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30 Days of Gratitude Challenge - Day 30


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It's Day 30! This month went by quickly. I hope you enjoyed thinking about the different aspects of your life and finding things about which you are grateful. I know some of the prompts were difficult but those were intentional; to get you to pause, assess, and find something (no matter how small) to be grateful for. I hope you wrote in a journal or created a gratitude jar and filled it as we went along. I created a Gratitude Log in my daily planner and enjoyed watching it fill up with things that make me happy and for which, even though they may not be ideal, I am grateful. 

Today's Gratitude Challenge and Action step are one and the same. Carve out 5-10 mins for yourself (I know you might think this is difficult but you can do it, for yourself. It's some Me Time.) Make your favorite beverage, take your Gratitude Jar or Journal, go someplace quiet, and make yourself comfortable. Go through everything you wrote down and did throughout the Challenge. Consider the following questions:

How does my gratitude make me feel? How did I feel when taking an Action Step? Is there an area where I need to find some gratitude? Are there steps I can take to help increase gratitude in those areas? If you pray, take some time to say a prayer. If you meditate, meditate for a few minutes. Breathe deeply and let the joy, happiness, and gratitude you expressed throughout the month wash over you. Focus on the moment and the feeling. Create a mental image of how gratitude feels.  Take this feeling with you into the next month and season.

I hope you keep your Gratitude Jar or Journal and refer back to it in moments when you are feeling down, rushed, unhappy, or insignificant.

I offer a sincere thank you for going through this Challenge with me.

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Thank you @Granny_Weatherwax for this challenge. 

One of the things that kept my sanity especially during this time is a gratitude journal. Sometimes I could not find things to be grateful because I used to think of the big events every day and get frustrated because not every day had them.

But then I started thinking about things like food, water, shelter, hot water, temperature control. food, the ability to cook, the ability to shop, a vehicle, places to exercise. art, music, books, a bed. Things around our home we take for granted is something I never thought to be grateful for. I just took them for granted.

So especially now a daily gratitude journal is something I keep. I am generally quite woe is me, so reminds me of my blessings and privilege when life does not quite go my way.

Thank you to all who participated as well. It has been really nice reading about them.

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I really struggled with it, but I appreciated the daily prompts. 

I often have very little trouble feeling immense gratitude for things. From the basic ( water, a flushing loo!) to the profound (music, art, nature) to the frivolous (pretty things!).

I have incredible trouble with gratitude for people. Unless by extension with things (I am grateful for the plumbers and engineers who maintain the pipes, to Sondheim for writing 'Sunday In The Park'.)

Something to consider. 

Edited by Melissa Louise
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I didn't get to post yesterday. I do have an Arby's gift card in my wallet. Maybe I could go there and give it to someone. 

@Granny_Weatherwax, thank you so much for leading us through this challenge! 

Our lives can be so full with the living we "have" to do that we neglect the reflecting we "should" do. This challenge helped me do that.  It has definitely made me stop and think about things I didn't before. It has been emotional at times and comforting at others. I realize I have gratitude that I don't express enough.

I love the gratitude board I made, and I think it will be good to refer to it often. 

I have really enjoyed reading about your lives and experiences. You have caused me to think deeper and appreciate things more. 

Edited by mom31257
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This was a nice series.  I truly enjoyed most of it, and appreciated the challenge even when it wasn't easy.  🙂

I still have to complete yesterday's.  I'm also way behind on recording my daily gratitude items.

Thinking about gratitude is always an upper for me.  Thanks for helping to make it a habit again.  I hope I keep it up mentally at least.  🙂

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