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good diabetic diet

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Okay, my dh has been told he is borderline diabetic.  I am overweight, so I probably am, too.  I know we eat like crap.  I don't know what to do about it, because all the info seems so conflicting.  Tell me what diet to do.  Paleo?  Whole something?  Atkins?  Low fat?  Low carb?  Bonus points if there's a book I can buy.  

Note:  We like meat and do not want to give it up completely, although we are open to eating better and less meat if need be.  



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You wouldn't have to give up meat on a low carb diet.  There are different approaches, but I'd say read up on various approaches and decide which one you think you can most likely live with.  I personally enjoy low carb so it works for me, but others follow other plans and that works best for them.

In terms of low carb, I think Atkin's is the easiest one to follow.  That's basically what I follow.  You just count carbs.  Something like Keto has you tracking other things on top of carbs. 

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Get a glucometer.  Test two hours after every meal.  Log your foods and note which foods spike your bloodsugars.  Basically, stay away from refined carbohydrates and fast sugars like juices or soda.  I personally do best with no more than 40 g. of carbohydrates per meal but it depends on which meal to some extent.  (My body can handle a bit more at breakfast and not as much later in the day.) 

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Oh, and your blood sugar readings should be 120 (or less) two hours after a meal.  100 or less first thing in the morning (fasting).  At first it might be higher but shoot for better control and it will slowly come down and will stabilize.  Certain things like illness and stress can also make your blood sugar readings higher. 

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We're increasingly finding that different people react differently to foods. The same food which has no effect on one person might make another person's blood sugar skyrocket.

However, as a rule you can't go wrong by increasing your vegetables and eating more whole grains (brown rice, barley, whole wheat bread) where you currently eat refined grains and potatoes. You also would certainly benefit from increasing exercise - taking a 20 minute walk every day, lifting weights two or three times a week, doing some sort of intense workout for 15 minutes a day.

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6 hours ago, perkybunch said:

Okay, my dh has been told he is borderline diabetic.  I am overweight, so I probably am, too.  I know we eat like crap.  I don't know what to do about it, because all the info seems so conflicting.  Tell me what diet to do.  Paleo?  Whole something?  Atkins?  Low fat?  Low carb?  Bonus points if there's a book I can buy.  

Note:  We like meat and do not want to give it up completely, although we are open to eating better and less meat if need be.  



No to all the above, at least for me. A balanced diet with good healthy carbs, lean meats, a reasonable amount of healthy fats, LOTS of veggies and fruits. minimal sugar, little to no processed foods.  I am almost off my meds and the closer I stay to those guidelines the closer i am to quitting the pharmaceuticals for good.


I also can't give up meat entirely ( I really tried, cause meat is gross).  So I eat beef 2 maybe 3 times a month. chicken 2-3 times a week, fish seafood whenever the mood strikes. Milk is my weakness so I drink skim. I used to think 2% was watery but I scaled down the fat, 2% for awhile, then 1%, then 1/2 1% half skim, now 2% tastes like half and half to me.  Carbs- I switched to the high protein or veggie pasta (whole grain pasta makes life not worth living). I only eat it 1 time per week. Otherwise I eat rice.  I found that I really love ethnic foods that don't use white flours and processed carbs. I put veggies in everything. I mean if I'm going to make chicken and rice I search the fridge for veggies that can go in and I put a little of each in it. Peas, carrots, spinach, mushrooms, onions, broccoli.  I have invested in spices. i have at least 40 different ones.

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I agree w/ Jean and Tanqui- get a meter and start checking after your meals.

Some people get their blood sugar under control with a low carb diet and some with a high carb/low fat whole foods vegan diet. 

So, I don't think there is one diet that will work for everyone. I think the basics are cut the sugar and processed food, especially things like sweetened drinks.

Also, I would say my A1C was right at the edge of pre-diabetic when my hormones were messed up after my last baby. I also had a horrible time sleeping, which really messed up my appetite. If you have difficulty sleeping I'd look into treating the cause of that, it is hard to eat well when you are exhausted, it is a vicious cycle.

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