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Who's going to tackle Monday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Good morning!

  • drop one of my dogs off at the vet at 8:00 (he is having knee surgery today) - pick up dog & cat food while there
  • pick up Rx refill from horse vet
  • maybe run into walmart for a few things
  • school (exam day for dd, so there will be a proctor here)
  • office work (bills bills bills)
  • dust and vacuum main floor
  • place Vitacost order
  • dinner: chickpea curry
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Morning, all!

Dh is off this week...don't know if we'll take a mini vacation or not yet.

To do:

coffee, coffee, coffee!

Dd to eye doctor, order new glasses online through Hive recs


grocery shopping

call repairman for oven

work on school plans for dd

read, relax

Have a great day!


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Hi.  I'm crabby.  I have a headache and I have to work at the office.  I forgot to bring lunch.  Blah.

  • Slept like normal people, except for the numerous night sweats that woke me up.
  • Kids up, ready, and driven to Jr. Medical day camp.  Luckily they remembered they needed to pack a lunch, kuz I hadn't had my coffee yet.
  • Came to the business office, made coffee, and set up for work.  I feel crabby because I don't have any clothes that fit properly at this moment. I don't want to see anyone.  Besides, I like being home alone.  Though, the construction guys are making a noise in our driveway, so maybe it's just as well.
  • Clearing old emails and stuff, trying to get in the mood for work.
  • Sent some emails re scouts so I could file stuff.
  • This is pretty crazy, but I signed up for this year's Turkey Trot 5K - for both me and my kid.  Now I really need to get fit!
  • I have lots of "work" work to do if I ever get going on it.
  • Look into the volunteer opportunity on Monday nights, since I'm driving my kids today.
  • Whatever I'm probably forgetting.
  • Pick up the kids at 4:30 and probably grab some McD's on the way to Ninja class.  (PS what is the address for Ninja class....)
  • May do a volunteer gig after Ninja class if it works out.
  • Vision therapy.
  • Kids should do reading class stuff if we don't do the volunteer stuff.  (Maybe even if we do.)
  • Read-aloud.
  • Kids to bed.
  • Work or sleep.
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It's the coolest day we've had in a long time (82*), so I got a lot of outside cleanup done.

Cleaned the kitchen, did some laundry, cleaned the main floor.

Tried a new recipe at lunchtime for flourless english muffins that you make in the microwave. It was pretty good.

The vet just called and said my dog is doing fine after his knee surgery. He can't come home until tomorrow, but one of the employees is going to stay with him through the night so he's not alone. 

I just remembered that he is going to need a cone collar and I hate those plastic ones they give you at the vet's, so I ordered a couple comfier ones from Chewy.

Ds18 has golf tonight, so I'm going to hurry up and make dinner.


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