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College Questions -- Accepted to 2nd choice...now what?


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Help me out here....(and Mods, if this should be in the college board instead, feel free to move me...)....

ETA: This is for Spring Admission, so the semester starts in January, which is why now vs. March. ?  Not ED or EA, just regular spring transfer admission. 

Oldest DS is finally finished with his CC courses and applying to transfer to a university program. We're waiting to hear from his 1st choice, but heard from his 2nd choice and he's accepted. Yay!! We have no reason to think he *won't* be accepted to the 1st choice, it's just that they may or may not have space in his major, so while it *should* go through, it's not a done deal, either. 

So....that said.....how far do we progress with 2nd choice school while waiting to hear?? Housing is going to be an issue at either one, probably, so we don't want to wait so long on 1st Choice that we miss out on housing at 2nd choice. But if we go forward with 2nd choice, are we obligating ourselves to him going there? Can he still change his mind if 1st choice comes through?

(I understand we would of course lose a deposit if we put one on housing, if he backs out, but anything else?)

scholarship apps are in (we haven't heard back on those yet), and actually the housing link hasn't opened yet, but just trying to figure out "what's next" in this scenario....DH and I both only applied one place, went there, done, so this whole 1st Choice/2nd Choice thing is new to us. 

at what point are we obligated to one school over the other?? (i.e., once we apply for housing? not until we accept the financial aid package? can we apply for housing before accepting the financial aid?) Help a sister out.....we don't want to mess this up. 

Edited by TheReader
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In many cases, you can go forward with the 2nd choice, but a housing deposit is normally not refundable. The issues may well be in the financial realm. It will be March for most schools before they issue financial aid award letters. Can you afford to commit to a school without knowing the financial particulars and knowing you may sacrifice the dorm deposit if first choice comes through? Also, did your student apply ED (early decision) to this 2nd choice school? If he did, he must accept or turn them down now, and schools consider it unethical to back out after accepting so if both schools are either specifically known for his major or in the same region, the student should be wary of backing out because the reputation may follow. Some schools do allow you to back out after financial aid awards are made if you plead the case that you really can't afford it because not enough aid and scholarships were awarded. But not all schools allow that because net price calculators can give you an estimate of out of pocket costs based on income and scholarship factors so they expect students to NOT apply ED to institutions they can't afford. If your student did not apply ED, then what you likely need to know is if you can afford choice 1, and if you will receive scholarship information and financial aid award before you have to commit to choice 2. As a general rule, unless a student applied ED or maybe EA, they don't need to make a decision right now to move forward. Most schools are used to waiting until that dorm deposit deadline, after financial letters have gone out, to hear from students. Also, many times their best admits are invited to scholarship competitions during the winter and admission's departments know the outcome of those weekends very much affect these students' decisions.

Post this over on the the college board. Many of the moms there are in the middle of this. My youngest is now in college so I'm done with the whole business and won't be staying up to date on college admission issues.

For what it is worth, none of ours made their decision until the last week of March each year. They spent two weeks mulling over the contents of their financial aid letters, adding up scholarships, looking at bottom lines, and weighing the other equally important pros and cons such as strength in their majors, internship opportunities, reputation for ease of scheduling in order to stay on track, campus culture or "fit", etc. They then informed the schools of their decision. Only one school had very tight housing, but he still got in just fine simply because most of the incoming class put off the decision until after those financial letters were issued so he wasn't late applying for a dorm room.

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I should have specified (and will edit), this is for spring admission, so starting Jan 2019. 

Cost for the 2 is similar, certainly we can manage 2nd choice college and while it wouldn't be ideal to lose the housing deposit, we can if we have to. 

We're hoping for 1st choice, obviously, but don't want to risk messing things up with #2 if #1 doesn't come through. 

Yes, same region; no, not ED or EA, just standard transfer application for spring admission. 

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Let me lead with the usual disclaimer of double-checking because so many things are school-specific. 

Generally speaking, it's fine to put down the housing deposit before making a decision. We had several schools advise us to do so. You are risking some or all of the deposit, their housing FAQ should specify. Yes, you can apply to housing before hearing about financial aid. 

Scholarships can generally be accepted with no commitment, it is not the same as accepting the school. We got many emails saying, please accept your scholarship, this does not obligate you but does hold the money for you. Financial aid, I'm not quite sure, but the offer should have some details and you can always call the office. 

Most universities accept May 1 as decision day, meaning regular applicants have till that date to decide without endangering their spot or their money. This doesn't apply to housing. 

Decision day works because most students take it seriously and do not accept a spot lightly. However, accepting a spot does not actually obligate you to attend that school. You can withdraw and not attend any school, you can withdraw and then accept another school. Always send an email to admissions regarding your withdrawal, it's very rude not to do so. 



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3 hours ago, TheReader said:

Help me out here....(and Mods, if this should be in the college board instead, feel free to move me...)....

ETA: This is for Spring Admission, so the semester starts in January, which is why now vs. March. ?  Not ED or EA, just regular spring transfer admission. 

Oldest DS is finally finished with his CC courses and applying to transfer to a university program. We're waiting to hear from his 1st choice, but heard from his 2nd choice and he's accepted. Yay!! We have no reason to think he *won't* be accepted to the 1st choice, it's just that they may or may not have space in his major, so while it *should* go through, it's not a done deal, either. 

So....that said.....how far do we progress with 2nd choice school while waiting to hear?? Housing is going to be an issue at either one, probably, so we don't want to wait so long on 1st Choice that we miss out on housing at 2nd choice. But if we go forward with 2nd choice, are we obligating ourselves to him going there? Can he still change his mind if 1st choice comes through?

(I understand we would of course lose a deposit if we put one on housing, if he backs out, but anything else?)

scholarship apps are in (we haven't heard back on those yet), and actually the housing link hasn't opened yet, but just trying to figure out "what's next" in this scenario....DH and I both only applied one place, went there, done, so this whole 1st Choice/2nd Choice thing is new to us. 

at what point are we obligated to one school over the other?? (i.e., once we apply for housing? not until we accept the financial aid package? can we apply for housing before accepting the financial aid?) Help a sister out.....we don't want to mess this up. 

Oh, How I hear you.

1ds was accepted to his first choice - but it was going to be way too much $$$$$ (even after aid and scholarships) ?.  however, we hadn't heard from his second choice (the biggest difference is he'll graduate with virtually no debt.) . . . however. . . . they didn't let people know until !JULY! they were admitted for the quarter starting late September.

so. . . in the meantime, as deadlines were approaching for the first school -  he paid his housing deposit, every other deposit, etc. for the out "requires a lot of loans" school. (some he could get back, other's were the price of doing business in keeping options open.).

he did A LOT of emailing back and forth with future professors about the syllabus from classes he'd been taking.  (the cc he attended isn't abet certified - however the local university IS, so the cc HAS to meet abet standards.  that wasn't previously clear, so the emailing back and forth.)

come july - he did finally get an acceptance to our local school (he lives at home).  at that point, he did let the first school know he wasn't going to be attending.  the first school started late august.

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1 hour ago, gardenmom5 said:

Oh, How I hear you.

1ds was accepted to his first choice - but it was going to be way too much $$$$$ (even after aid and scholarships) ?.  however, we hadn't heard from his second choice (the biggest difference is he'll graduate with virtually no debt.) . . . however. . . . they didn't let people know until !JULY! they were admitted for the quarter starting late September.

so. . . in the meantime, as deadlines were approaching for the first school -  he paid his housing deposit, every other deposit, etc. for the out "requires a lot of loans" school. (some he could get back, other's were the price of doing business in keeping options open.).

he did A LOT of emailing back and forth with future professors about the syllabus from classes he'd been taking.  (the cc he attended isn't abet certified - however the local university IS, so the cc HAS to meet abet standards.  that wasn't previously clear, so the emailing back and forth.)

come july - he did finally get an acceptance to our local school (he lives at home).  at that point, he did let the first school know he wasn't going to be attending.  the first school started late august.

That is super helpful, thank you! 

I really wasn't sure at all as to at what point we pass the point of no return....it's good to know we can proceed as if he'll attend 2nd choice, so that we keep the doors open, and then switch over later if 1st choice comes through. (and, for the record, his 1st is our 2nd, and vice-versa, but....:sigh:....both are within reach financially, so......just one is closer to home)

DH has sent home the link with all the "To Do/Next Step" stuff for us to go over with DS this weekend......with it being for Spring start, housing is already going to be an issue, so we really want to secure everything asap, just in case.....(and then we get to do this all over again for fall start for middle DS, but hopefully he hears from his schools "in order" as he put his app in much earlier for his 1st choice than his fall back schools....)

Anyway, thank you!

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I suggest contacting both schools and getting more specific information from them.

January is not very far away.

When does 1st choice school let people know if they are accepted? When do both schools let people know about financial aid or scholarships?  What is 2nd choice school’s rule about housing deposits. And so on. 

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1 hour ago, katilac said:

Let me lead with the usual disclaimer of double-checking because so many things are school-specific. 

Generally speaking, it's fine to put down the housing deposit before making a decision. We had several schools advise us to do so. You are risking some or all of the deposit, their housing FAQ should specify. Yes, you can apply to housing before hearing about financial aid. 

Scholarships can generally be accepted with no commitment, it is not the same as accepting the school. We got many emails saying, please accept your scholarship, this does not obligate you but does hold the money for you. Financial aid, I'm not quite sure, but the offer should have some details and you can always call the office. 

Most universities accept May 1 as decision day, meaning regular applicants have till that date to decide without endangering their spot or their money. This doesn't apply to housing. 

Decision day works because most students take it seriously and do not accept a spot lightly. However, accepting a spot does not actually obligate you to attend that school. You can withdraw and not attend any school, you can withdraw and then accept another school. Always send an email to admissions regarding your withdrawal, it's very rude not to do so. 



Thank you! This is super helpful!

It's actually for a spring start (Jan) so the May date isn't in play, but I assume same guidelines. I'll look into it more on the school's website to be sure, but just was feeling clueless. This helps a lot! 

Definitely if he applies for housing, accepts any scholarships, etc, and then switches to the other school we'll let the first school know. 

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1 minute ago, Pen said:

I suggest contacting both schools and getting more specific information from them.

January is not very far away.

When does 1st choice school let people know if they are accepted? When do both schools let people know about financial aid or scholarships?  What is 2nd choice school’s rule about housing deposits. And so on. 

1st choice school does rolling admits, at least during this term. Applying for spring is so different. :sigh: I'll call/have DS call about the rest....thanks!

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15 minutes ago, TheReader said:

1st choice school does rolling admits, at least during this term. Applying for spring is so different. :sigh: I'll call/have DS call about the rest....thanks!


Is there a typical time frame like that they’d respond in 4- 6 weeks after applying? 

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2 minutes ago, Pen said:


Is there a typical time frame like that they’d respond in 4- 6 weeks after applying? 

theoretically, yes. So, if they stick to that, we *should* hear in the next maybe 2 or 3 weeks....? I think...? 

Tracking everything, they've finished the audit of his transfer credits and assigned what will/won't transfer, so that's progress (and I think a good sign, but DH says it's just something they'd have to do for every transfer, b/c you have to have 24 hrs of transferable credits to be considered....). Anyway, hopefully we'll hear soon. It's housing there that is going to be the biggest issue & most needed, so waiting a little bit on housing at "already accepted 2nd choice" maybe won't be horrible. 


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OP thank you for the clarification about the entry date.  You mentioned your Middle Son starting in August of 2019. In addition to what you are doing for your older son, you and middle son need to be doing what we are doing now: This morning DD was working on the Common App.  She will also need to fill out the App that is specific for Public Universities in Texas.  On 01 October 2018, DD and I will be working on the FAFSA (I read a Tutorial on that and watched 2 or 3 YouTube Videos about it and that will probably be all of my studying for the FAFSA) and after we submit that and she has submitted applications, we can begin working on the CSS Profile, which most of the universities she will apply to require from applicants.    https://cssprofile.collegeboard.org/

You and your sons will be very busy, as we are!  Just take it one step at a time...

Good luck to DS #1 on getting accepted by his #1 school and   for getting lots of Financial Aid.

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23 hours ago, Lanny said:

OP thank you for the clarification about the entry date.  You mentioned your Middle Son starting in August of 2019. In addition to what you are doing for your older son, you and middle son need to be doing what we are doing now: This morning DD was working on the Common App.  She will also need to fill out the App that is specific for Public Universities in Texas.  On 01 October 2018, DD and I will be working on the FAFSA (I read a Tutorial on that and watched 2 or 3 YouTube Videos about it and that will probably be all of my studying for the FAFSA) and after we submit that and she has submitted applications, we can begin working on the CSS Profile, which most of the universities she will apply to require from applicants.    https://cssprofile.collegeboard.org/

You and your sons will be very busy, as we are!  Just take it one step at a time...

Good luck to DS #1 on getting accepted by his #1 school and   for getting lots of Financial Aid.

Thanks, Lanny!

Is your dd planning on TX, then? How fun!

Yes, middle DS has done the ApplyTexas app, FAFSA is done for the current year/ready to go for the next one, and I'll look up the css profile....hadn't heard that one. Middle DS wants to go to UH near us, and that's not something they require (and oldest going in as a transfer had of course totally different requirements). So far we've checked all the boxes for middle DS that UH requires-- they've got his first set of test scores, transcripts have been sent, Apply Texas app is in.....now we wait. I forget when they start announcing freshman admits for the fall. 

Do you mind saying (here or PM) what school your dd is planning on/hoping for? I don't know if she and my DS are still in touch every now & then or not....best of luck to her, though! I saw your post on the college board about her Nat'l Hispanic Merit Scholar -- congrats!! That's fabulous! I'm sure she'll easily get whatever school she's aiming for.

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