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If you feel so inclined, would you please pray for our family?

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I know there are many, many families who are struggling right now. I know there are many without jobs. My heart goes out to all of you. We have been there before, and it appears we are there again. Would you please add us to the list of people to pray for who are in tough, or potentially tough times?


My dh is losing his job. This is not a surprise to us because the process started back in May. Of course at that time, the company thought it would be able to pull out of it's bankruptcy, so it closed down 20% of it's stores, which didn't include dh's. In October, we found out they would not be able to pull out of the bankruptcy and would be closing up everything. We were told it would be done by Dec. 28th.


Today, we learned that he will be closed up on Dec. 21 - next week. He has had since October to find a new job, and he has looked and he has interviewed. He was accepted for a job last week, but it was for a position that was not discussed in the interviewing process, came out of nowhere, and was not a practical or family-friendly position to accept, so he didn't.


So his last day is next week and he has still not secured another position.


He did have an interview last week that a friend had set up for him. It was the oddest interview I have ever heard of, resmebling more of a "meet and greet". The interviewer had said, "if you're good enough for _____, then you're good enough for me." They discussed salary and where he would be placed, but no official offer was given. That was last week, and we haven't heard anything since.:confused:


We were told a few days ago that our medical insurance is no longer in effect after Dec. 31, and COBRA would not be offered.


We have been in this situation before, as I stated above. The Lord was so faithful and good in the way he saw us through that time 5 years ago. It was painful, but the blessings that followed have been unceasing. We trust him so much more now and remember his faithfulness to us. We are not worried, but it doesn't hurt to ask for added prayers, right?;)


If you feel so inclined, would you please add us to your list? Thank you!

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We did look into how they can not offer COBRA, thinking like you, that it was illegal. There has to be a company (the employer) paying part of the money for it. Since dh's company is no more, owned now by multiple liquidation companies, there isn't an employer to help foot the bill. That's our understanding anyway.

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Since he has already interviewed at a couple of jobs. It will all come together when it's supposed to, in the way it's supposed to, to bring you the greatest good. Keep your focus where you can be of most benefit to him: by being the best wife and mom you can possibly be. You're in my thoughts. It will be all right in the end. Keep us posted.

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We did look into how they can not offer COBRA, thinking like you, that it was illegal. There has to be a company (the employer) paying part of the money for it. Since dh's company is no more, owned now by multiple liquidation companies, there isn't an employer to help foot the bill. That's our understanding anyway.



I'm not sure that's entirely accurate. The employer doesn't usually pay ANY portion of the insurance once you go on COBRA. That's why the premiums are usually MUCH more than you were paying through payroll deduction. The company is not required to pay any portion (and usually doesn't), but is required to offer you COBRA (where you pay the entire cost). Please check into that a little more. I've been out of HR for a couple years, but I haven't heard of any laws changing like that since then.

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That is correct.

Am I eligible for COBRA if my company closed or went bankrupt and there is no health plan?


If there is no longer a health plan, there is no COBRA coverage available. If, however, there is another plan offered by the company, you may be covered under that plan. Union members who are covered by a collective bargaining agreement that provides for a medical plan also may be entitled to continued coverage.




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I saw that too. . .I don't know how "into" this you want to get, but if they are keeping any employees around in other stores or at a corporate level, they are more than likely going to still have some sort of health care plan. I would still dig into this a little deeper to see. If they're completely closing the doors in a couple weeks I can understand no coverage, but if they're phasing out which is probably more likely they may have a plan.

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They are closing the doors on all stores completely as of next week. The phasing out began in May. There are no more employees in stores or at corporate level as of next week. As I stated above, dh's company is no more, having been bought out by multiple liquidation companies in October. It is my understanding that COBRA is offered through our health insurance company which gets additional funding through the employer. Since the employer is not willing to pay into it, our health insurance is terminating Dec. 31 and therefore, not COBRA can be offered.


Again, this is my understanding. I am getting this through my dh and what has been told to him. Quite honestly, we wouldn't have taken COBRA anyway, because it would have been over $800/mo for the insurance. But if it's false information and COBRA should still be offered, I would like to know for other employee who may wish to benefit from it's offerings.

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That's the bad part about COBRA, the premiums are usually not affordable. If the company is dissolving, then I can understand that there would be no insurance policy to offer. Also most companies benefit years run Jan. 1 through Jan. 1 so they probably didn't renew the policy. That stinks!


I'm sorry for you and your family. . .this is the worst time of year to be going through this! I will add your family to my prayers! Our family has been through this. DH and I were both laid off from different companies within 6 weeks of each other back in the mid 90's, so I know your fears and struggles and frustrations! I will pray for peace and comfort as well as financial and job stability.

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Jenna, we will be praying for you. :grouphug:


I Peter 5:7


Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.

Ephesians 3:16-21

I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being,

so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love,

may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ,

and to know this love that surpasses knowledge-that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.

Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us,

to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.

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Aw Janna, I'm so sorry. Yes I will definitely pray. While we did have the luxury of dh looking for a job while still employed, it was still a tough process. I feel for your dh and the pressure he must be feeling. I know that God will provide, but I will pray specifically that God gives you the security of a good job for dh quickly. I will also pray that your family has peace during the uncertainty.



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Sounds as if you are already looking in the right place and are faithful that God will see you through this. I know several people that have been in similar situations and placed their faith in God and also came out just fine. My mom was one of them. She lost her job last summer (not this past, but the one before) after being a store manager for 15 years with the company. Her severance was okay, not great, and the unemployment in TN was atrocious. She took a low paying job for awhile and then finally found the place she works now. It was a rough road, but she never missed a house payment, never went hungry. God is so good! I will be praying for your family.

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