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Tackling Thursday Together


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Good morning!

We finish packing ds today and move him in tomorrow! His roommate is a good friend from home, and his family is all coming to stay with us tonight because he has such an early move in time. We're only 40 minutes from the college. So we have our first overnight guests! 

  • meals
  • Zoom session with my private student to go over some stuff before his first co-op tomorrow (This is the co-op I started 10 years ago. I'm sad to not be there!)
  • Continue packing ds
  • Continue unpacking
  • Get some more groceries in (need to plan snacks and breakfast for tomorrow)
  • Make beds
  • Tidy house as best as we can
  • enjoy them coming this evening


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Have a fun time with your friends, Amy!

Today is still HOT! 

Boy to school  

Tutor two students  and log sessions

Get YNAB sorted and bills paid!

Cook short ribs that are for supper  

Buy a watermelon and slice it all up for tonight.  

Pick up Ds.  

AHG registration meeting  

Wind down and read

Edited by ScoutTN
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Good morning, all! 

Have fun/good luck with the move-in, Amy. Enjoy having your friends there! 

Scout, stay cool/hydrated! 

My day today:
....finish the laundry/sheets
....finish some sewing stuff
....lunch -- leftovers
....dinner -- chicken stuff (yesterday we used leftover pork to make enchiladas)
....after dinner -- DH & I to fencing, and maybe stay for the "6 feet apart-y" in the parking lot after

Have a good day, everyone! 

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Hi guys, happy Thursday!

My big thrill of the day was that Kai had his vet follow-up and he's all healed, no more restrictions.  Yay!  Now he can switch to a different kind of high maintenance (he always wants to play ball!).

It's been raining a lot for the past few days.  It's basically a swamp out there.  Really don't feel like going out at all.


  • Slept.
  • Kids off to band camp a bit early.
  • Cleaned out my car.
  • Pup to the vet.
  • Caught up on emails, calendar, news, social media, and school stuff.
  • Working on coffee 2.

To do:

  • Lots of client work.
  • Kid1 to soccer practice.
  • Make kids do math at least.
  • Whatever else gets done.
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@TravelingChris, praying for you!!

@ScoutTN, what program do you use to log tutoring as well as to invoice or bill for it? My math class students have an annual fee that is paid over time, but I have one student that will vary from week to week how long we meet.

Zoom session done.

Dh took the car and tire was able to be plugged (if you read about our day yesterday).


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-School in the morning (particularly work on dd12 catching up from getting a few days behind in her math class)

-Pack away the sorted hand-me-downs for older ds to grow into

-Finish the last of the kids’ laundry so we are ready to do the sorting tomorrow for what we do and don’t need to buy for fall

-Find a babysitter for Tuesday 

-talk to neighbor kid about checking on/feeding the goats and rabbits while we’re out of town 

-Make vet appointment for the dog

-Drop older three kids off with babysitter 

-Drive through the horrible construction traffic to ds7’s appointment for the fitting for his new leg brace (I expect this 45 minute appt to take ~4 hours with travel time.  Ugh.)

-Social get-together with the ladies at church, for the first time in more than 1.5 years


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Laundry is done

eMeals picked for the week, grocery list sent to HEB for pick-up tomorrow morning (DH and I will run today to get the things he needs for his work lunch tomorrow, b/c he keeps changing his mind on that....)

super sleepy and the kids have leftovers to heat up for lunch, so taking a nap

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Short ribs in the oven. Mashed potatoes made.

Didn’t need a watermelon from the store bc I had plenty from my CSA.  

Headed out to get printer ink. MUST print before tonight’s mtg.

P.S. There are three trash or recycling trucks on my street right now. Drivers fussing at each other. Someone is in the wrong place! Recycle guy knocked over a can, picked it up, but left a heap of recycle stuff all over the street?! 


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Oh, I hope you find your glasses, @ScoutTN!  That would be a huge pain. And expense. I hate when it's time for new glasses. 

Took a nap, feel a lot better. 

Woke up the still sleeping 20 yr old, gave them the list of profs to choose from for switching one class to online for next semester. 

Going w/DH to get the stuff he needs for tomorrow. 

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29 minutes ago, ScoutTN said:

My glasses are missing and I can’t see a darn thing more than 5 ft away. 
I do not have $$$ to replace them. Never mind the time and hassle.

Well listen to what I did= I got new glasses in March and in April.  Here comes my gigantic autoimmune brain catastrophe in mid April that has basically lasted until this week when I am slowly getting better.  I do know I misplaced both my regular and my sunglasses at different points in time.  I do know I used leftover glasses at some points in time.  I am not sure If I am wearing my latest glasses or not now.  \


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Home from the grocery run with DH. 

My new rug arrived......I had thought 6x9 or something, DH convinced me to go 8x10, I debated whether I'll have room in my class, decided I'll just make it work (I'm planning a major rearrange anyway, so I *think* it might....????). 


8x10 is HUGE. 

I don't even know if it will fit in my mini van. (I mean, it kind of can fold, so it should. But, holy cow. 8x10 is enormous). 

I will probably need to ask permission to either store it in the bathroom leaning in the corner, or just leave it out. Or something. Egads. Maybe in a back corner in the closet. Holy cow. 


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Great news- at 17:10, I got a negative rapid test and at 19: 40, I got a negative PCR test.

Woohoo- the CDC iws meeting tomorrow morning to agree to allow 3rd shots to the 9 million of us who are  immunocompromised and since I don't have COVID< I will be able to get it.


Oh I made dinner tonight - probably for the first time in about 4.5 months.  I did use a kit- which dh thinks is too complicated but I find it much easier to handle.

And I dealt with the Home Nursing Company that I used last in mid April and had never billed Tricare is that they just sent them the bill today.

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