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Feel like a dummy

Night Elf

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I ordered my dd a lighted compact. You open it and the top mirror is 2X and has LED lights and the bottom mirror is regular. I thought the lights would  come on when you opened it. I pressed different places and still couldn't get it to work, so I went onto Amazon to return/replace it because it was defective. I just got the replacement and it's the same thing. The LED lights aren't coming on. So DH took it from me, felt around it, found the button on the side of the mirror case that turned on the LED lights. So I bet the first one worked right. I just didn't press in the right place. Good grief. 

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13 hours ago, lavender's green said:

I once did that with a kazoo I bought on Amazon. Stupid thing didn't work! Neither did the replacement. Then my toddler came along and was just tooting away on it. I had never realized, after years of playing various woodwind and brass instruments, that you're supposed to hum into them.


!!!!!! Where was this post when I was 8 years old?!?!?!? I need to buy a kazoo stat and try this out. 

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A few months back, I ordered my generic toner from Amazon. It came in different packaging than it usually did. I was trying to change toner in the wee hours one morning, and found it didn't fit! 😮. I returned it and ordered a new one, only to have an identical package show up. I complained with customer service and they promised to remedy it.  Another identical package shows up.  I complain again and they refund me without return and promise to pull the product until they get to the bottom of it.

For some strange reason, something finally occurs to me.  I opened up this different looking package, and the toner slides right in!

Turns out, that early, early morning, my brain wasn't ready to recognize that I had been trying to put the cartridge in upside down.  There was never anything wrong with the toner. I guess I was overly fixated with the new design on the box!

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That sort of thing has happened here. 

This is not the same exact situation, but it was a time I felt like, “wow, am I dumb.” (The only saving grace was that I was one of four people who did not see the solution.) When dd moved into her dorm the first year, she was trying in vain to pull out the under-bed drawer, where she planned to keep her clothes. There was a fixed furnishing next to the bed at the top side, which the drawer bumped into, making it impossible to slide the drawer out. Dd puzzled over it. I puzzled over it. The roommates parents (one is a doctor!) puzzled over it. I told dd, “go get your dad.” She said, “well, what is he going to do?” I said, “I don’t know, but he’s good with spatial things like this; just call him up.” 

Dh comes in, sees the problem and says, “Oh. Just move the bed down five inches.” Oh. Yeah. Good idea. 

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Considering I am sitting in the bedroom right now hoping that the last button I pressed will made dh’s phone alarm actually stop ringing every six minutes.....3 to go.  All I can say is I can relate.  It must be a combination because I have pressed every logical thing once.  What happened to stop or end as being a thing when one is sleeping!  OK, I went into the menu and got rid of it because it just rang again, clocks are easier.....and yes he forgot his phone!

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