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Acquiring a taste for plain greek yogurt

Night Elf

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I was going back through posts and noticed that you (Beth) mentioned Chobani full-fat.  I bought some when Costco was introducing it and had a 2-for-1 deal going.  I hated that yogurt! It had a weird vegetal, almost oniony flavor to it.  Aldi brand full-fat Greek yogurt tastes the same to me.

Of the national, somewhat reasonably-priced brands I like Fage best (when I don't make my own).  You might also try store brands.  To me, Wegman's is good, Giant's (regional chain here) is not.  If I end up with yogurt I don't like, I use it in baked goods or mask the taste by adding savory flavors to it, such as making tahini-yogurt sauce. 

Sometimes I add a drop of vanilla extract and a small amount of brown sugar to yogurt when I want sweet. I probably use about 1/2 teaspoon in 1/2 cup of yogurt - just estimating. I've found it easy to wean myself off sweet yogurt by reducing the amount sweetener I put in.   That is about 6 calories and 1.5 carbs, not a big deal to me.  

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On 5/22/2018 at 5:51 PM, Night Elf said:

I've only tried Chobani plain yogurt, full fat. I like the idea of adding berries and nuts/seeds. I just need them to mask that sour taste. The maple syrup didn't do it and I didn't want to add so much as to make it like the flavored yogurt I buy. 

I bought a protein powder that my dd's boyfriend recommended. I liked it best with milk and bananas but it wasn't my favorite. I think I'd like to try doctoring some plain yogurt first to see if I can find something I like.

However, I did find a new yogurt I love. It's Brown Cow whole milk Maple flavor. During the holidays, Chobani had maple but it was stopped when the holidays were over. So when I saw that Brown Cow brand I was so excited! For that, I'm willing to eat some flavored yogurt!

Brown Cow is awesome but don't look at how much sugar goes into them.  Have you tried Stonyfield plain full fat yogurt or Trader Joe's full fat yogurts?  I find them not as sour tasting and like it with a little honey and walnuts.

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I've seen both Fage and Siggis at my grocery store but I don't think I've seen Skyr. 

I understand some seeing plain yogurt as a savory snack but I want it sweet. I have a sweet tooth and it makes a nice snack during the day.

Thank you for all the suggestions. I'll try some different brands. I don't know why I didn't think about that before.

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1 hour ago, Night Elf said:

I've seen both Fage and Siggis at my grocery store but I don't think I've seen Skyr. 

I understand some seeing plain yogurt as a savory snack but I want it sweet. I have a sweet tooth and it makes a nice snack during the day.

Thank you for all the suggestions. I'll try some different brands. I don't know why I didn't think about that before.

The way I read your posts, you wanted to have Greek yogurt for the protein but wanted it plain or at least with less sugar. 

I hope you find what you are looking for!  Let us know.  :-)

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It tastes like sour cream, which no one would feel the urge to eat alone by the spoonful.


Speak for yourself!

Also: a bowl of sour cream with brown sugar and a bit of blueberries or strawberries is awesome.

Night Elf, if you have access to buffalo yogurt - which you probably don't, sad to say - that's the best and you should try it.

Otherwise, have you considered tapering off the flavored stuff gradually? Buy the plain full-fat yogurt, buy your flavored yogurt, and start mixing in a spoonful into each serving. When you're used to the extra spoonful, try two spoonfuls, etc.


However, I did find a new yogurt I love. It's Brown Cow whole milk Maple flavor.


With the cream on top? Mmm!

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16 hours ago, Night Elf said:

I've seen both Fage and Siggis at my grocery store but I don't think I've seen Skyr. 

I understand some seeing plain yogurt as a savory snack but I want it sweet. I have a sweet tooth and it makes a nice snack during the day.

Thank you for all the suggestions. I'll try some different brands. I don't know why I didn't think about that before.

Skyr is a yogurt type from Iceland. Siggi's and Icelandic are brand names that sell skyr (like Fage and Chobani sell Greek style yogurt.) My Aldi just started bring it in under their label and I saw tonight that Trader Joe's has one, too.

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