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Cleaning out...*sniff!*

I talk to the trees

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Dd graduates in one month. That's it. Boom! Yesterday, we decided to homeschool our daughter, and tomorrow we will be done. (That's how it feels, anyway. *sniff, sniff!*) 

We are now in the process of de-cluttering, downsizing, and getting ready for a move. (The only reason we bought a house where we did was so that we would have convenient access to the local CC and dd's dance school.) I have placed the last box of homeschool books on Craigslist, with the intention of hauling the box to the local thrift store if it doesn't sell by the end of the month. Then I thought that maybe I should offer it to the hive first. So! If you are in or around  the Rke Valley (Va) and would like a box of mixed subject textbooks, pm me. I'd be happier knowing they went “to a good home.”  ETA: No charge for he books. Thought I should make that clear. 

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Awwwww....I fell ya!  I have to make myself part with boxes and boxes of books and school papers, notebooks, and so on.  I may finally be ready to do so, and it's just about 5 years since my last one graduated.  I tried about 18 months ago and was able to thin out papers, but not get rid of entirely.  

Dh didn't understand, and I told him those were my memories of (mostly) great times with my favorite people.  I wish I had more photos...most of those years were before cell phones with cameras.

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We are in the middle of a remodel and this weekend I was packing up all the books.  DS21 saw me putting all four Story of the World books into the Keep Boxes that he was hauling to the garage and asked why I was keeping those when there was no one left to use them?  I’m clearing out lots of stuff, I told him, but the Best Stuff stays for me to use.  I never got a chance to read through all of them myself  and it’s on my list of things to-do.


i have cleaned out tons of things since DD16 is the last one and she will be a senior next year.  I still have 5 boxes of text books that I am keeping for myself - mostly math and science reference books.  Time Sure Flies!

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