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I wonder... What if?

Night Elf

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What if my DH had agreed to the big family I've always wanted? What would life be like with 6 kids instead of 3? 

What if I had married my high school sweetheart who was in and out of jail in high school? I thought he walked on water. Oh my.

What if I had not been able to have children at all, when being a mother was the biggest desire in my life since age 17?

What if I had been able to finish college during 1st marriage rather than having to work so much to support us while ex-DH got his degrees?

What if I had never met and married DH who is the absolute love of my life? He's not a Christian. He's not religious at all. However, I firmly believe God sent him into my life for so many reasons. 

Just morning musings. I love to journal and sometimes I just like to ponder over a 'What If' question to get my creative juices flowing. I am such a blessed woman. Yes, I have things I wanted that didn't come to pass, but I've also had things happen I never dreamed about it. 

Counting my blessings this morning. Everyone have a super great day.

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Is this what keeps you up at 3:30 in the morning?   

What if you went back to bed and got more sleep!  🤣🤣

Just kidding, I am up with you as I have too much on my mind myself.   I am hoping to get back to bed in a bit.

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2 hours ago, DawnM said:

Is this what keeps you up at 3:30 in the morning?   

What if you went back to bed and got more sleep!  🤣🤣

Just kidding, I am up with you as I have too much on my mind myself.   I am hoping to get back to bed in a bit.

Wouldn't that be nice? I slept all night one night a few weeks ago. It felt amazing.

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I play this when I cannot sleep also (see #5):

1) What if we wouldn't have ever fostered so many children over the years and adopted five kids? What if we had said no to this set? Or had kept that one? or stopped sooner? or kept fostering?  What if we would have taken the baby sibling despite being sure we were done?

2) What if I hadn't gotten pregnant at 17? What if Dad had stayed in the picture? What if I had had to share her all those years? What if his family would've taken her from me? What if my daughter's sibling wouldn't have done 23&Me finding out about her all these years later? 

3) What if I hadn't decided to become a CASA? What if I had gotten a different first case?

4) What if my previous therapist hadn't fired me causing me to find the one who's helped me so much?

5) What if half my family wasn't sick keeping everyone up all night? 

6) What if I had played this word instead of that first on Wordle?

7) What if I hadn't found that way of eating after failing two weight loss surgeries? 

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I couldn't sleep last night either. I had a "what if" thought trail that I could audition for an upcoming local community theatre production where the 4 lady actors all sing. I can sing in public, but I have NEVER acted in my life. In my semi-dream state, I thought I could pull it off. Now that I've had a few hours of sleep and 2 cups of coffee, I think simply going to watch the show is a MUCH better idea. 🤣

Edited by wintermom
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1 hour ago, DawnM said:

I do wish I had had a Chrystal ball to know that education would take a nasty turn 25 years after I started teaching and that the job would not look the same AT ALL.   But there is no way to have known.

What's funny was when I was in college for early childhood education in the late 80's, we were talking about how passionate we were to be teachers. One girl spoke up and said I have no interest in teaching, I'm only in it for the money. We were all stunned into silence, then laughed together. Even then teachers didn't get paid enough. We told her to pick a different field. I wonder what happened to her?

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