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Fitting it All in or Making Choices or Streamlining...UPDATE 8/2


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Okay, take your pick of title, but I'm trying to envision how to schedule our next school year. 8th, 4/5th, and K/1st. I have too many things planned that I have to directly teach, I think, and don't know what to drop/save for later or how to schedule it in. I also have a 2 year old to keep occupied/feed/change/put down for naps/etc.

8th:   (student is a slow worker, easily distracted, but picks things up easily)

  • Lang Arts - WTM Academy -Reading for the Logic Stage; Grammar of Poetry; Fix-It Grammar; Writing With Skill level 1; Christian Liberty's Building Spelling Skills; IEW Medieval Theme Writing; Vocabulary from Classical Roots A; Figuratively Speaking; IEW Poetry Memorization
  • Science - Apologia's Physical Science (in a homeschool class), plus another electricity class (same place)
  • History/Geography -STOW Vol 2, Geography Coloring Book
  • Logic - Art of Argument
  • Math - Still a ? (dd can't decide between Saxon or Math Mammoth or ?)
  • Music - continue Piano Lessons; Art - Cartooning (in a homeschool class)
  • Health - required for our state - ?
  • Bible - ?
  • Spanish - ? (dd wants to start this)
  • Other classes - Orienteering (online with True North Homeschool Academy)
  • Maybe joining a Swim Team?


4/5th:  (some Learning Differences; student wants to do it alone but can't)

  • Lang Arts: Easy Grammar 5; BJU Reading 5; Apples & Pears Level A; HWOT Cursive; IEW Medieval; Vocab from Classical Roots 4; Brave Writer Arrows; IEW Poetry Memorization
  • Science - ? Apologia or interest led or "Science in..." ?
  • History/Geography - STOW Vol 2, Claritas Cycle 2
  • Math - Math U See Gamma
  • Art - Artistic Pursuits; Music - ? 
  • Health - Horizons?
  • Bible - ?
  • Her outside classes are: Ballet, Drama, and an animal based art/science class, various therapies, horseback riding


K/1st:  (never stops talking 😉 )

  • Lang Arts - Sing, Spell, Read, & Write; Phonics Pathways (for reinforcement when needed); First Language Lessons; Explode the Code; IEW Poetry Memorization
  • Science - My Father's World K units; Memoria Press K Enrichment, maybe Five in a Row books
  • History/Geography - STOW Vol 2, Claritas Cycle 2
  • Math - Math U See Alpha
  • Art - MP K art cards, Artistic Pursuits
  • Bible - ?
  • Other classes - 2 animal based science classes, and he wants to join a gymnastic class


If someone could come in and write out a perfect schedule, then cook the meals, clean the house, wash the clothes, I think I'd be all set.....😜  I often think I need a "boxed" program just so I can follow the schedule, but I tried My Father's World for 4 years and it never worked. I like building our own, doing our own thing, I'm just overwhelmed right now. I thought about replacing  the 4/5th's Lang Arts with a more independent program - one without all the parts - like Language Lessons Through Lit. or AOP Lang Arts, but she needs support in various things, and I'm not sure an all-in-one would do it. She muddled through Writing & Rhetoric Fable 1 this year - she liked it except when she had to write.



Middle student is going to public school. Her choice/insistence. So, back to the drawing board (for some things)!! I had it all planned, I had all the books bought! 😞🤪

We were going to do SOTW Middle Ages with everyone - is that too young for the 8th grader? How should I modify it, if at all? 

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I'm only working with early elementary kids but I try to find ways to strew stuff around or establish an independent way to practice things outside of "school time." So MP art cards get sticky tacked up on our museum wall (rotated with other school things) and the kids have fun organizing them in different ways based on different criteria, and since this happens to be next to our dining table I sometimes have them rotate who sets the table and who arranges the art cards for our viewing pleasure. I have a whiteboard on the refrigerator where they practice blob world drawing with a guidebook, often times while I'm cooking meals so I can still help. A pocket chart can be used to review basically anything; put SOTW cards, Spanish flashcards, phonics cards, roots cards, etc out of order and the kids can arrange them. Tape a copy of poetry for memorization next to their bed to practice recitation in the evening for a couple weeks. 


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The awesome thing is that you know it's too much.  It was hard for me when I realized I needed to streamline and chose some less teacher directed material.  The good news is that it all worked out and some children did better with my "new plan."


8th:   (student is a slow worker, easily distracted, but picks things up easily)

  • Lang Arts - WTM Academy -Reading for the Logic Stage; Grammar of Poetry; Fix-It Grammar; Writing With Skill level 1; Christian Liberty's Building Spelling Skills; IEW Medieval Theme Writing; Vocabulary from Classical Roots A; Figuratively Speaking; IEW Poetry Memorization
  • Science - Apologia's Physical Science (in a homeschool class), plus another electricity class (same place)
  • History/Geography -STOW Vol 2, Geography Coloring Book
  • Logic - Art of Argument
  • Math - Still a ? (dd can't decide between Saxon or Math Mammoth or ?)
  • Music - continue Piano Lessons; Art - Cartooning (in a homeschool class)
  • Health - required for our state - ?
  • Bible - ?
  • Spanish - ? (dd wants to start this)
  • Other classes - Orienteering (online with True North Homeschool Academy)
  • Maybe joining a Swim Team?

You have a lot there for Language Arts.  You don't need it all.  Please don't do WWS and IEW at the same time.  Chose one and, if you finish early do the other one.  My first did an IEW in 7th and finished the year with WWS.  He never finished WWS and it was fine. He's a great writer in an honors program. (He was not a great writer at the time, though.  I'm just saying slow and steady wins the race) Drop Figuratively Speaking bc you have reading.  Do the Poetry as part of morning time with everyone.  Schedule grammar of poetry after the Reading class ends if you have weeks at the end.

Consider swapping Art of Argument for Fallacy Detective.  My first 2 did AoA, my third did FD bc AoA was too much for me to get done with him the same year oldest ds was applying to college.  I liked it as well. 

The same ds did just Duolingo for Spanish this year.  It was perfect bc it fit into whatever time we had and now he has a grounding to take Spanish online for ninth.

Health I always used ABeka for eighth and below and cut out chapters or  passages I didn't like.  I think Total Health has a book for jr. high.  I like the high school book.

I only did occasional years of Bible as a subject and the other years I helped them start their own programs of personal devotions.

I'll do another post for the other kids.

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Next child:

4/5th:  (some Learning Differences; student wants to do it alone but can't)

  • Lang Arts: Easy Grammar 5; BJU Reading 5; Apples & Pears Level A; HWOT Cursive; IEW Medieval; Vocab from Classical Roots 4; Brave Writer Arrows; IEW Poetry Memorization
  • Science - ? Apologia or interest led or "Science in..." ?
  • History/Geography - STOW Vol 2, Claritas Cycle 2
  • Math - Math U See Gamma
  • Art - Artistic Pursuits; Music - ? 
  • Health - Horizons?
  • Bible - ?
  • Her outside classes are: Ballet, Drama, and an animal based art/science class, various therapies, horseback riding

This looks okay although you could drop Artistic persuits.  I would also drop vocab at this age.  You should be getting vocab in reading and the arrows.

K/1st:  (never stops talking 😉 )  I had two of these typs!!!!!!

  • Lang Arts - Sing, Spell, Read, & Write; Phonics Pathways (for reinforcement when needed); First Language Lessons; Explode the Code; IEW Poetry Memorization
  • Science - My Father's World K units; Memoria Press K Enrichment, maybe Five in a Row books
  • History/Geography - STOW Vol 2, Claritas Cycle 2
  • Math - Math U See Alpha
  • Art - MP K art cards, Artistic Pursuits
  • Bible - ?
  • Other classes - 2 animal based science classes, and he wants to join a gymnastic class

Again, feel free not to double up on art unless you all like it.  You have way too many phonics programs especially for a K/1 boy!  Use them one at a time or if the other one doesn't work.  I'm assuming you will do the science resources one at a time.  Sometimes, with my younger ones, I would just get simple science books on whatever topics the next child up was doing.  Then they could join us for science experiments.

My other recommendation is to write out your routine and when you (and the kids) will be doing what.  Be comfortable looping subjects.  You could make a list for subjects you do together that looks like: Bible (if you decide to do something all together) history poetry memory bible history poetry memory.  Then just mark off as you go.  If you get them all done one day, awesome, if not pick up where you left off and do 3 (or fewer if you can't get it all done).  That way, you make sure you cover it all, but feel less stressed bc you know something won't get lost (unless you choose).  You can add read aloud, art or anything else you want to .  You can put somethings less often in the rotation if you want (like art study).  Does that make sense?


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3 hours ago, sangtarah said:

Okay, take your pick of title, but I'm trying to envision how to schedule our next school year. 8th, 4/5th, and K/1st. I have too many things planned that I have to directly teach, I think, and don't know what to drop/save for later or how to schedule it in. I also have a 2 year old to keep occupied/feed/change/put down for naps/etc.

8th:   (student is a slow worker, easily distracted, but picks things up easily)

  • Lang Arts - WTM Academy -Reading for the Logic Stage; Grammar of Poetry; Fix-It Grammar; Writing With Skill level 1; Christian Liberty's Building Spelling Skills; IEW Medieval Theme Writing; Vocabulary from Classical Roots A; Figuratively Speaking; IEW Poetry Memorization
    Which WTM Academy course is your dc doing?
    The things I crossed out are redundant or unnecessary. There's only so much time...
    Is it possible that WWS might cover some of the things that are covered in Figuratively Speaking? Or Reading for the Logic Stage?
  • Science - Apologia's Physical Science (in a homeschool class), plus another electricity class (same place)
    I would be sorely tempted to drop the electricity class.
  • History/Geography -STOW Vol 2, Geography Coloring Book
  • Logic - Art of Argument
  • Math - Still a ? (dd can't decide between Saxon or Math Mammoth or ?)
  • Music - continue Piano Lessons; Art - Cartooning (in a homeschool class)
  • Health - required for our state - ?
    Surely you can dribble health topics into your life without making it an actual subject?
  • Bible - ?
  • Spanish - ? (dd wants to start this)
  • Other classes - Orienteering (online with True North Homeschool Academy)
    How does one do orienteering online??
  • Maybe joining a Swim Team?


4/5th:  (some Learning Differences; student wants to do it alone but can't)

  • Lang Arts: Easy Grammar 5; BJU Reading 5; Apples & Pears Level A; HWOT Cursive; IEW Medieval; Vocab from Classical Roots 4; Brave Writer Arrows; IEW Poetry Memorization
  • Science - ? Apologia or interest led or "Science in..." ?
  • History/Geography - STOW Vol 2, Claritas Cycle 2
  • Math - Math U See Gamma
  • Art - Artistic Pursuits; Music - ? 
  • Health - Horizons?
    Same as your older dc
  • Bible - ?
  • Her outside classes are: Ballet, Drama, and an animal based art/science class, various therapies, horseback riding


K/1st:  (never stops talking 😉 )

  • Lang Arts - Sing, Spell, Read, & Write; Phonics Pathways (for reinforcement when needed); First Language Lessons; Explode the Code; IEW Poetry Memorization
  • Science - My Father's World K units; Memoria Press K Enrichment, maybe Five in a Row books
    Maybe this child could shadow the older sibling?
  • History/Geography - STOW Vol 2, Claritas Cycle 2
  • Math - Math U See Alpha
  • Art - MP K art cards, Artistic Pursuits
  • Bible - ?
  • Other classes - 2 animal based science classes, and he wants to join a gymnastic class


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52 minutes ago, freesia said:

My other recommendation is to write out your routine and when you (and the kids) will be doing what.

I use Excel for this. I type up a schedule that works for my two oldest. Next to them i put dd2. Then I can see when I have to be interacting heavily with one age group or the other, I can't give dd1 a spelling test while I'm teaching dd2 Spanish (although I did try for a bit). I use the schedule to loosely run our days. 

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This is just language arts overload for every single kid. Everything else seems manageable. I think you just need to make choices. It's beyond obvious that you shouldn't do IEW and WWS in the same year. But I'd say you should also pick and choose a little with other things. Let the vocab words be the 8th grader's spelling, for example. Does the 4th grader really need handwriting still? Maybe let the poetry memorization be it and not do another poetry program on top of that. Maybe let the WTM class teach literature instead of adding Figuratively Speaking. Maybe your 8th grader doesn't need grammar anymore - you said she picks up things quickly. If she's had grammar forever, then she's got it. And cut your kindy's phonics work too. I mean, you have three complete phonics programs for a little, little kid. I would pick one.

For other things... Math Mammoth is a little more independent and you think you need that, so I'd do that over Saxon just for that reason. I'd do Spanish at Homeschool Spanish Academy. If you need to drop something else for the 8th grader, I'd drop logic.


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6 hours ago, freesia said:

You have a lot there for Language Arts.  You don't need it all.  Please don't do WWS and IEW at the same time.  Chose one and, if you finish early do the other one.  My first did an IEW in 7th and finished the year with WWS.  He never finished WWS and it was fine. He's a great writer in an honors program. (He was not a great writer at the time, though.  I'm just saying slow and steady wins the race) Drop Figuratively Speaking bc you have reading.  Do the Poetry as part of morning time with everyone.  Schedule grammar of poetry after the Reading class ends if you have weeks at the end.

Consider swapping Art of Argument for Fallacy Detective.  My first 2 did AoA, my third did FD bc AoA was too much for me to get done with him the same year oldest ds was applying to college.  I liked it as well. 

The same ds did just Duolingo for Spanish this year.  It was perfect bc it fit into whatever time we had and now he has a grounding to take Spanish online for ninth.

Health I always used ABeka for eighth and below and cut out chapters or  passages I didn't like.  I think Total Health has a book for jr. high.  I like the high school book.

I only did occasional years of Bible as a subject and the other years I helped them start their own programs of personal devotions.

I'll do another post for the other kids.

 She started WWS already, so I can have her pause when we get to IEW, or alternate. I mainly wanted her involvement b/c she would help encourage the 4/5th grader. I was on the fence with Figuratively Speaking. Actually, she may be able to just read through it herself. 

If Art of Argument is like Fallacy Detective, then maybe I should have her read The Thinking Toolbox...she worked through Fallacy Detective last year. 

Duolingo is a great idea!

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6 hours ago, freesia said:

Next child:

This looks okay although you could drop Artistic persuits.  I would also drop vocab at this age.  You should be getting vocab in reading and the arrows.

K/1st: Again, feel free not to double up on art unless you all like it.  You have way too many phonics programs especially for a K/1 boy!  Use them one at a time or if the other one doesn't work.  I'm assuming you will do the science resources one at a time.  Sometimes, with my younger ones, I would just get simple science books on whatever topics the next child up was doing.  Then they could join us for science experiments.

My other recommendation is to write out your routine and when you (and the kids) will be doing what.  Be comfortable looping subjects.  You could make a list for subjects you do together that looks like: Bible (if you decide to do something all together) history poetry memory bible history poetry memory.  Then just mark off as you go.  If you get them all done one day, awesome, if not pick up where you left off and do 3 (or fewer if you can't get it all done).  That way, you make sure you cover it all, but feel less stressed bc you know something won't get lost (unless you choose).  You can add read aloud, art or anything else you want to .  You can put somethings less often in the rotation if you want (like art study).  Does that make sense?



Drop vocab: check!

Yes, I was planning on S,S,R&W, then PP if he needed extra practice. Is Explode the Code a full program, too? I was under the impression it was more practice? 

Looping subjects....that is something I need to try!

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6 hours ago, Ellie said:


8th: dd is only taking Reading for the Logic Stage with WTMA.  Orienteering is a class to discover your strengths/interests/career paths. 

4/5th: dd doesn't like to read, and really needs the help, hence the BJU and me reading aloud the BW Arrows - to encourage a breadth of genres. I'm not sure how to do this otherwise. 

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4 hours ago, Farrar said:

This is just language arts overload for every single kid. Everything else seems manageable. I think you just need to make choices. It's beyond obvious that you shouldn't do IEW and WWS in the same year. But I'd say you should also pick and choose a little with other things. Let the vocab words be the 8th grader's spelling, for example. Does the 4th grader really need handwriting still? Maybe let the poetry memorization be it and not do another poetry program on top of that. Maybe let the WTM class teach literature instead of adding Figuratively Speaking. Maybe your 8th grader doesn't need grammar anymore - you said she picks up things quickly. If she's had grammar forever, then she's got it. And cut your kindy's phonics work too. I mean, you have three complete phonics programs for a little, little kid. I would pick one.

For other things... Math Mammoth is a little more independent and you think you need that, so I'd do that over Saxon just for that reason. I'd do Spanish at Homeschool Spanish Academy. If you need to drop something else for the 8th grader, I'd drop logic.


Vocabulary for spelling - great idea! And yes, the 4th grader needs handwriting due to fine motor delays. 8th grader does need grammar still, she isn't strong in it. Poetry is expendable, its just that I already own it! ha!

Thanks for the vote for Math Mammoth! And I've heard of HSA but I'm not sure it would work in our schedule or budget. 

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7 hours ago, freesia said:

Next child:

4/5th:  (some Learning Differences; student wants to do it alone but can't)

  • Lang Arts: Easy Grammar 5; BJU Reading 5; Apples & Pears Level A; HWOT Cursive; IEW Medieval; Vocab from Classical Roots 4; Brave Writer Arrows; IEW Poetry Memorization
  • Science - ? Apologia or interest led or "Science in..." ?
  • History/Geography - STOW Vol 2, Claritas Cycle 2
  • Math - Math U See Gamma
  • Art - Artistic Pursuits; Music - ? 
  • Health - Horizons?
  • Bible - ?
  • Her outside classes are: Ballet, Drama, and an animal based art/science class, various therapies, horseback riding

This looks okay although you could drop Artistic persuits.  I would also drop vocab at this age.  You should be getting vocab in reading and the arrows.

K/1st:  (never stops talking 😉 )  I had two of these typs!!!!!!

  • Lang Arts - Sing, Spell, Read, & Write; Phonics Pathways (for reinforcement when needed); First Language Lessons; Explode the Code; IEW Poetry Memorization
  • Science - My Father's World K units; Memoria Press K Enrichment, maybe Five in a Row books
  • History/Geography - STOW Vol 2, Claritas Cycle 2
  • Math - Math U See Alpha
  • Art - MP K art cards, Artistic Pursuits
  • Bible - ?
  • Other classes - 2 animal based science classes, and he wants to join a gymnastic class

Again, feel free not to double up on art unless you all like it.  You have way too many phonics programs especially for a K/1 boy!  Use them one at a time or if the other one doesn't work.  I'm assuming you will do the science resources one at a time.  Sometimes, with my younger ones, I would just get simple science books on whatever topics the next child up was doing.  Then they could join us for science experiments.

My other recommendation is to write out your routine and when you (and the kids) will be doing what.  Be comfortable looping subjects.  You could make a list for subjects you do together that looks like: Bible (if you decide to do something all together) history poetry memory bible history poetry memory.  Then just mark off as you go.  If you get them all done one day, awesome, if not pick up where you left off and do 3 (or fewer if you can't get it all done).  That way, you make sure you cover it all, but feel less stressed bc you know something won't get lost (unless you choose).  You can add read aloud, art or anything else you want to .  You can put somethings less often in the rotation if you want (like art study).  Does that make sense?


I thinking making a minute by minute schedule is an AMAZING tool to figure out whether what you are doing is reasonable. Then you can toss the schedule out the window if you want. 😜 If you can't fit the work in the day, neither can the student. Usually, in my experience, I revisit the schedule after a few weeks as the student finds out how long assignments actually take. Then we either drop some stuff or change the lessons to be time-based.

Yes, pick one phonics and do it consistently. You'll be fine. Choose one science. Choose one history (the kid is in K). Oh, goodness, science at home and two science coop classes? I'd just do the coop class and pick up books at the library totally randomly at an every other week trip. That way, if you all want to read them, you can, and you can skip them if desired.

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7 hours ago, sangtarah said:


Drop vocab: check!

Yes, I was planning on S,S,R&W, then PP if he needed extra practice. Is Explode the Code a full program, too? I was under the impression it was more practice? 

Looping subjects....that is something I need to try!

Explode the Code is a phonics program—just not as intense.

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16 hours ago, sangtarah said:

Okay, take your pick of title, but I'm trying to envision how to schedule our next school year. 8th, 4/5th, and K/1st. I have too many things planned that I have to directly teach, I think, and don't know what to drop/save for later or how to schedule it in. I also have a 2 year old to keep occupied/feed/change/put down for naps/etc.

8th:   (student is a slow worker, easily distracted, but picks things up easily)

  • Lang Arts - WTM Academy -Reading for the Logic Stage; Grammar of Poetry; Fix-It Grammar; Writing With Skill level 1; Christian Liberty's Building Spelling Skills; IEW Medieval Theme Writing; Vocabulary from Classical Roots A; Figuratively Speaking; IEW Poetry Memorization
    • Reading for the Logic Stage OR Figuratively Speaking and a reading list
    • Writing with Skill Level 1  (budget a lot of time for this, some assignments may need to broken out over several days)
    • Grammar of Poetry OR Fix-It Grammar 
    • Drop spelling/vocabulary - if you feel student really needs spelling use Spelling Works by Jim Halverson for one semester and one of your grammar options for the second semester
    • Poetry memorization as part of morning/family circle time
  • Science - Apologia's Physical Science (in a homeschool class), plus another electricity class (same place)
  • History/Geography -STOW Vol 2, Geography Coloring Book
  • Logic - Art of Argument
  • Math - Still a ? (dd can't decide between Saxon or Math Mammoth or ?)
  • Music - continue Piano Lessons; Art - Cartooning (in a homeschool class)
  • Health - required for our state - ? 
    • Does not need to be a formal class, select a few topics, read and discuss library books or videos
    • You could cover health as a family during morning/circle time.  Good topics for whole family include nutrition, personal fitness, first aid, and fire safety
  • Bible - ?
    • Consider listening to an audiobook version of the Bible as a family (morning/circle time); otherwise personal devotion recommended by your church 
  • Spanish - ? (dd wants to start this)
    • Getting Started with Spanish 
  • Other classes - Orienteering (online with True North Homeschool Academy)
  • Maybe joining a Swim Team?
    • Swim team and/or other physical activity


4/5th:  (some Learning Differences; student wants to do it alone but can't)

  • Lang Arts: Easy Grammar 5; BJU Reading 5; Apples & Pears Level A; HWOT Cursive; IEW Medieval; Vocab from Classical Roots 4; Brave Writer Arrows; IEW Poetry Memorization
    • Grammar: Easy Grammar 5
    • Composition: IEW Medieval or Brave Writer
    • Spelling OR vocabulary
    • Reading: BJU Reading 5  OR selected tiles from SOTW 2 reading list plus some popular titles
    • Handwriting
    • Poetry: family morning/circle time
  • Science - ? Apologia or interest led or "Science in..." ?
    • Interest lead or human anatomy
  • History/Geography - STOW Vol 2, Claritas Cycle 2
  • Math - Math U See Gamma
  • Art - Artistic Pursuits; Music - ? 
    • Classics for Kids (free online) OR Maestro Classics OR instrument lessons 
  • Health - Horizons?
    • Human anatomy (combined science/health study)
    • Puberty (Care and Keeping of You or similar title)
    • Othewise, same suggestions as for 8th grader
  • Bible - ?
    • Listen to an audiobook version as a family OR personal devotion recommended by your church
  • Her outside classes are: Ballet, Drama, and an animal based art/science class, various therapies, horseback riding
  • Other: typing - Typing.com is free and can be done independently


K/1st:  (never stops talking 😉 )

  • Lang Arts - Sing, Spell, Read, & Write; Phonics Pathways (for reinforcement when needed); First Language Lessons; Explode the Code; IEW Poetry Memorization
    • Either Sing, Spell, Read & Write OR Phonics Pathways and copywork (HWOT?)
    • Poetry: family morning/circle time AND nursery rhymes and children's songs (with 2 year old)
  • Science - My Father's World K units; Memoria Press K Enrichment, maybe Five in a Row books
    • Five in a Row for science, history, geography, art, literature, health,  (and possibly Bible)
    • If you want more: selected Let's Read and Find Out titles plus Sid the Science Kid, The Cat in the Hat Knows Alot About That, or Magic Schoolbus videos
  • History/Geography - STOW Vol 2, Claritas Cycle 2
    • Listen in as desired
  • Math - Math U See Alpha
  • Art - MP K art cards, Artistic Pursuits
    • If you already have these, use selectively, otherwise do projects in Five in a Row
  • Bible - ?
    • Listen in on audiobook with rest of family
    • If you feel he needs something else EITHER Five in a Row Bible Supplement OR read to him and 2 year old from a children's Bible storybook
  • Other classes - 2 animal based science classes, and he wants to join a gymnastic class
    • Gymnastics class
    • Daily outside time (include 2 year old)
    • Daily fine motor skills activity (include 2 year old or engage 2 year old when appropriate)
    • Science classes if they fit your schedule, otherwise nature walks and the park on a regular basis
    • Additional read alouds (include two year old)  - 4th/5th grader and 8th grader can do some of the reading


If someone could come in and write out a perfect schedule, then cook the meals, clean the house, wash the clothes, I think I'd be all set.....😜  I often think I need a "boxed" program just so I can follow the schedule, but I tried My Father's World for 4 years and it never worked. I like building our own, doing our own thing, I'm just overwhelmed right now. I thought about replacing  the 4/5th's Lang Arts with a more independent program - one without all the parts - like Language Lessons Through Lit. or AOP Lang Arts, but she needs support in various things, and I'm not sure an all-in-one would do it. She muddled through Writing & Rhetoric Fable 1 this year - she liked it except when she had to write.   

For an independent Language Arts program consider Critical Thinking Company's Language Smarts, Level E.   If you feel more writing is needed, have her do some writing assignments for history and science.  Also consider having her type her writing assignments.  It will take longer while she learns to type but she may be much more willing to edit a typed assigment than a handwritten one.



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