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Who's going to tackle Tuesday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Good morning!  There remains so much to do at the new house both in and out.

-run dishwasher
-get DS17 off to school (with his prom-posal poster - when did this become I thing?)
-get dinner in the crockpot (corned beef marinated in beer) - nope we are going to eat leftover takeout instead (really on top of things here...)
-school with DS14 (he has 4 online classes today)
-workout (total body weights)
-grocery store
-laundry DONE: 3 (it is never ending)
-work on decorating dining room
-clean bedroom and bathroom
-pull some ground cover in front yard
-get DS17 signed up for SAT
-read (at least 4 books behind in 52 book challenge - I love this book I'm reading but when I read at night I fall asleep by the end of the second paragraph)
-5:30 pm meeting at homeschool co-op on homeschooling high school (required before they let you sign up for classes)

Edited by Pink and Green Mom
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Good morning!

  • Drop dd at her tutorial.
  • Bake blondies with ds. Yumm!! With browned butter and hazelnuts. 
  • School with ds.
  • Figure out dinner.   quesadillas and a green salad
  • Take a gift to friends?   
  • Ds to/from science class. 
  • Pick up dd. 
  • AHG stuff


Edited by ScoutTN
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Good morning!

  • school w/dd (who is in a grouchy mood because of her looming Philosophy exam)
  • office work (finances, banking, & go through credit card bills - also really need to get back to work on my marketing thing)
  • horse care (open up back pasture, do some grooming - wish I could just groom horses all day out in the sunshine...)
  • wipe down kitchen cabinets
  • wash dining room windows
  • vacuum upstairs
  • kitchen things - make a bowl of chopped salad, make hibiscus tea, make up mix for oat english muffins
  • dinner: pasta and spiraled squash with arrabbiata and veggie meatballs, broccoli (it is clean-out-the-freezer-and-pantry-week here)
  • take a sauna tonight and get to bed early for once
Edited by Selkie
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Crazy day here 


coffee/read/prep lessons for dh to do with boys (let dh figure out the math lesson 👊🏼; spent rest of time discussing redoing the boys’ bedroom)

nag girls about school 

dd14 to counselor (huge anxiety issues—first visit 🙏🏼)

home for lunch (Eat RX Bar in van )

head to funeral for friend’s grandfather about an hour away

back home to finish up school (?)

visit mom and dad?


whatever else gets done housekeeping wise 


I’d Love to sneak away for a bit for some quiet time/reading/writing, but we shall see.

Edited by hopeistheword
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Good morning! Day 2 of Spring Break and it really is spring-like today- we are supposed to hit 70 this afternoon. Time to roll down the windows and turn up the music when I take ds3 to hit with a friend.

  • coffee/paper
  • write
  • water/weed
  • other house chores
  • ds3 needs to work on a paper
  • pick up dog food/lunch with ds3
  • leave for tennis
  • hang out at nearby Starbucks-read/write
  • pick up ds3 and drive home
  • maybe pick up dinner? dh has choir

Have a great day!


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Happy Tuesday!  Gonna be a really busy day, and I need to try not to let it send me over the edge.

Tonight is my kid's last public performance with her gymnastics group (she ages out this year).  They are performing before our local professional basketball game.  My kids wanted to have some friends come and make a fun night out of it.  For this to work, I need to drive the work van, means cleaning and airing it (someone spilled a bottle of bleach in there).  It also means cutting into work and homework time.  Of course this is also a very busy work and school day.

  • Up in the wee hours working / watching youtube.
  • Kid 1 up at 5:45 to do homework / test study.
  • Kid 2 up at 7; kids packed and off to the school bus on time.
  • Cleaned breakfast mess, bathrooms, and some clutter, and started to coffee up.
  • Caught up on news, emails, social media.
  • Easing into work brain.

To do:

  • Put kid's performance outfit / shoes in a location where I can't forget them.
  • Pull the van out of the garage and open it up to air it.
  • Maybe figure out a hack to get the bleach smell out.
  • Clean the van - my kids are slobs.  Kid 2 was supposed to clean it out yesterday, but ....
  • Make myself decent.
  • Sign in to the online ticket accounts and print and distribute the tickets and meal vouchers.
  • Put the tickets with the uniform so I don't forget them either.
  • Time the drive and plan backwards to decide when I have to quit work and hit the road.
  • Lots of work - at least 1 client has a big transaction today and several have major projects due.
  • Try for a FedEx stop.
  • Pick up kids at school aftercare.  (I hope they do their homework before I arrive.)
  • Drive to stadium / attached mall.
  • Hand off Kid 1 to her coaches.
  • Get the other kids some food in the food court.
  • Herd the other kids into the stadium and watch the show.
  • Herd everyone up to our seats and try to keep them alive for the duration.
  • Maybe stop at the gift shop as my kids want to buy a jersey for the sports-themed dance that is this Saturday.
  • Drop each of the guest kids off at his/her home.
  • Come home and force my kids to do homework and stuff.
  • Work.
  • Whatever I'm forgetting.
  • Whatever else gets done.
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Just remembered that you don't print these kinds of tickets - you download an app to make your iphone show them.  Got that done.

Also I needed to figure out how to be 2 different people and how to transfer some of the tickets to a friend.  Got that done.

Also just remembered that I have a chiropractor appointment at 2:something today.

Trying to keep moving forward until my brain can prioritize intelligently.

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Morning, all!  Pink and Green-promposals are serious business!  It will start for us after spring break...crazy times.  Hopeistheword-prayers for your dd, hoping she has a positive experience at her appt., SKL-good luck!  You're a trooper for doing all that!

I couldn't make a decision on the car.  Our internet was out most of the day yesterday, missing our Verizon service so much.  Ds's car was fixed, but dh noticed water dripping after he got home, so I have dh's mammoth car to drive today.  Dd and I are going to an outdoor mall down by the beach for a little shopping, lunch, Barnes and Noble, walk on the beach.  All this is she decides to get up and get going for the morning...

To do:

coffee, shower, dress

more coffee for the road!

day out with dd

return home for dinner (meat loaf tonight/had chicken last night instead)

make appt for lab work, if I can find the referrals

make hair appt for dd and myself

CVS for miscellaneous items

lesson planning

make sure dd works on online classes to reach % goal

read for 52 week challenge

formulate new night time routine

Have a great day!



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Cleaned out the car (good enough).o

It's airing out, I hope.

Fed the critters.

Completed & emailed a bunch of reports and files.

Filed a bunch of stuff so it can stop cluttering my brain.

Starting to get an idea of how to prioritize the big work items.  If only I could focus.

About to go get my 3rd cup of coffee.

Might need to put off my chiro and fed ex aspirations.

Need to remember to figure in time for my kid to change into her uniform.

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3 hours ago, hopeistheword said:

Crazy day here 


coffee/read/prep lessons for dh to do with boys (let dh figure out the math lesson 👊🏼; spent rest of time discussing redoing the boys’ bedroom)

nag girls about school 

dd14 to counselor (huge anxiety issues—first visit 🙏🏼)

home for lunch (Eat RX Bar in van )

head to funeral for friend’s grandfather about an hour away

back home to finish up school (?)

visit mom and dad?


whatever else gets done housekeeping wise 


I’d Love to sneak away for a bit for some quiet time/reading/writing, but we shall see. 

Update—school? What’s that? 😝

SOmetimes I’m amazed that we ever accomplish anything!

Dd14’s counseling session went well as far as I can tell. She is seeing a counselor we’ve used for several years who also saw my other dd who has OCD and I have also been to. Dd14 is a bit teary now, which is unusual for her, but not an unusual after-effect of counseling. 

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10 hours ago, hopeistheword said:

Crazy day here 


coffee/read/prep lessons for dh to do with boys (let dh figure out the math lesson 👊🏼; spent rest of time discussing redoing the boys’ bedroom)

nag girls about school 

dd14 to counselor (huge anxiety issues—first visit 🙏🏼)

home for lunch (Eat RX Bar in van )

head to funeral for friend’s grandfather about an hour away

back home to finish up school (?)

visit mom and dad?


whatever else gets done housekeeping wise 


I’d Love to sneak away for a bit for some quiet time/reading/writing, but we shall see.

Woo hoo! I’m at Starbucks with my laptop and books, working on my blog and enjoying tr relative quiet! 🎉. I texted my parents and they’re good, so I can skip going out to check on them tonight. 

Before Starbucks, I went to a local shoe store and bought myself a pair of Birkenstocks and a pair of Teva leather sandals. This is something of a splurge but also needed. I tend to buy pricey shoes and wear them until they’re completely worn out. 

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