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Just for fun, an event we'd never have the chance to go to without the pandemic

Halftime Hope

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The Sister Cities International Inaugural Gala event is online this year; free tickets are available through Eventbrite, either on their website or on their app.  It is tomorrow night from 7-9PM Eastern time in the US...adjust according to your time zone.  

This is a NGO fundraiser, not a political event, even though every incoming president is the honorary, figurehead chairman.  (Let's leave it there, please.) 

I'm posting because one of my favorite up and coming artists, Dimash Qudaibergen from Kazakhstan, will be performing in the line up.  He does charity work with other NGOs, and it doesn't surprise me that he was asked to participate.  I hope he will sing "We are One" and "War and Peace"....it's right up his alley.   (You can look for them on HIS You Tube channel.  (If you do want to look them up, please use HIS channel, as the initial video of "We are One" produced by a Chinese TV station was heavy on the propaganda, and kudos to him, he re-videoed it so it showed people helping people from all over the world.) 

Anyway, I hope you enjoy. Without the pandemic, I'd never get a chance to go to anything like this!  Woo, hoo!

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24 minutes ago, Terabith said:

There have definitely been some upsides to the pandemic for me.  I've been able to worship with congregations across the country and hear some concerts I wouldn't normally have gotten to hear.  

I reconnected with a friend from high school during covid and was able to attend a service led by their spouse...I would've never worked up the nerve to go in person!  When this is over we're going to meet up and I'm already nervous!

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We attended a business conference in October that would have been closed to us normally. It's an international conference that moves every year, this year it was scheduled to be in Paris. That's...not possible. lol. Truthfully even just across the Mississippi is not possible right now (even without Covid). Maybe we could swing it for one person, but definitely not both.

But! It moved online! And without travel expenses, it was totally doable.

And our good luck continued!:

My DH applied to give a talk, even though it was quite a long shot. And the amazing happened, they accepted his proposal! So not only were we able to attend a normally-impossible conference, he was actually a speaker at it. 

So. that was pretty awesome for us, lol. 

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I live in rural Kentucky & was able to "attend" countless Operas at the Met (their website), and Andrew Lloyd Webber's Broadway Shows (on weekly Shows Must Go On youtube).
This year's Jane Austen Festival was online as well. 

I would never travel for these events, so it was a blessing to have them watchable online!

And also, definitely not "fun", but being able to attend several funerals which were streamed online. 
I never would have traveled to the funeral locations, but it was a blessing to be able to "attend" virtually.

Edited by Beth S
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In a strange pandemic twist, DH was extraordinarily happy not to have to attend an annual gala.  Haha!

We really enjoyed the Adobe conference a few months ago.  And so many other online events have been wonderful.  

The one upside to the pandemic!

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My husband has been working from home exclusively since this all started.  There’s zero reason for him not to but his employer is very adverse to employees working from home for no reasons they ever give.    He hopes they see how well this works and continue with it post Covid. 

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7 hours ago, Murphy101 said:

My husband has been working from home exclusively since this all started.  There’s zero reason for him not to but his employer is very adverse to employees working from home for no reasons they ever give.    He hopes they see how well this works and continue with it post Covid. 

Yep, with the pandemic, my husband's Fortune 100 corporation rolled out all this red tape regarding people working at home, and they've had a robust WAH platform for a number of years.  It was so onerous, a bunch of dh's co-workers ruefully said they wished they were retiring like he was!  His retirement date was just as lockdown was instituted locally. 

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