Since school took a few hours... the counters will wait. 😕

Sorry it's slow going! Praying for a good recovery!

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YNAB is in a huge snarl. Will have to start over.
I am SO bad a bookeeping! Unbeleivably bad.  But Dh doesn't have time or energy to do it and I do most of the spending. I don't feel like I can ask him to do one more thing. Sigh. 

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I fell asleep super early yesterday-6:30pm probably because I decreased my steroids and also had only slept slightly less than 3 hrs Wed to Thursday.  It really put me in a tailspin this morning.  No shower, quickly running out to make my book club meeting, having bad gastro issues this morning too. 


book club

fed birds

talked w heating/a/c guy and approved and paid for a/c maintenance costs- we needed more than 3lbs of freon alternative and new capicitor

watching Global Spondyloarthritis summit

tried on clothing that came in mail

made salad with tuna mixed in (not mayo tuna, just tuna in oil) for lunch

To do

do hair color treatment then take shower

cook mushroom ravioli and mushroom sauce plus make salad for dinner

watch more of Summit

read my book

watch some tv

talk to dh about airplane reservations and what we are doing this weekend- tomorrow evening at 5 we are attending a concert and I think we may want to make dinner reservations for after that

depending on my attention span- start liver function spread sheet (or sheets)




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We are in north Atlanta. We just  met my sister at the interstate and had dinner with her. 

A heavy storm was moving into the area when I was speaking. Several came but not as many as expected. 

I had a sign up sheet for more info, and a few were interested in classes. I hope I’ll get a few more students for my regular classes. There is a co-op in that area, though. It sounds like they have a high school day on Wednesdays, which is one of my class days. I speak to another group in two weeks. 



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Did a Fresh Start budget and it took less time than I thought. All bills paid. Including last tuition payment for Ds! I wish he were a homeschooler. I wish he had gotten into the small, Christian schools we applied to. But I am glad not to be paying tuition for him in high school! 

Got take n bake pizzas for dinner. Made a nice salad. 
Washed yucky, gross lunchboxes! 
Got directions for tomorrow's events. 
Decided to skip the theology conference tomorrow. Too much to do at home and for my church job to not work from 8:00-2:00 tomorrow. Sad to miss it, but relieved to have a less pressured evening tonight and time to get things done tomorrow. 

About done working on a screen for the day. Going to do some laundry and then read or listen to something. 

Eta: Ordered another pair of flag football shorts for Ds.

Started more laundry. 


Edited by ScoutTN
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