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exercise videos for those with health issues/seniors?


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My mom is late 60s, has COPD and has had on lobe of her lung removed for cancer years ago. She has inflammatory arthritis that has crippled her hands. She also has osteoporosis. She used to be very active as far as always on her feet and moving around, babysitting the grandkids several days a week, cleaning my sister's house and doing her laundry once a week (sister is a single mom), etc  but with the pandemic she's becoming more sendentary and looking for ideas to exercise. She got a treadmill and can only walk about 2 miles per hour on it, and only for abut 5 minutes before heart rate is up, out of breath. She knows that is not good and is working on it. 

Any other ideas? She used to do a pilates video, but I think that's beyond her now as far as getting up and down and such. 

The DDP Yoga I do has a bed flex version and a chair version, so I'll mention that to her. She definitely can't do the regular version. I'm doing the Walk at Home videos on youtube with Leslie Sansone, and they show seniors, but there is no way she could do that with her COPD. 

Any thoughts? Suggestions?

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I'm sorry she's having so many problems. :sad:

I have a senior friend with health problems who does "chair yoga" videos from youtube. She searches and finds short videos like that, 5 minutes. 

Just for bonus, I'll say the number one thing is retaining her ability to *get up* from a seated position. It sounds simple, but it's easy to lose. So if nothing else, she can do that. Two feet, no hands, stand up, tightening gluts, 5X. She can do that a few times a day as comfortable. It was one of the first things the PT had me do when I was having back problems, and I've heard from other people the same thing. 

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I don’t know a name for who makes these videos, but similar to chair yoga, I once saw an exercise video of mostly (all? I only saw a few minutes) exercises done in a chair being used in a retirement home. I think there were some using a light weight or thick dowel  or something, too.

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The only thing that we have personal experience with that I can highly recommend to your mother is DDP YOGA which you mentioned in the OP. There are people in the videos (my DW does the Streaming, she doesn't have DVDs from them) who begin weighing hundreds of pounds and/or with severe issues, who begin by laying on top of their beds and doing what they can.

If you or your mom send them an email, asking for suggestions about how she can/should begin, I bet they will answer with a reply and your mom can get started.

Good luck to her!

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When my vertigo was at its worst and I just HAD to be active, I found this site: https://ymca360.org/on-demand/category/14

I also really like some of the videos here: joyn.co . Many of the videos include one person doing the routine from a chair and/or the leader explaining lower-impact, less demanding variations. There is a whole series of chair yoga videos. They are also unfailingly positive and consistently emphasize doing as much or as little as is right for you. However, there is a definite vibe to the site (which happens to work with my personal worldview). Most of the leaders include the participants' preferred pronouns when introducing them. The leaders and many of the participants are often very round and not ashamed to show off their curves and chub. Many people are heavily tattooed and/or pierced. If that vibe happens to resonate with your mom, she might enjoy checking out the free trial. If it would be too much for her, you might want to skip that one.

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I've been having good success with HASFIT videos--they have a bunch for seniors, injuries, seated.  All found on their site hasfit.com or youtube channel.  Additionally, the trainers are working with a new program WellThon put together by medical professionals with the following blurb:


We're currently focusing efforts on a new project, Wellthon.

We're building an exercise platform for older adults and people with pre-existing conditions. Launched last month with over 100 supported conditions (i.e. arthritis, heart disease, chronic pain, diabetes, hypertension, Parkinson's just to name a few)

I've not used Wellthon but you can get a 30day free trial.....

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