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Looking at houses/condos way in advance of a move question


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I am considering a move. It would not be for at least 6 months, possibly longer. I am looking at an area about 2 hours from my current location that has awesome services for my special needs kids....the biggest of which is door to door transportation at a very reasonable rate.


I will be going through this town next week and have a few free hours. I would love to go through a condo that is for sale to get a feel for it, the location, floor plan, etc. It is empty.


Would this be taking advantage of a realtor to ask to see this condo? I also hope to check out the local special needs program, YMCA, and possible a church (they are hosting a free community meal during this time frame) while I am there.


If I did see it I would take 15 minutes or so to look around inside.

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No, I don't think it would be at all. Realtors are used to taking people around town when they are considering relocating, and that is exactly what you are doing! When you call, just say you are considering relocating to the area and that you would like to see this particular property to get a feel for what is available in your price range. 


ETA: You may want to mention to the realtor that you want to see the YMCA, she/he may have a contact there and be able to set up a good tour and review of the programs for you. She may know someone with the special needs program and the church you want to visit as well. 

Edited by TechWife
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How else would you get to know what kind of property you can afford in a new area if you didn’t go see some of them? I guess you could go to open houses, but it’s not always possible to do that when you don’t already live nearby.


It makes perfect sense to me that you would contact a real estate agent and ask to see a few places while you’re in the area. You can explain that you won’t be moving for a while, but say you’d like to be put on his or her email list so you can be informed as new properties that meet your criteria go up for sale in your target area. That way, when you’re ready to move, you’ll already be ahead of the game — you’ll already have a realtor and you’ll already know what’s available for sale and what you can expect to get for the money you want to spend.

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Thanks for the encouragement. Now to figure out who might be a really good realtor in that area.... preferably female since I will be alone this trip.


On paper this area has so much to offer....great transportation for my special needs kids, services, churches that look like a good fit, wonderful outdoor recreational opportunities year round, jobs available for me, etc. But as we all know, on paper and the real feel of the area might be vastly different.

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Since you are not actually buying anything right now I don't know that it matters as much on selection of a real estate agent.  Normally I recommend you interview at least two, preferably three, to find a good match but in this instance I wouldn't worry that much.  Call an agency that might have a good reputation in the area and request a female agent.  Is there an agent already attached to the property?  They might try to pressure you into buying that particular property so I don't know that I would go with them but at the same time they would potentially know it well.

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I called today and the 2 properties that interest me most are empty so easy to see. Might see 1-2 more but told realtor do NOT put any family out, make them go into super cleaning mode, etc for me as I am not ready to buy right now......but seeing a few empty properties will be nice.

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