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Is it just my family?

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I called my mom to wish her a happy Thanksgiving, and to compare Turkey Day war stories.


I gave myself serious burns picking up a dish that had just come out of the oven. Then dh came within inches of stabbing me in the eye with a carving knife.


My mother dropped a glass bowl, sending shards of glass everywhere. My stepfather cleaned it up and put the pieces in the trash. Mom put something else in the trash and sliced her hand open. Then she dropped another bowl, sending cranberry sauce all over the place.


It's been a perfectly normal holiday for us.


Hope everyone else avoided scars!

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I'm well-known in our family for cutting myself during the holiday cooking. My BIL says it's not a holiday dinner unless my blood is in it (he has a rather morbid sense of humor). My husband just makes sure I have a supply of band-aids on hand before the stores close.

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Well, we never get through Thanksgiving weekend unscathed. On Wednesday we drove up to our church to help prepare a dinner to be served Thursday to local seniors. The woman coordinating it was great at finding jobs all our kids could help with. Just 5 minutes in, dd10 was washing a set of old vases to be used for centerpieces. Dd 7 is on a stool next to her, ready to gently dry the outside since floating flowers will go inside, no need to dry there This is nothing for her...old hat. But this day, one vase literally shattered in her hands for no reason. She began screaming, and long-story-short, she's got 3 stitches in the tip of a finger. So much for helping with the dinner!


Last year, my mom twisted her ankle quite badly while walking just a day before Thanksgiving. She went into some strange shock and passed out, sitting upright in my arms with her eyes wide open. I thought she had had a stroke or attack of some kind, but no...just shock I guess. Trip in ambulance, overnight stay, and splint for the ankle. No clue what happened to her really but no medical explanation for the nature of her fainting.


We wait every year to see who's goin' down next! :)

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