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Stinky kitchen sponges


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On 10/12/2020 at 7:12 AM, ktgrok said:

Dobie! Dobie are all my entire extended family use. They work so much better and don't stink. I actually recently discussed with my father how awesome they are and we both wondered why they even still make other sponges.

Okay, I gave these a try and they do seem to work well (my other sponges never stink, either, so can't compare that aspect). Here is my issue: the Dobie does a great job of getting gunk and big crumbs off my dishes, but then the gunk/crumbs are now stuck behind the mesh on the Dobie itself! I can not get it out with even a ridiculous amount of soap and water from the sprayer. Does soaking them help? What's the trick? 

I cannot wash anything with a dirty-looking sponge. I don't want to use a ridiculous amount of soap/water to clean my cleaning product. Even poking under the mesh with a chopstick doesn't work very well (and is certainly inefficient, but I was annoyed). 

This happens on first use, not multiple uses. The point for me is to have it scoop things out of an awkward corner or crevice the dishwasher might miss, or on items that can't go in the dishwasher. 

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Ever since I started this topic I’ve been putting sponges in the dishwasher. I have a sponge holder that holds two sponges, and I rotate them. So when one is in the dishwasher, there is still a clean one that I can use. 

I agree about the Dobie. I remember having that problem with the food getting stuck inside. Yuck. I gave up on those. I’m a great convert to the dishwasher method now!

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