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Need dog bed suggestions


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So my new Australian Shepherd is a champion shedder. We combat this with daily brushing and daily sweeping/mopping of the floors. I am at a bit of a loss on how to handle his dog bed though.  I am not sure I purchased a fabric that works well for fur as the fur clings to the surface even when washed. I am currently taking it outdoors to hose off before it can touch my washer and then putting it out to dry. This method makes it smell better but it still has a million hairs imbedded in it and is gross to look at.  Am I setting my expectations to high to want a dog bed that actually looks clean after washing?  Do I need a new routine or a better fabric? What says the Hive?

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9 hours ago, Æthelthryth the Texan said:

I have been known to put a crib sheet over the top of our dog beds and secure underneath with binder clips. Then I’m not having to wash/deal with the actual bed cover near as often and the bed lasts longer. The crib sheets don’t grab the hair as bad- but I admit my - long hair dog never lays on them. But when they’re getting dirty/dusty just take the sheet off and shake/ vacuum and/or wash. My problem is we have many dogs beds and I get lazy and don’t always do this! 


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I like the Serta ones with the bolster, but hair does stick to it. They come clean in the wash though. Sometimes I use a lint roller to remove some pet hair before tossing in the washer. The only thing I don’t like about them is that even though the cover is removable, the bolster part comes off too with the cover to be washed, which makes it kind of big and bulky. But I do have the large size beds, which are big.

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We have the raised Kuranda beds with fleece pads on top. I like them because they are so much easier to clean than other beds - you can vacuum them, wipe them down, or even hose them down if necessary. The fleece pads are easy to wash, and I haven't noticed any hair remaining on them after they go through the drier.

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the kind puppy likes the most - is the elevated/ hammock style.  they're fabric on a frame and up off the ground several inches.  come in different sizes and fabrics.  some of the fabrics are shade fabric - and very easy to clean.  they're also cooler.

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I have large dog beds I love from Costco. They have removable bolsters, so washing the cover is really easy. Putting it back together is also easy. We've had them over a year and despite frequent daily use, they are in great shape. I just looked on the website but didn't see ours. They're sold in our local store. I think I paid about $45 each.

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17 hours ago, Æthelthryth the Texan said:

I have been known to put a crib sheet over the top of our dog beds and secure underneath with binder clips. Then I’m not having to wash/deal with the actual bed cover near as often and the bed lasts longer. The crib sheets don’t grab the hair as bad- but I admit my - long hair dog never lays on them. But when they’re getting dirty/dusty just take the sheet off and shake/ vacuum and/or wash. My problem is we have many dogs beds and I get lazy and don’t always do this! 


Exactly. We actually have a crib mattress that we bought at a garage sale for our mastiff and threw a crib sheet over it with some other blankys - all washable.

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8 hours ago, Æthelthryth the Texan said:

Those are the ones we buy! They are the only ones comfy enough for my Dobie. 

OP= another thing I've done is taken actual baby mattresses and used it as a dog bed. They're vinyl, so they just wipe right off. You can use sheet or not. Our other two dogs really like the crib mattress- I think it stays cooler and they can stretch out. But my Dobie will not go near it because it shifts when she stands and makes noise. And she's terrified of Life, LOL. The only downside, besides not working for the Dobie, is they take up a lot of room. But I definitely like the waterproof aspect. So easy to clean. 


4 hours ago, Liz CA said:


Exactly. We actually have a crib mattress that we bought at a garage sale for our mastiff and threw a crib sheet over it with some other blankys - all washable.

That's what I did when we had medium/large dogs. You can get an inexpensive new crib mattress for not much more than a good quality dog bed, and the inexpensive crib mattress will be much better quality. Sheets are cheap, and super easy to remove and wash. And being vinyl/waterproof the mattress itself doesn't get smelly.

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