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The Re-thinking the Job Teachers Lounge 9-24-2018


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Good morning, all! Welcome to the Lounge!

We have cookies, coffee, and tea in the Lounge today. And some Honeycrisp apples too, I believe. Help yourself!

Any worn out souls/soles with me this morning? For close to 4 years, I've worked security for the NFL games here in FL.
I used to really enjoy it - especially when I thought it may be a stepping stone for me into the law enforcement industry. Since I started the job, though,
a good portion of my focus has shifted to different industries. I still like the company and the people I work with but I find that the body is not recuperating 
as fast from, or able to sustain energy as well during, the physical demands of the job. *sigh* Anyone else in a position where they're re-thinking their current job?

What are you up to this Monday? Here: at the moment, waking up! I would have woken up later if my cat hadn't meowed loudly in my ear. Later, when I'm functional, 
I get to pay bills. Yippee! Then schooling with the boy and encouraging my daughter to think about where else she wants to apply for a job.

Anything special going on this week? Here: not a whole lot here, although I wouldn't mind another mid-week camping trip. Not sure dh can take the time off, though.

What's for dinner tonight? Here: not really sure yet. Haven't thought that far ahead. I wouldn't mind making gourmet burgers at home, though. Or maybe we'll make gourmet 
salads. Have to think about that.

Talk to me! ?

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Good afternoon! 

Current job: I rethink it everyday since I don’t get paid and work really hard. Jk. Haven’t worked outside the home since oldest was born almost 21 years ago

This morning: renewed the plates on the car and shipped a package to oldest ds, did some math with younger ds, attempting to motivate tired 12 yo to continue to do schoolwork today

This week: Just a doctor appointment for me, but an out of town trip this weekend

dinner: something involving chicken and broccoli 

Good luck figuring out the job thing

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Hi!  Good afternoon!  We are done with 12th grade for the day, and I am waiting until it's time to leave for my annual lady-doctor visit.  Fun times.  

Dinner tonight is tuna salad sandwiches.  

The only really fun thing going on this week is we are hoping for a "cold" front on Thursday.  The temperatures are becoming slightly more bearable during the day, but only slightly!  By the end of the month, though, we should be happily into the daytime 70s on a regular basis.  Love October!

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Hello!  Around here we are fighting colds and feeling lethargic, but powering through our school lists. 

I need a job desperately, but with my chronic pain and my Dd's chronic illness and taking care of my elderly mother and homeschooling full time, I just don't know how I can do it. It's a constant form of stress for me. 

Dinner tonight is meatloaf and mashed potatoes - a recent thread for me in the mood for meatloaf. 

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Hi ?

Finally got dinner going, pot roast in a crockpot. I said I needed to start dinner at 10am, finally got it started at 1:30, which is barely enough time for it to cook on high and be done on time! I'll tell everyone to eat their salad slowly I guess, lol.

Today is a standard Monday, DD9 has piano and choir in the afternoon so I'll be running them around soon. Need to do some errands while she's in piano. Pretty quiet actually. This week is much the same. My MIL is leaving on Wednesday and coming back on Sunday, yay!, so I will be completely slack on housework until Sunday morning, lol. Sounds like heaven at the moment. And I can watch movies! and play music! And buy the kids pizza for dinner!! It's like a vacation without the expenses. ? 

My job is ramping up in stress right now; I love it and there's no one else to do it (home business) but the weight of possible failure is building up. Wish I just knew if it would all work out. But, ah well, nothing ventured, nothing gained.


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Good Evening!

I like my current job, the boss is amazing. ?

I run my own business so I better like it.   Today was teaching three classes - Lego Engineering, Biology, and Geometry.  I have some great groups of kids, worst part is the cleaning up.

That's basically all I have going on this week - teaching classes, a couple workshops, helping the kids with their school. 

Dinner was taco salads.  Leftover taco meat from last night on greens, with salsa and chips.  

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Good morning.  Today I got up at 4.30 AM to work only to have the site go down for maintenance from 5 to 6 (my boss may have been warned but I wasn't).  Finally finished at 8.30 instead of 7.30 so ds11 was 15 minutes late to school. Ds9 and I went to the park and ran errands and are now having morning tea before school.  We are going to try a tap class at 3.30 and a friend from up North is visiting early afternoon.  Apart from that school and a couple more hours work and AOPS PA for ds11 before tea.

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4 minutes ago, kiwik said:

Good morning.  Today I got up at 4.30 AM to work only to have the site go down for maintenance from 5 to 6 (my boss may have been warned but I wasn't).  Finally finished at 8.30 instead of 7.30 so ds11 was 15 minutes late to school. Ds9 and I went to the park and ran errands and are now having morning tea before school.  We are going to try a tap class at 3.30 and a friend from up North is visiting early afternoon.  Apart from that school and a couple more hours work and AOPS PA for ds11 before tea.

I first read the bolded as "try a nap class". ?That sounded like an easy A!

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I am a nurse working 12 hour night shifts at a small hospital.  Although I adore my job I do see it taking a physical toll and am thinking about next steps. At home on call now, so I’m hopeful that I will sleep like a “normal” person tonight.  Tomorrow is school with the boys, laundry and general cleaning.

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3 hours ago, Tessamae said:


I am a nurse working 12 hour night shifts at a small hospital.  Although I adore my job I do see it taking a physical toll and am thinking about next steps. At home on call now, so I’m hopeful that I will sleep like a “normal” person tonight.  Tomorrow is school with the boys, laundry and general cleaning.

Working 12 hour shift and homeschooling must be tough!  How often do you have to do that? 

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52 minutes ago, Ausmumof3 said:

Working 12 hour shift and homeschooling must be tough!  How often do you have to do that? 

I work 3 12 hour night shifts per week.  It is definitely tough and has caused some difficulties.  Thankfully, my sons are learning to be more flexible with when their day starts!  Last year was rough, but we are doing better so far this year.

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