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March 2020 Well-trained Bodies


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27 minutes ago, IvyInFlorida said:


Yep, everything is green and blooming!  Dogwoods, wild azaleas, redbud trees--it's a beautiful time in Florida.

That's neat that y'all will all be home getting a bunch done!

No dogwoods and azaleas here but our first trees and bushes are blooming that is forsythias, tulip trees, and bradford pears (ornamental).

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3 hours ago, IvyInFlorida said:


Yep, everything is green and blooming!  Dogwoods, wild azaleas, redbud trees--it's a beautiful time in Florida.

That's neat that y'all will all be home getting a bunch done!

Sounds and looks lovely! It sounds like perfect timing for you to do outdoor activities.  Our painting is going to be done gradually room by room, spread out over weeks. No one is going to get over-use injuries here! đŸ˜‰

11 hours ago, Matryoshka said:

Got in CardioX around noon and then just finished doing Legs/Back.  Oops, just remembered I was supposed to add AbRipper.  Oh, well, I'm done!  Tomorrow is Kenpo, apparently.

Oh, and it turns out Legs/Back had some pull-ups, which I wasn't expecting, and dh hadn't finished adjusting the bar.  So he went off to do that while I did the workout (I did some bicep curls instead).  He finished it just as I was finishing it, and I tried a pull-up - and I could do one!! Chin over the bar from the floor! Holy freaking cow!!!  That was with a closer grip.  Tried one farther out, not so lucky.  Not sure if I could do more than one, but one is huuuuge!!  So, we'll see if I can progress with this...

Congratulations on the pull-up!! I did one a couple weeks ago and shocked myself. It feels so strange to pull my own body off the ground only using my arms. It just doesn't seem possible for some reason.Â đŸ˜…

3 hours ago, soror said:

Awesome job on the pull-ups!!!! Congrats!!! I really enjoyed the Kenpo one but it is slower pace.

Painting, painting all day long, are you tired of it yet!


Ivy- LOVE the pic glad you had a good time!


I didn't do much of anything yesterday- dh felt like being lazy (he's had a VERY long week) so I did some cleaning, meal prep, laundry, that's about it.

We made a run to the store after supper and I got home after bedtime totally messing up my sleep, a bad night now was like my good night before!

Plan on some exercise at home this am. Might have a class this afternoon with a friend, as mentioned this was just us and teacher before so this may go ahead and happen, IDK.

Oh, and weight maintained this week after the wonkyness of last week I was happy to see that. I'm trying to stay in the smooth spot of maintaining with enjoying treats here and there and putting forth as little energy thinking of it as I can.

Painting-wise, because we're spreading it out over weeks, we're not exhausted. I'm really enjoying seeing how the rooms brighten up and look so nice! 

Meal prep, cleaning and laundry are all big accomplishments! Hope you have a great work-out today, whether it be at home and/or in a class.

Glad your weight is settling down and staying more constant!  Mine is doing the same, too. It had peaked when I was going through my "hungry phase" probably because of me eating too much sugar. I've cut back on evening snacking, and this seems to be helping. 

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My plan today is to get out into the woods again and do some more hiking on the snow while it's still here. In these woods, the snow makes the ground nice and smooth and easy to walk on. Otherwise it is very rocky with lots of tree roots. It's harder to run up the hills then.  It's sunny, which is a huge bonus!

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I got in a really nice hike in the woods. The snow was so firm that I could walk on it without falling through, so I did some off-trail bushwhacking to get off the very icy trail. I'm REALLY glad that there is still lots of snow on the ground, as it brightens up the woods immensely! 

I also got in some stretching, as my little hill interval runs have resulted in some sore leg muscles. Nothing major, and they'll be fine by tomorrow. 

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Only a short walk at lunchtime because work was weird and my break was truncated. It was very windy after work, so I came home and did some yoga.

Tomorrow I'm working from home, so I hope to get a good walk at lunchtime and maybe another yoga break during the day because I'll be able to work more efficiently.

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Good morning everyone!  Got great sleep last night, so hopefully I'm ready to tackle the day.

Today's plan: headed out of the house early to go work at my parents' property before it gets too hot.  That may end up being my workout for the day since we will be doing lessons this afternoon, but I do have a workout waiting in the wings if I end up having time for something else later.  It'll probably be plenty of activity for the day...I'll be hacking down the dead banana trees and hauling them to the burn pile, plus loading up all the unused firewood my dad had stacked near the house and taking it down to the barn.

Also on today's plan--find some toilet paper!  Not for hoarding...we just got to the end of our normal big package we get from Sam's, and now there's none to be had!  Ugh.

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Good luck tp hunting Ivy!

Today is lifting at home, gym is open here but I'm not going to touch all the equipment. I did go to class last night, it was just my friend and the teacher, no touching, no equipment, unsure about continuing all things considered even with that info.

Kids are crushed to not do TKD, teacher hasn't cancelled even though there are more than 10 people and they are in close contact constantly (and kids have notoriously bad hygiene), I told mine they cannot go.

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10 minutes ago, soror said:

Kids are crushed to not do TKD, teacher hasn't cancelled even though there are more than 10 people and they are in close contact constantly (and kids have notoriously bad hygiene), I told mine they cannot go.


Our CKD situation is frustrating too.  They haven't cancelled yet, but did livestream the class last night on FB, which makes me think they are gearing up for cancelling.  So far, our brown senior test is still on for Friday night, although they said to limit the audience.  We didn't go last night... I had a feeling we would be the only ones since I know 2 other regulars are out of town and probably a good percentage of the rest wouldn't show.  I am hoping the message from the dojang today will be a little more definitive so that I will know what to expect.  Not sure what to do about class Wednesday or our test Friday if they remain open.  I'm not worried about getting it, but I have to worry about spreading it to my parents.

And kid hygiene... holy moly.  Being in the back row of CKD class gives me a great view of all the wedgie and nose pickers, all the vigorous head-scratchers and back-of-hand-nose-wipers.  And I know they aren't washing their hands when they go to the bathroom during class!  *toilet flush, immediate door open*  I try not to be squeamish about stuff like that (my son once drank out of the bird bath, for heaven's sake) but after awhile the sheer amount of ew makes me start thinking fondly about the hand sanitizer bottle in my car...

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12 minutes ago, IvyInFlorida said:


Our CKD situation is frustrating too.  They haven't cancelled yet, but did livestream the class last night on FB, which makes me think they are gearing up for cancelling.  So far, our brown senior test is still on for Friday night, although they said to limit the audience.  We didn't go last night... I had a feeling we would be the only ones since I know 2 other regulars are out of town and probably a good percentage of the rest wouldn't show.  I am hoping the message from the dojang today will be a little more definitive so that I will know what to expect.  Not sure what to do about class Wednesday or our test Friday if they remain open.  I'm not worried about getting it, but I have to worry about spreading it to my parents.

And kid hygiene... holy moly.  Being in the back row of CKD class gives me a great view of all the wedgie and nose pickers, all the vigorous head-scratchers and back-of-hand-nose-wipers.  And I know they aren't washing their hands when they go to the bathroom during class!  *toilet flush, immediate door open*  I try not to be squeamish about stuff like that (my son once drank out of the bird bath, for heaven's sake) but after awhile the sheer amount of ew makes me start thinking fondly about the hand sanitizer bottle in my car...

LOL, yes, I'm not very much a germphobic (at all!) but at times like this I don't want to contribute to spreading it and don't want to catch it either. Our teacher said that she would respect our decision when I told her Sat that I was at that point considering not going. 

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@IvyInFlorida  Oh yes, kid hygiene is not good! I'd not want to go to training, either. How are your mom and dad doing? Hope they are doing alright. It's not an easy situation for anyone, but particularly stressful for the fragile aged. Big hugs to you all.

@soror  Glad you are able to stay active. Are your dc able to do some TKD home straining? We used to practice our patters and kicks at home. It's not ideal, but it is something.

I finally got some toilet paper!! I've been getting really low and started to get worried. I can rest easy for a while, at least with that issue. đŸ˜‰

I'll be going for a walk this afternoon, and I still have to do my stretches and strength work. My shopping trip throw out my normal morning routine.

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On 3/16/2020 at 6:29 AM, soror said:

Awesome job on the pull-ups!!!! Congrats!!! I really enjoyed the Kenpo one but it is slower pace.

Thanks!  I ended up taking a day of rest yesterday (which is a bit off-schedule, but oh well), and did the Kenpo today.  Very thankful that I did a year of karate back in college so at least I have a vague clue and a tiny bit of muscle memory for the kicks, but a lot of the combo stuff had me very disorganized.  I'm not good at choreography!  And the punches I was probably doing all wrong, but I tried!  And it got my heart rate up enough to at least auto-register as an aerobic workout on the Fitbit, so I'll call it good...

Tomorrow will be Chest/Back, so I think that has a lot of pull-ups, at least in the plan - we'll see if I can manage another, and we'll see if I manage to not kill myself trying to do chair-assisted ones...  I do have a band, which I haven't used yet, but they use it in the videos strapped to the ceiling for pull-up modifications.  Maybe I can wrap it around the bar for the types I can't manage...?  There's nothing else up high for me to attach it to...

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My kids and I have been going to the park in the evenings since Saturday.  It's probably the most healthy walking I've done in a year or more.  My kid and I even played a little tag today, LOL.

My TKD dojang has started putting lessons online (facebook).  I haven't gotten the time yet, but I am hoping to start doing those.

I have been technically faithful about my daily "exercise routine," but my heart isn't always in it and I sometimes take shortcuts.

Today I had a Shamrock Shake to celebrate the day.  I knew I would regret it, but it's only once a year.  I did treat it as my whole meal and walked a lot afterwards.

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14 hours ago, Matryoshka said:

Thanks!  I ended up taking a day of rest yesterday (which is a bit off-schedule, but oh well), and did the Kenpo today.  Very thankful that I did a year of karate back in college so at least I have a vague clue and a tiny bit of muscle memory for the kicks, but a lot of the combo stuff had me very disorganized.  I'm not good at choreography!  And the punches I was probably doing all wrong, but I tried!  And it got my heart rate up enough to at least auto-register as an aerobic workout on the Fitbit, so I'll call it good...

Tomorrow will be Chest/Back, so I think that has a lot of pull-ups, at least in the plan - we'll see if I can manage another, and we'll see if I manage to not kill myself trying to do chair-assisted ones...  I do have a band, which I haven't used yet, but they use it in the videos strapped to the ceiling for pull-up modifications.  Maybe I can wrap it around the bar for the types I can't manage...?  There's nothing else up high for me to attach it to...

LOL, I am not good at choreography either. I loop a band through my bar when doing band assisted, it works just fine.



walk yesterday evening during usual TKD time

25 min of yoga so far; plan 15 min of HIIT after teaching

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21 hours ago, wintermom said:

@IvyInFlorida  Oh yes, kid hygiene is not good! I'd not want to go to training, either. How are your mom and dad doing? Hope they are doing alright. It's not an easy situation for anyone, but particularly stressful for the fragile aged. Big hugs to you all.

@soror  Glad you are able to stay active. Are your dc able to do some TKD home straining? We used to practice our patters and kicks at home. It's not ideal, but it is something.

I finally got some toilet paper!! I've been getting really low and started to get worried. I can rest easy for a while, at least with that issue. đŸ˜‰

I'll be going for a walk this afternoon, and I still have to do my stretches and strength work. My shopping trip throw out my normal morning routine.

Ya for TP!

21 hours ago, Monica_in_Switzerland said:

Just jumping in to give myself credit- lots of running now that DH is working from home!  Every cloud has a silver lining. Â đŸ™‚Â Â 

Hey, take the good when you can, great work!

9 hours ago, SKL said:

My kids and I have been going to the park in the evenings since Saturday.  It's probably the most healthy walking I've done in a year or more.  My kid and I even played a little tag today, LOL.

My TKD dojang has started putting lessons online (facebook).  I haven't gotten the time yet, but I am hoping to start doing those.

I have been technically faithful about my daily "exercise routine," but my heart isn't always in it and I sometimes take shortcuts.

Today I had a Shamrock Shake to celebrate the day.  I knew I would regret it, but it's only once a year.  I did treat it as my whole meal and walked a lot afterwards.

Oh I wish we would get lessons online, our school is pretty small though and she is still doing classes (we just not going). YOu know somedays you just show up, even if your exercise routine isn't perfect it is worthwhile to keep the habit.

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It's sunny and going to get above freezing today. Almost feels like spring will be coming soon!  Hopefully the snow will melt quickly off the outdoor tennis courts, and I can add tennis back into my exercise routine.  I'll be going for a hike today, as usual. I already got in a nice long walk with the dog. I didn't have my crampons, so walking on the icy trails in the local woods was not great, but it was still wonderful to get outside in the sunshine!

I may also get my bike tuned up and test it out soon. The snow and ice is mostly off the streets, but pathways are still covered in ice. Fortunately, there is very little traffic on roads at the moment so biking should be alright. 

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1 hour ago, wintermom said:

It's sunny and going to get above freezing today. Almost feels like spring will be coming soon!  Hopefully the snow will melt quickly off the outdoor tennis courts, and I can add tennis back into my exercise routine.  I'll be going for a hike today, as usual. I already got in a nice long walk with the dog. I didn't have my crampons, so walking on the icy trails in the local woods was not great, but it was still wonderful to get outside in the sunshine!

I may also get my bike tuned up and test it out soon. The snow and ice is mostly off the streets, but pathways are still covered in ice. Fortunately, there is very little traffic on roads at the moment so biking should be alright. 

It really feels like spring here too.  We have crocus and narcissus out, with primulas ready to burst.

I'm working from home now for the duration, so I've been running around getting the technology sorted out.  In a second, I'll head for the office to pick up my big screens (some of my tasks are pretty fiddly on a laptop), then go Nordic walking on the beach.  It's a lovely evening.  I had a good yoga session at lunchtime too.  I'm feeling less stressed than I was at the office, with everyone talking about the virus and trying not to stand close, except the people who just didn't get it and wouldn't listen when asked to back off.

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I had a wonderful hike in my favourite woods. The highlight was seeing a beaver walking up from a little lake. He grabbed a branch and pulled it down to the water's edge. Then I couldn't see him anymore, but I did hear some munching sounds.  So fun!!Â đŸ˜ƒÂ  I tried to get a photo, but it didn't work out. I'll have to revisit this lake and try to see him again.

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The ds's just started a new outdoor activity - punching our Wavemaster out on the deck! Makes a change from basketball on the driveway.Â đŸ˜…Â  Boys find a way to use up some energy, while dd is holed up in her room unless I drag her outside with me.

I'll be doing my same-old same-old dog walking, hiking and painting.

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3 hours ago, wintermom said:

The ds's just started a new outdoor activity - punching our Wavemaster out on the deck! Makes a change from basketball on the driveway.Â đŸ˜…Â  Boys find a way to use up some energy, while dd is holed up in her room unless I drag her outside with me.

I'll be doing my same-old same-old dog walking, hiking and painting.

LOL, it works đŸ™‚

I did my lifting this am, then 20 min of BodyCombat before lunch. After lunch we did a bit of work in the orchard (in the rain but it has warmed up a bit so it wasn't too bad). Hoping for a short walk later.

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The weather was glorious today. Husband and I walked the dog at lunchtime. The pools are shut and he has limited willingness to try other forms of exercise, so he's going to be grumpy.

After work I moved on to Heart 2 within my empower yoga programme. It was a good workout but not too far beyond me, which felt good. Lots of bunny hops!

I am trying to be aware of my snacking habit, now that I am working from home....

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Walking and running here!  I know good things are happening because my step average is over 14k for the last 7 days!  This is because of forest walks with the kids + keep-my-sanity runs on my own.  

Doing well food-wise again, my daily salad for a meal is back on track, and I finally ate through the bag of devil granola I bought and am back to eating my rye bread with PB and banana for breakfast instead.  

I am convinced that forcing down a glass of soy milk each day is clearing my skin.  I really don't have another explanation.  Yes, I am WAY more WFPB than I was a few months ago, but I am not perfect at it.  But the soy milk I've been pretty consistent with.  I'm excited about my skin looking half-decent for once.  Due to a rare eye condition I have, I've been told I can't use retinoid creams on my face, so I had to sadly stop my brief flirtation with retin-a creams.  The soy seems to be working at least as well, even if it doesn't produce the anti-aging benefits of retinol.  

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3 hours ago, Laura Corin said:

The weather was glorious today. Husband and I walked the dog at lunchtime. The pools are shut and he has limited willingness to try other forms of exercise, so he's going to be grumpy.

After work I moved on to Heart 2 within my empower yoga programme. It was a good workout but not too far beyond me, which felt good. Lots of bunny hops!

I am trying to be aware of my snacking habit, now that I am working from home....

I'm well aware of my snacking habit - if I hang around the kitchen I just end up eating non-stop.Â đŸ˜‚ I've had to move to my bedroom when I'm not outside going for a walk or painting. There are only so many hours I can walk before my legs will fall off. đŸ˜‰

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Hi everybody!  Just checking in.  Went to CKD last night, and it was surprisingly/alarmingly full.  They have been filming all the classes this week and posting a lot of online content, so I would not be surprised if they went virtual-only after the test Friday night.  I will probably put our membership on hold at the end of the month because I seriously doubt we'll make it through April without it shutting down.  We are a lot less locked down here in the boonies than a lot of places, but I think it's coming.  Certainly the grocery stores are stripped.

I have been getting my usual workouts in, but have been feeling kind of aimless since I found out about the CKD price hikes.  I guess I'm not sure what my goals really are or, as a result, how to structure my sessions.  I love lifting and how it has firmed up my body, but I am putting on more muscle mass in my arms  and shoulders than I really want.  I can't do too much volume in lower body or my knees start to hurt.  I love vigorous workouts, but I don't want to go straight cardio with stuff.  I wouldn't mind following some sort of program, but I'm not really sure what to look for.  Maybe a CrossFit-esque type thing that blends lifting and HIIT stuff?  Ugh.  I don't have very defined goals now that CKD is/will be over except staying sane, maintaining weight/body composition, and general fitness.  I think it's time for a program, but not sure what to look for.  Y'all got any ideas?

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In the spirit of doing the P90X doubles, I did CardioX in the early afternoon, this time synced with my OT heart monitor, which I found out I can link to the app on my phone for outside of studio workouts.  It does a much better job of tracking my hr than my fitbit, so that was nice.  Then I did Chest/Back but the dvd got corrupted about halfway through.  But I did get through a ton of different kinds of push-ups and pull-ups (I can confirm I can only do one proper one with one particular grip, so the rest were chair-assisted).  The band doesn't work because I need one either shorter or tighter - too easy just looped around.  And got to a few weight exercises before it died.  Annoying.

Today should have been Yoga, but I think I'll do it tomorrow (which would have been Day of Rest, so I'm just swapping).  Oh, and I forgot AbRipper again yesterday.  Maybe I'll do that tomorrow too.  It's only 15 minutes of ab work...

Edited by Matryoshka
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58 minutes ago, IvyInFlorida said:

I have been getting my usual workouts in, but have been feeling kind of aimless since I found out about the CKD price hikes.  I guess I'm not sure what my goals really are or, as a result, how to structure my sessions.  I love lifting and how it has firmed up my body, but I am putting on more muscle mass in my arms  and shoulders than I really want.  I can't do too much volume in lower body or my knees start to hurt.  I love vigorous workouts, but I don't want to go straight cardio with stuff.  I wouldn't mind following some sort of program, but I'm not really sure what to look for.  Maybe a CrossFit-esque type thing that blends lifting and HIIT stuff?  Ugh.  I don't have very defined goals now that CKD is/will be over except staying sane, maintaining weight/body composition, and general fitness.  I think it's time for a program, but not sure what to look for.  Y'all got any ideas?

The mix you refer to is why I like OrangeTheory so much.  It has HIIT and lifting all in one efficient workout, and I like that it's different every time. I like the intensity and I've really come to like the heart rate monitor for feedback. The P90X I'm doing now is easy after that, but also less fun and seems way less efficient.  But I think I'm also not a video workout gal.  But gotta do what I've gotta do in these times.  I think I could also like CrossFit if there were one nearby that wasn't too muscle-heady.  I've heard different CrossFit gyms can have very different vibes.  I'm not interested in a workout till you puke place, but I have a friend who goes to one that doesn't seem like that at all.

It's funny you say you can't go heavy in the lower body without your knees hurting - I seem to go heavy (at least compared to what I see most others doing - but maybe they're just going light?) lifting in the legs with no knee problems, but I seem to have had knee bother as soon as I started running.   Though that still could have been too much too fast.  Going to have to go lighter on the legs now I'm home, though, as my heaviest dumbbells are only 25#.  More than enough for arms, but I often go quite a bit heavier with the legs.  I've been trying to tighten my tush after losing so much there - things were flabby.

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8 hours ago, Matryoshka said:

The mix you refer to is why I like OrangeTheory so much.  It has HIIT and lifting all in one efficient workout, and I like that it's different every time. I like the intensity and I've really come to like the heart rate monitor for feedback. The P90X I'm doing now is easy after that, but also less fun and seems way less efficient.  But I think I'm also not a video workout gal.  But gotta do what I've gotta do in these times.  I think I could also like CrossFit if there were one nearby that wasn't too muscle-heady.  I've heard different CrossFit gyms can have very different vibes.  I'm not interested in a workout till you puke place, but I have a friend who goes to one that doesn't seem like that at all.

It's funny you say you can't go heavy in the lower body without your knees hurting - I seem to go heavy (at least compared to what I see most others doing - but maybe they're just going light?) lifting in the legs with no knee problems, but I seem to have had knee bother as soon as I started running.   Though that still could have been too much too fast.  Going to have to go lighter on the legs now I'm home, though, as my heaviest dumbbells are only 25#.  More than enough for arms, but I often go quite a bit heavier with the legs.  I've been trying to tighten my tush after losing so much there - things were flabby.


You're definitely right about CrossFit--there definitely seems to be a wide range in terms of what those places are like!!

Also, I have been running on worn-out shoes (no more running till I get new ones!) so I'm sure that contributed to my recent knee pain.  But I did some experimenting and it seems like sumo is a good position for me for squats, and weighted reverse lunges are pretty ok.  I have adjustable dumbbells that go up to 70 lbs each and a pull up bar/ dip and ab tower.

I usually write my own programs and have been progressing pretty well, but it seems hard to know how or in what direction to go right now.  #lameproblems

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So I did some reading about different types of knee pain and it seems the kind I get is due to tight tendons on the side of the glutes/hips.  This is utterly unsurprising to me considering that area has been sore and tight basically every day since I started CKD (hip movement generates power!).  Apparently foam rolling the side of the leg from hip to just above the knee and certain stretches (like pigeon and reverse butterfly) can help.  Just thought that was interesting!

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Ivy- I rec'd a foam rolling video a couple months back maybe- It is on youtube the Runtastic challenge. I feel a nice difference when I make sure to include plenty of recovery work- yoga flexibility work and some foam rolling for me. Maybe something like the TTSL ebook is what you are looking for working out? I'm sure there are other similar options that might work well, they include metcon with each workout--https://www.constantlyvariedgear.com/products/workout-program-thick-thighs-save-lives

The kids TKD is not cancelled either but I am not letting them go. I am peeved at the places all la di da over ignoring the rec's for no more than 10 people and don't trust kids to be following hygiene recommendations.

Matryoshka- my heaviest weight at home is my 26# kb so light for legs too and I do up to 130# on things like deadlifts at the gym, I'm trying to do harder varieties of exercises and more reps to make up for that. I've had some lower body soreness so I guess I'm doing something.

I don't know what I'm going to do with working out while at home. I'm supposed to move up to the next phase of the Strong Curves but I'll have to modify since I have so little weights at home, maybe I want to look for something that is more geared to bodyweight, IDK. I have TRX straps, door chin-up bar, 26# kb, and 5# weights, and bands. 

I did a short walk in the evening, we went down to the boat ramp again, it has been empty both times. I'd think now would be a great time to get out on the boat for fishing but then again people here aren't all that concerned, let's wait until shit is really bad before we care, good plan.

Between classes this am I did some yoga+ tai chi (about 20 min), I think I might do another 15 min Body Combat or 10 min HIIT after I finish teaching (currently waiting on a student to show up). The short bodycombat I did before lunch yesterday had a billion squats and lunges, holy moly, so I'll skip that one today!

The weather is supposed to be perfect and I'm planning on gardening today, cleaning out old veggie beds preparing for planting and weeding flower beds. 

Maybe a walk if I'm not too busy.



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Hmm, maybe I'll go back to my integral strength program from GMB, it is all bodyweight and fullbody. I'll have to check it out and see what I think. I could also work on the floor program some too, it has some fun stuff handstands, arm balancing (crow, lever). I'll have to think on that, might be a good change since I am at home anyway.

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4 hours ago, IvyInFlorida said:

So I did some reading about different types of knee pain and it seems the kind I get is due to tight tendons on the side of the glutes/hips.  This is utterly unsurprising to me considering that area has been sore and tight basically every day since I started CKD (hip movement generates power!).  Apparently foam rolling the side of the leg from hip to just above the knee and certain stretches (like pigeon and reverse butterfly) can help.  Just thought that was interesting!

The iliotibial muscle (IT band) is a very common muscle that can cause pain. There are specific rehab resources that specially trained chiro and physio professionals offer. My friend has been receiving this treatment on and off over a few years. She does specific stretch and strength exercises to keep it under control. She still runs 3x/wk, which is why it doesn't completely go away. đŸ˜‰

You asked for recommendations for some direction. I would say to focus on your black belt test for now. Don't lose all that wonderful momentum and training you and your ds have been doing. Keep going on your current pathway. You can do this! Reassess your focus after that. 

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18 hours ago, Monica_in_Switzerland said:

Walking and running here!  I know good things are happening because my step average is over 14k for the last 7 days!  This is because of forest walks with the kids + keep-my-sanity runs on my own.  

Doing well food-wise again, my daily salad for a meal is back on track, and I finally ate through the bag of devil granola I bought and am back to eating my rye bread with PB and banana for breakfast instead.  

I am convinced that forcing down a glass of soy milk each day is clearing my skin.  I really don't have another explanation.  Yes, I am WAY more WFPB than I was a few months ago, but I am not perfect at it.  But the soy milk I've been pretty consistent with.  I'm excited about my skin looking half-decent for once.  Due to a rare eye condition I have, I've been told I can't use retinoid creams on my face, so I had to sadly stop my brief flirtation with retin-a creams.  The soy seems to be working at least as well, even if it doesn't produce the anti-aging benefits of retinol.  

Great job getting in the steps. 

Interesting on the soy milk and your face. I have no break outs but have been working on evening my skin tone (curse my younger self and my tanning), it is better (I've added in some things to my skin care) but it could use some improvements. My face tends to be dry too (that may be hormones).

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10 min bodycombat done, HIIT, I kind of sorta got the running knees right this time đŸ™‚

Food has been decent here. 

Greek salad this am w/ hardboiled eggs- dressed w/ my hummus, evoo + balsamic. lettuce mix+ spinach, cucumber, tomato, kalamata olives, and red onion

Edited by soror
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5 hours ago, IvyInFlorida said:

So I did some reading about different types of knee pain and it seems the kind I get is due to tight tendons on the side of the glutes/hips.  This is utterly unsurprising to me considering that area has been sore and tight basically every day since I started CKD (hip movement generates power!).  Apparently foam rolling the side of the leg from hip to just above the knee and certain stretches (like pigeon and reverse butterfly) can help.  Just thought that was interesting!

That's interesting.  That's the place I'm all loose, on the outside - I can flop into pigeon like nobody's business, and all those stretches for hip flexors are easy for me.  But I am so tight on the inside thighs.  Regular butterfly or a straddle is a joke here.  I also can't rotate my feet out all the way, like 5th position ballet.  Nope, not happening.

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I finished my daily hike in the woods. I went in to see my little beaver pond again. I saw the beaver lodge, but no visible beaver activity when I was there. We are getting some amazingly warm winds today which is causing a lot of fog off the snow and ice. Very cool experience. Sadly, it's forecast to drop severely in temps over the weekend. 

Our house renos and painting is all coming along nicely, however with all the covid-19 stuff our move may be delayed. It is still happening, but who knows exactly when. 

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Really quite tired. Strength 2 in my Empower programme, then Nordic walking. Lots of arm work. 

This morning I caught sight of myself in a long mirror in just underpants and bra. I feel as if my body shape had changed quite a lot. I'm not skinny but a lot more toned. 

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@soror  Thank you for the links!  It sounds like you're adjusting everything really smoothly to being at home.  The GMB thing sounds good.  I noticed that the 2 boat ramps near our house have been PACKED lately.  Combo of the hot weather and folks being off work I guess. 

@wintermom I stretched last night and then used our percussive massager that my husband used on his back before he married someone with massage skillz đŸ™‚ on my hips, legs, and plantar fascia, and I could tell it made a difference.  I didn't realize how many sore, tight areas I had until I was forced to think about it.  I put it on my calendar to do at night while my menfolk are playing video games.  Also, your outdoor adventures are always so neat to read about!  Like something from a book about living up north!

@Matryoshka That's so interesting!  I like watching people stretch at CKD and seeing that everybody has different stretches that are difficult and easy for them.  I have noticed that the majority of moms at CKD have tight inner thighs as well as lower backs.  I wonder if that has something to do with carrying babies?  I've never been pregnant and I'm basically the only adult woman there with loose inner thighs.  Anyways, I find all this neat to think about.

@Laura Corin That's great about seeing progress in body shape!  What a great feeling.  I remember from pics before that you're very in shape so I bet you look great!


Well, we were supposed to test for brown senior (last color belt before black) last night, but the governor shut down gyms and fitness centers.  I was relieved, even though it felt strange to take off my dobok and not know when I would put it on again.  The dojang was PACKED last time and the instructor was visibly nervous about it.  I knew it was only a matter of time before it would close, so it's better to have that out of the way.  But @wintermom I will def keep up my drilling at home so I don't lose too much progress!  Since I had already lifted in the morning, I used the time for stretching/massage and redoing our household schedule for the summer.  We go to afternoon-only homeschool during the summer so the boys and I can be outside in the relatively cooler morning time.

Today's plan: chores at my parents' place this morning, HIIT workout as soon as it is cool enough this evening, stretching and massage tonight.  Hopefully my period will start so my cravings and irritability will go away.  Tomorrow is rest day--it would be nice to have CDs 1 and 2 out of the way and feel great for my workout Monday morning. 

Eating has been pretty good here, a couple carb-y indulgences thanks to PMS.  I'm going to hit up the grocery store as early as possible tomorrow morning... let's see if I can get what we need, or at least what I can make do with!




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1 hour ago, IvyInFlorida said:

@soror  Thank you for the links!  It sounds like you're adjusting everything really smoothly to being at home.  The GMB thing sounds good.  I noticed that the 2 boat ramps near our house have been PACKED lately.  Combo of the hot weather and folks being off work I guess. 

@wintermom I stretched last night and then used our percussive massager that my husband used on his back before he married someone with massage skillz đŸ™‚ on my hips, legs, and plantar fascia, and I could tell it made a difference.  I didn't realize how many sore, tight areas I had until I was forced to think about it.  I put it on my calendar to do at night while my menfolk are playing video games.  Also, your outdoor adventures are always so neat to read about!  Like something from a book about living up north!

@Matryoshka That's so interesting!  I like watching people stretch at CKD and seeing that everybody has different stretches that are difficult and easy for them.  I have noticed that the majority of moms at CKD have tight inner thighs as well as lower backs.  I wonder if that has something to do with carrying babies?  I've never been pregnant and I'm basically the only adult woman there with loose inner thighs.  Anyways, I find all this neat to think about.

@Laura Corin That's great about seeing progress in body shape!  What a great feeling.  I remember from pics before that you're very in shape so I bet you look great!


Well, we were supposed to test for brown senior (last color belt before black) last night, but the governor shut down gyms and fitness centers.  I was relieved, even though it felt strange to take off my dobok and not know when I would put it on again.  The dojang was PACKED last time and the instructor was visibly nervous about it.  I knew it was only a matter of time before it would close, so it's better to have that out of the way.  But @wintermom I will def keep up my drilling at home so I don't lose too much progress!  Since I had already lifted in the morning, I used the time for stretching/massage and redoing our household schedule for the summer.  We go to afternoon-only homeschool during the summer so the boys and I can be outside in the relatively cooler morning time.

Today's plan: chores at my parents' place this morning, HIIT workout as soon as it is cool enough this evening, stretching and massage tonight.  Hopefully my period will start so my cravings and irritability will go away.  Tomorrow is rest day--it would be nice to have CDs 1 and 2 out of the way and feel great for my workout Monday morning. 

Eating has been pretty good here, a couple carb-y indulgences thanks to PMS.  I'm going to hit up the grocery store as early as possible tomorrow morning... let's see if I can get what we need, or at least what I can make do with!

Sorry about missing CKD testing, I am sure you will keep up your work. I hope the stretching and massage continues to help. 

1 hour ago, Laura Corin said:

Rest day today. I can feel yesterday's arm work all across my chest. I'll walk the dog, that's all. Tomorrow we hope for a hike in the Highlands. Lots of space out there.

Good day for rest and congrats on all your work building those muscles.


Today I plan to do a strength workout, one more workout in my Strong Curves + Ultimate Pull-Up Program finishing out this 4 week block of programming.


Next week I'm going to try Integral Strength by Gold Medal Bodies. I started this years ago but honestly can't remember how long I did it. It is an 8 wk program, 3 days a week of strength training and 2 active recovery days.  It is entirely bodyweight training, I'm not sure how that will feel after doing a combo of bw/weights for so long, I'm hoping it feels like a nice change and that I'm getting a good challenge working on harder bodyweight exercises since I have so few weights here. I'll be working on broad jumps, shrimp squats, push-ups, l-sits, bridge, inverted press, and hollow body holds. 

I'm going to switch up my schedule since I'm not tied to TKD.

Tentative Schedule:

Mon: Integral Strength

Tues: Body Combat + BodyFlow (yoga + tai chi focused on flexibility)

Wed: Integral Strength

Thurs: HIIT (10-15 min)+ BodyFlow

Fri: Integral Strength

Sat: Body Combat

Walking/hiking/biking whenever I can and the weather cooperates. Since ds is off I'm hoping to do some biking with him, dh isn't the biggest fan of biking(and not in great shape) and dd1 needs a mountain bike. Dd1 and I are also hoping to do some kayaking, the rest of the family wants to go fishing and we aren't fans so we're going to bring the kayaks.

I totally snarfed down a bowl of cocoa pebbles yesterday, haven't had cereal in ages. I think I accidently doulbed my medication yesterday morning though and was feeling off. I usually take it at a certain time and couldn't remember taking it and took it again. Anyway, today is a new day. I did get gardening in and a little walk after my morning workout. Today is supposed to be cooler but sunny, hopefully I'll have another walk sometime today. 

Oh, I had my dr. visit (phone consult)- I've got a scrip for progesterone but it won't be ready until Monday. She said it is twice as potent as the OTC, we're going to try that on its own before trying to lower the estrogen, hopefully that is enough on its own to make me feel more balanced. I'm also going to try some stuff for my adrenals as my am cortisol levels are low.

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2 minutes ago, soror said:

Next week I'm going to try Integral Strength by Gold Medal Bodies. I started this years ago but honestly can't remember how long I did it. It is an 8 wk program, 3 days a week of strength training and 2 active recovery days.  It is entirely bodyweight training, I'm not sure how that will feel after doing a combo of bw/weights for so long, I'm hoping it feels like a nice change and that I'm getting a good challenge working on harder bodyweight exercises since I have so few weights here. I'll be working on broad jumps, shrimp squats, push-ups, l-sits, bridge, inverted press, and hollow body holds. 

I'm going to switch up my schedule since I'm not tied to TKD.

Tentative Schedule:

Mon: Integral Strength

Tues: Body Combat + BodyFlow (yoga + tai chi focused on flexibility)

Wed: Integral Strength

Thurs: HIIT (10-15 min)+ BodyFlow

Fri: Integral Strength

Sat: Body Combat

Walking/hiking/biking whenever I can and the weather cooperates. Since ds is off I'm hoping to do some biking with him, dh isn't the biggest fan of biking(and not in great shape) and dd1 needs a mountain bike. Dd1 and I are also hoping to do some kayaking, the rest of the family wants to go fishing and we aren't fans so we're going to bring the kayaks.

I totally snarfed down a bowl of cocoa pebbles yesterday, haven't had cereal in ages. I think I accidently doulbed my medication yesterday morning though and was feeling off. I usually take it at a certain time and couldn't remember taking it and took it again. Anyway, today is a new day. I did get gardening in and a little walk after my morning workout. Today is supposed to be cooler but sunny, hopefully I'll have another walk sometime today. 

Oh, I had my dr. visit (phone consult)- I've got a scrip for progesterone but it won't be ready until Monday. She said it is twice as potent as the OTC, we're going to try that on its own before trying to lower the estrogen, hopefully that is enough on its own to make me feel more balanced. I'm also going to try some stuff for my adrenals as my am cortisol levels are low.


All the reviews of Integral Strength I've read are really positive.  Let us know what you think as you go through it!  Lol Cocoa Pebbles.  I hope this new progesterone will work amazingly for you.  And biking and kayaking sound sooooo gooood.  I'm literally the only one in my family who likes to be on the water--I'd so beam myself over Star Trek style to come with y'all.

Your schedule looks good!  Nice variety.

My tentative schedule...

Monday, Wednesday, Friday: morning lifting with some KB swings or jump rope sprinkled in (since I'm getting less HIIT without CKD)

Tuesday, Thursday: morning outdoor chores, evening interval and HIIT stuff with calisthenics

Saturday: morning outdoor chores, longer running intervals in the evening

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4 minutes ago, IvyInFlorida said:


All the reviews of Integral Strength I've read are really positive.  Let us know what you think as you go through it!  Lol Cocoa Pebbles.  I hope this new progesterone will work amazingly for you.  And biking and kayaking sound sooooo gooood.  I'm literally the only one in my family who likes to be on the water--I'd so beam myself over Star Trek style to come with y'all.

Your schedule looks good!  Nice variety.

My tentative schedule...

Monday, Wednesday, Friday: morning lifting with some KB swings or jump rope sprinkled in (since I'm getting less HIIT without CKD)

Tuesday, Thursday: morning outdoor chores, evening interval and HIIT stuff with calisthenics

Saturday: morning outdoor chores, longer running intervals in the evening

Actually, I'm not a huge fan of the water but sounds much better than fishing! Dh loves kayaking, I prefer biking. 

I did the GMB Floor Program for a long time and I know I did this one for awhile, they have nice progressions, it is well thought out. It includes a nice warm-up. In later weeks it has some jump rope and sprints for HIIT but I don't know when that starts, not next week, so I will likely cut out the HIIT I have planned when they start it.

So, it is already getting hot enough there you want to be inside in the afternoon. We aren't even close to that here. Good luck on the new schedule, we've got to be flexible right now, don't we! I've not been one to entirely work out at home for a couple of years now.

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@soror  All the kayaking, biking and hiking sounds amazing!!! I'm not a fan of fishing, either. Sitting still for that long drives me batty. đŸ˜‰Â All the other exercises are amazing, too, I'm sure. I just don't have a clue what they are.Â đŸ˜…

@IvyInFlorida  So sorry about the CKD testing being cancelled and the whole situation there. I can understand your mixed feelings about your training and testing. Glad you and your ds can train at home together and keep each other motivated!  Glad my "Up North" nature stories are interesting. I'll try to add some photos to my adventures. 

@Laura Corin  I love hearing about your hikes on the beach and now the Scottish Highlands! Share photos, if you can.  Enjoy your trip!

@Matryoshka Great job keeping up with the variety of strength and stretches! Do you run on a treadmill or outside, or have you cut out running entirely because of knee pain?


It's sunny, but quite cold this morning. The slushy trails from yesterday are going to be very hard for a few hours. I'll wait a while before going into the woods.

I'm up to 20 push-ups a day now. It's much easier to do them as 2 x 10 push-ups, though.Â đŸ˜„

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19 minutes ago, wintermom said:

@soror  All the kayaking, biking and hiking sounds amazing!!! I'm not a fan of fishing, either. Sitting still for that long drives me batty. đŸ˜‰Â All the other exercises are amazing, too, I'm sure. I just don't have a clue what they are.Â đŸ˜…

@IvyInFlorida  So sorry about the CKD testing being cancelled and the whole situation there. I can understand your mixed feelings about your training and testing. Glad you and your ds can train at home together and keep each other motivated!  Glad my "Up North" nature stories are interesting. I'll try to add some photos to my adventures. 

@Laura Corin  I love hearing about your hikes on the beach and now the Scottish Highlands! Share photos, if you can.  Enjoy your trip!

@Matryoshka Great job keeping up with the variety of strength and stretches! Do you run on a treadmill or outside, or have you cut out running entirely because of knee pain?


It's sunny, but quite cold this morning. The slushy trails from yesterday are going to be very hard for a few hours. I'll wait a while before going into the woods.

I'm up to 20 push-ups a day now. It's much easier to do them as 2 x 10 push-ups, though.Â đŸ˜„

Very impressed by your push ups.  I'm enjoying managing to hold Half Moon.  My hips and shoulders are not quite stacked up fully top to bottom, but I don't fall over as much as i used to


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3 hours ago, soror said:

Actually, I'm not a huge fan of the water but sounds much better than fishing! Dh loves kayaking, I prefer biking. 

I really like being on the water - that's what got me into rowing.  On the paddling front, I actually have never been kayaking, just canoeing.  My brother just bought a kayak last summer, and I've been thinking of finding a used one to give him for his birthday so he has two and he could use them for himself and someone in his immediate family - or me!   While I really enjoy myself once on the water, I'm not so fond of strapping boats to cars and such.  With rowing, the boat is in the boathouse, and I'm just as happy for my brother to own all the kayaks.

48 minutes ago, wintermom said:

@Matryoshka Great job keeping up with the variety of strength and stretches! Do you run on a treadmill or outside, or have you cut out running entirely because of knee pain?

At OT, I was running on a tread.  I haven't run much outside, except when our rowing coach started having us do it as warm-ups - usually only .5 mi, but I did 1 mile a few times.  On the tread at the gym, I was usually going about 2 mi, but that was often with short walking breaks (30 sec - 2 min).

Today was supposed to be Dri-Tri at OT, which is a special program they do 2x a year, and you pay an extra to do it (last year I think premier members could do it free - I did the Dri-Tri relay, which was half the stuff).  The whole thing is a 2000m row on the machine, 300 bodyweight exercises, then run 3 miles on the tread (if you're a walker, it's 1.5 mi), and you have to finish the whole thing in 90 minutes (usually takes much less).  They just sent out a template for Dri-Tri, Social Distancing Version, lol.  I'm taking today off because we're going to go deliver supplies to dd19 at her apartment, but I'm thinking of giving it a try tomorrow.  They've swapped out the rowing session with some weighted and unweighted exercises, and we can go run outside.  Or walk, or bike (12 mi).  I might consider biking, but you're not supposed to take a break between, and I'd have to drive to a bike trail.  So, I guess walk or run.  I'm pondering trying to run and if I have to mix in some walking - can I go 2 mi?  LOL.

My knee pain wasn't that bad, but I thought I should back off, as I really, really don't want to injure myself.  I've done a few all-out runs lately (that's 30 sec - 1 min), but other than that I've backed off since I did a 1 mi. benchmark run on the tread about a month-ish ago.  I've been thinking I could start up, just more slowly (like not going from nothing to 2 mi. per class 5x/week), but here I am thinking I could try a 3mi run ...  but it's just once!  



I'm up to 20 push-ups a day now. It's much easier to do them as 2 x 10 push-ups, though.Â đŸ˜„

When I did the Chest/Back dvd the other day - my, there were so.many.push-ups.  Regular width, narrow arms, wide arms, diamond style (with hands touching in the middle).  There may have been one more.  They said 'max reps' but the dvd folk were doing 30 each.Â đŸ˜®Â  Yeah, I'm not up to 30 at a go.  I did manage 10 or more of each kind (I think I got up to 15 with some of the first ones, but not with the later ones!), though, so that totalled 40-50...  That was tough.

OT has started sending us workouts, so I think I'll do those when they're inspiring me more than P90X.  Did my first one yesterday, which also had some push-ups, and a bunch of burpees (yet more).  Oh, and they had us do an 'iso-push-up' where you go part-way down till your arms are at 90-degrees and hold it for a full minute. And then they had us repeat it.  Oy.


Edited by Matryoshka
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23 minutes ago, Laura Corin said:

Very impressed by your push ups.  I'm enjoying managing to hold Half Moon.  My hips and shoulders are not quite stacked up fully top to bottom, but I don't fall over as much as i used to


I can do some push-ups, but I still can't hold crow for longer than a nano-second.  Your crow skills are super-impressive!!!!

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@soror Yep, it's just shy of 90 right now.  Gonna be a loooooong summer!


Yardwork and HIIT accomplished (wind was blowing so I did it after lunch instead of tonight--I should have waited though!).  I'm having a frosty protein powder/banana smoothie and will finish the cooling off process with a nice shower.  Publix has discontinued the Cabot unflavored protein powder I used so after I finished my canister I guess I'll have to find something to order online.  Even before the virus stuff, I don't get to The Big City often enough to buy in person.


@Matryoshka That's awesome about the Dri Tri thingy and the workouts they are sending you.  Always motivating to have something to shoot for!

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1 hour ago, Laura Corin said:

The key, I learned belatedly, is to look forward, not down, otherwise you fall on your nose.

LOL, yes, and when I teach this I always have them start with some pillows in front to help ease their nerves.

4 hours ago, Matryoshka said:

I really like being on the water - that's what got me into rowing.  On the paddling front, I actually have never been kayaking, just canoeing.  My brother just bought a kayak last summer, and I've been thinking of finding a used one to give him for his birthday so he has two and he could use them for himself and someone in his immediate family - or me!   While I really enjoy myself once on the water, I'm not so fond of strapping boats to cars and such.  With rowing, the boat is in the boathouse, and I'm just as happy for my brother to own all the kayaks.

At OT, I was running on a tread.  I haven't run much outside, except when our rowing coach started having us do it as warm-ups - usually only .5 mi, but I did 1 mile a few times.  On the tread at the gym, I was usually going about 2 mi, but that was often with short walking breaks (30 sec - 2 min).

Today was supposed to be Dri-Tri at OT, which is a special program they do 2x a year, and you pay an extra to do it (last year I think premier members could do it free - I did the Dri-Tri relay, which was half the stuff).  The whole thing is a 2000m row on the machine, 300 bodyweight exercises, then run 3 miles on the tread (if you're a walker, it's 1.5 mi), and you have to finish the whole thing in 90 minutes (usually takes much less).  They just sent out a template for Dri-Tri, Social Distancing Version, lol.  I'm taking today off because we're going to go deliver supplies to dd19 at her apartment, but I'm thinking of giving it a try tomorrow.  They've swapped out the rowing session with some weighted and unweighted exercises, and we can go run outside.  Or walk, or bike (12 mi).  I might consider biking, but you're not supposed to take a break between, and I'd have to drive to a bike trail.  So, I guess walk or run.  I'm pondering trying to run and if I have to mix in some walking - can I go 2 mi?  LOL.

My knee pain wasn't that bad, but I thought I should back off, as I really, really don't want to injure myself.  I've done a few all-out runs lately (that's 30 sec - 1 min), but other than that I've backed off since I did a 1 mi. benchmark run on the tread about a month-ish ago.  I've been thinking I could start up, just more slowly (like not going from nothing to 2 mi. per class 5x/week), but here I am thinking I could try a 3mi run ...  but it's just once!  


When I did the Chest/Back dvd the other day - my, there were so.many.push-ups.  Regular width, narrow arms, wide arms, diamond style (with hands touching in the middle).  There may have been one more.  They said 'max reps' but the dvd folk were doing 30 each.Â đŸ˜®Â  Yeah, I'm not up to 30 at a go.  I did manage 10 or more of each kind (I think I got up to 15 with some of the first ones, but not with the later ones!), though, so that totalled 40-50...  That was tough.

OT has started sending us workouts, so I think I'll do those when they're inspiring me more than P90X.  Did my first one yesterday, which also had some push-ups, and a bunch of burpees (yet more).  Oh, and they had us do an 'iso-push-up' where you go part-way down till your arms are at 90-degrees and hold it for a full minute. And then they had us repeat it.  Oy.


Oh, yes, I remember a billion push-ups in P90x. I think that is a smart plan on the running, good luck with the dry tri. I don't care for loading up boats either(and I don't think I'm tall enough to load them on my own on top of the van) but if dh is home we can just throw them in the back of his truck, it is only 5 minutes away.

4 hours ago, Laura Corin said:

Very impressed by your push ups.  I'm enjoying managing to hold Half Moon.  My hips and shoulders are not quite stacked up fully top to bottom, but I don't fall over as much as i used to


Great job on the half moon, that is a challenging one.


10 minutes ago, IvyInFlorida said:

@soror Yep, it's just shy of 90 right now.  Gonna be a loooooong summer!


Yardwork and HIIT accomplished (wind was blowing so I did it after lunch instead of tonight--I should have waited though!).  I'm having a frosty protein powder/banana smoothie and will finish the cooling off process with a nice shower.  Publix has discontinued the Cabot unflavored protein powder I used so after I finished my canister I guess I'll have to find something to order online.  Even before the virus stuff, I don't get to The Big City often enough to buy in person.


@Matryoshka That's awesome about the Dri Tri thingy and the workouts they are sending you.  Always motivating to have something to shoot for!

Dang that is warm! We've been 60s to 70 but this weekend we only going to be 40s to 50s. 

I did my strength training this morning, was so not in the mood but I did it anyway. We bought some paint supplies for the house so I'll be joining you soon wintermom đŸ™‚

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