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Need iPhone 7 help

Night Elf

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Is it normal to have to charge once a day? 

They'll replace the battery but I don't know if that would help.

Can a repair shop replace the battery right then or do they need to send it in? They say it can take up to 5 business days and I don't know if I can go that long without my phone.

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It depends on how much you use it and how. It’s certainly not abnormal to charge once a day. I think most people probably charge their phones nightly but I often go a couple or even three days between charging. OTOH oldest DS is a heavy user and often charges his multiple times a day. 

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I have to charge my phone multiple times a day. I asked an apple customer service representative to look at it recently and he ran my phone through some diagnostic testing. He said the battery was fine, and he suggested that I keep it on the charger when I'm not using it. The more recent phones aren't like the old ones and it's not bad for the battery to keep it on the charger. I keep it on the charger overnight and then usually charge it at some point during the day as well. 

I don't use my phone that much, either. 

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Yes if used a lot. Especially for video, apps, internet... My Ds keeps his on “low power mode” unless specifically needing high for some app in order to help conserve battery.  It still needs frequent recharge even on low power mode. It would not if not being used much. 

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Ok. I forget to close out of apps completely. And I do the same thing in safari, just have pages open. I also turned off background refresh. 

I use my phone to text my daughters. Not a great deal during the day but I'd say between the two of them I'm hitting more than 25 but less than 75. I use safari at work when I need to look up something for work, like a pet bed to see how much it's going for used on ebay so I know how to price it, so I don't use it a lot.

That's all I use my phone for every day. I don't even make calls on it anymore.

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1 hour ago, Pen said:

How long does the battery stay charged if you get it to 100% and then power down the phone —not just sleep it with screen off, but swipe the power off? 

I have no idea. The only time I ever power down my phone is when I need to restart it because an app is acting up. 

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